

单词 toted
释义 tote·d 英təʊt美toʊt COCA⁶³⁵⁸⁰BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
a capacious bag or basket
carry with difficulty;

You'll have to lug this suitcase

tote bag大手提袋tote pan托盘tote board赌金揭示牌tote box工具箱tote bin大型手提袋
近义词 bag袋lug 柄haul拖drag拖bear熊hold拿着carry携带wield行使tug用力拉brandish挥transport运输heave用力举起holdall大旅行袋tote bag大手提袋carryall轻便马车cartC二轮或四轮运货…

用作及物动词But already shoppers are beginning tototetheir own.但是顾客已经开始自带购物袋了。
I've beentotingthis bag round all day.我一整天都带著这个提包。
These poles are heavy, I should find someone else totote这些柱子好沉啊,我该找别的搬。用作名词Her husband needs a briefcase and atotebag.她丈夫需要一个公事包和一个背袋。
To avoid using plastic bags, I take mytotebag when I go shopping.为了避免使用塑胶袋,我去购物的时候都会带购物袋。
The design of thetotecart base is reasonable , and it don't flutter for promise to put full module and don't turn over to pour .周转车的底座设计合理,能保证放满组件后不摇晃,不翻到。用作名词He might have been attached in some way totote.他可能是让赛马场的赌金计算器迷住了。 During the Revolutionary War, the Declaration of Independence was rolled up and toted around like a Thomas Bros. map, although, given the vicissitudes of war, that’s perhaps understandable.
独立战争期间,《独立宣言》像一份 Thomas Bros.地图一样被人卷起、四处飘荡,诚然,战争变化无常,也许这种做法可以理解。 yeeyan

Another of the fighters who said he took part in the capture toted a heavily engraved a golden pistol he said he took from Gaddafi as he was hoisted on the shoulders of his comrades.
另外一个参与抓捕的士兵说,他在弟兄们扛着卡扎菲游行时,缴获了一把重重的全金手枪。 yeeyan

Caring for others cannot be toted up according to a calculus of cost and returns.
照顾别人不能根据计算支出和所得而予以合计。 yeeyan

Conclusion: Pure operation of reduction of the toted testes would enhance the damage. Effective drugs should be used to protect the diseased tissue.
结论:单纯的睾丸扭转复位手术会加重组织损伤,应提倡手术同时选用有效的药物保护。 chemyq

FOR years, your itinerant correspondent toted a palmtop computer, rather than a laptop, to do his e- mail as well as to file stories while on his peregrinations abroad.
多年以来,贵方巡回通讯员在海外漂泊时,携带着不是笔记本电脑而是掌上电脑进行邮件收发、新闻上传。 yeeyan

He toted up his debts.

I toted home her oval tin bathtub and the chair I once stood on like a big shot behind the counter of her shop, packing chocolate and rolling coins.
那把椅子本来放在祖母店里的柜台后面,我曾经像个大人物似的,站在上面,把巧克力包起来,硬币卷成卷。 westlifecn

Kim toted our mistakes: no prenatal care, offhand diet, overwork.
金提起了我们的失误:没有胎儿期照顾、便地饮食、作过度。 bab

She had no sense of context, of the rules of the game, of the formulas by which her statements and those of the others were toted up into guilt and innocence, conviction and acquittal.
她不理解那环境,不理解那游戏规则,不熟悉她陈述的方法以及其它被累计起来的有罪与无罪,证明有罪和宣告无罪。 yeeyan

The concept of “ casual complex sentences” is toted by Mr.
“因果类复句”这一概念是由邢福义先生提出来的。 cnki

They toted canvas sacks over their shoulders.




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