

单词 totes
释义 totes 英'təʊts美'təʊts COCA⁷²⁹⁶⁹BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺
名词 tote:
a capacious bag or basket
动词 tote:
carry with difficulty A Southern women dressed casually in jeans totes her child in one arm and a shotgun in the other, exuding an air of protectiveness.
一身休闲装扮的着牛仔裤的南方女子一手搂着孩子,一手拿着枪,空气中充满了保护欲。 yeeyan

Jaws that can crush a backbone become a tender conveyance as Sita totes a cub to a new den, a constant chore to safeguard her young from leopards, wild dogs, and other tigers.
悉达 Sita能咬碎脊椎的利齿此刻变为温柔的运输工具,将她的孩子转移到新的洞穴。为了保护小老虎免受猎豹,野犬和其他老虎的攻击,她不得不经常这样做。 yeeyan

The constant reversal of the piston travel sets up inertia totes, which increase both with the weight of the piston and with its speed.
活塞的不断往复运动产生了惯性力,惯性力随活塞的重量及其速度的增加而增大。 mapeng

The latest craze in the recycled fashion world is handbags and totes made from recycled plastic grocery bags, crocheted together.
可回收时装界当今最流行的便是可回收塑料袋编制而成的提包和手提袋。 yeeyan

The room h being a wide closet. You can put your totes in it.
房间里有一个很大的壁橱,你不妨把你的行李放出来。 a.mcc66.com

The room ha great importould like closet. You can put your totes in it.

Don't forget big brother or sister when a new baby arrives- California Baby? I Love You? Aromatherapy Bubble Bath, Massage Oil, Gifts Totes and Spritzer makes a thoughtful sibling gift.
不要忘了,如果哥哥或是姐姐的宝宝刚刚出生,加州宝宝我爱你系列香薰产品是体现手足情深最好的礼物。 tao.51easygo.com

In the tender trap of her jaws, a Bengal tiger totes her cub in India's Bandhavgarh National Park.
在印度的斑德哈瓦加国家公园,一只少见的多产孟加拉虎在16年里产下了6胎。 club.163.com

The single seater aero car totes VWVolkswagen branding.
这种流线型外形的单座车由大众汽车生产。 hjenglish

There is no point in having totes then and really much of the distinction of the shaman class is just gone.
我不想提起这个因为它听起来像是我在推卸责任,而且我认为他们做这些事有足够的理由。 www.1t1t.com

These totes are reasonably priced, come in a variety of styles and colors.
这些手提袋价格合理,有各种款式和颜色。 hxen

This grooming equipment storage area is located near cross ties and has cubicles for grooming totes that are filled with brushed, combs, curries, and sponges.
这间梳洗用品储藏室在十字带的附近,内有专门用于放置梳洗篮的小隔间。梳洗篮里包括软毛刷,梳子、梳刷以及海绵。 blog.sina.com.cn




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