

单词 belts
释义 belt·s 英belt美belt 高ICOCA¹⁰²⁶⁹BNC⁹⁷⁵⁰Economist⁸⁴⁸⁶

strip of leather, cloth, etc. usually worn around the waist


an endless circle band of leather other material used for driving a machine or moving things from one place to another

C区域; 地带

an area that has a particular quality or part

vt. & vi. 用带束紧,用带子系住

fasten with a belt

vt. & vi. 抽打,用皮带打

thrash; hit with a belt

vt. & vi. 重打

hit very hard, especially with the hand

vt. & vi. 快速行进

travel fast

endless loop of flexible material between two rotating shafts or pulleysa band to tie or buckle around the body usually at the waistan elongated region where a specific condition or characteristic is found;

a belt of high pressure

a vigorous blow;

the sudden knock floored him

he took a bash right in his face

he got a bang on the head

a path or strip as cut by one course of mowingammunition usually of small caliber loaded in flexible linked strips for use in a machine gunthe act of hitting vigorously;

he gave the table a whack

sing loudly and forcefullydeliver a blow to;

He belted his opponent

fasten with a belt;

belt your trousers

belt, band, ribbon, strap, stripe



2.从功用上说:band主要用来系、固定,也用来装饰; belt主要用作腰带;ribbon主要用作装饰;strap和stripe则用途较广。


the beltline 腰围

the belt line 城市环线

a belted man 束腰带的人

a beltman 负责机器皮带保养的维修工











用作名词 n.
动词+~buckle a belt扣紧皮带fasten a belt束紧皮带,系上皮带loosen a belt松开皮带put a belt around…把带子绕在…tighten the belt系紧皮带;省吃俭用undo a belt解开皮带wear a belt系皮带形容词+~green belt绿化带rich belt肥沃地带名词+~conveyor belt传送带corn belt玉米产区cotton belt棉花产区forest belt林带life belt救生带,安全带money belt钱带safety belt安全带seat belt座位上的安全带shoulder belt套在肩上的安全带waist belt腰带~+名词the belt line城市环线介词+~below the belt不公正的; 伤人的under one's belt在腹中,在以往的经历中用作动词 v.~+名词belt a sword佩带剑~+副词belt along快速移动belt on用带系住belt out大声唱出或奏出belt up系好带子,安静~+介词belt along行动迅速belt down在…上迅速移动belt in猛打在…belt into狠揍,痛骂
用作名词n.below the belt

不公正的; 伤人的 unfair or cruel

pull in one's belt

勒紧裤带,节衣缩食 spend less; make economies

tighten one's belt

俭省,节约度日,忍饥受饿 spend less; make economies

under one's belt

为自己所有,在自己手中,在腹中 have as an achievement or experience; in the abdomen

belt along¹ v.+adv.

迅速行动 move fast

belt alongHe belts along in the car.他驱车向前冲。
belt along² v.+prep.

迅速行动 move fast

belt along sthWe belted along the motorway for nearly a hundred miles, and then had to travel at a crawl along the minor roads.我们在快车道上飞驰了近100英里,然后不得不在小路上慢吞吞地行进。
belt down v.+prep.

在…上迅速移动 move very fast in specified direction

belt sb down sthHe was belted down the motorway at 90 m.p.h.他在高速公路上以每小时90英里的速度行驶。
belt in v.+prep.

猛打 hit very hard

belt sb in sthShe belted me in the eye.她打着了我的眼睛。
belt into v.+prep.

狠揍; 痛骂 hit very hard; scold hard

belt into sbI lost my temper and belted into him.我发火了,狠狠地揍了他一顿。
When he said that,I belted into him and told him just what I thought.他说了那事以后,我痛骂了他一顿并告诉他我是怎样想的。
belt on v.+adv.

用带系住 fasten with a belt

belt sth ⇔ onThe officer belted his sword on.那军官用带子把剑佩上。
The detective belted his pistol on.侦探用带子将手枪系住。
belt out v.+adv.

大声〔用力〕唱 sing loudly and forcefully

belt outI open the door, the cat belted out.我把门一打开,猫就飞快跑出去了。belt sth ⇔ outShe belted out a high note.她大声唱出高音。
She belted out ballads and hillbilly songs one after another all evening.她整晚一个接一个地大唱民谣和乡村小调。
No one can belt out those old songs as she can.没有人能像她那样高声唱出那些老歌。
They belted it out for all they were worth.他们尽情地放声歌唱。
belt out of v.+adv.+prep.

把…用力打出 hit sth very hard out of sth

belt sth out of sthThe tennis player was so annoyed that he belted the ball right out of the court.那个网球手恼怒地用力一挥把球打到网球场外去。
belt up v.+adv.

〈俚〉安静 be quiet

belt upThe soldiers belted up and went out.战士们系好腰带,走了出去。
Many people think it is important to belt up before you start to drive.许多人认为开车之前系上安全带是重要的。belt sth ⇔ upHe belted up his raincoat.他扎好雨衣的带子。
They belted the mechanism up.他们把机械装置挂上了皮带。belt upBelt up.I can't hear what your mother is saying.安静点,我听不到你母亲所说的话了。
Belt up, you boys,Father's asleep.静下来吧,孩子们,爸爸在睡觉。
Oh, belt up,I'm tired of your moaning.哦,别说了,我讨厌你的悲叹声。近义词 rush冲line线gird束tie束缚layer层rap轻敲sash饰带band乐队zone地域dash猛冲cord细绳ring戒指tape磁带rope绳索bond债券bash怒殴bang巨响area面积strap皮带thump重击strip剥去braid辫子thong皮带knock敲击whang皮鞭whack敲击smash打碎girdle腰带ribbon缎带buckle扣子region地区fasten拴紧zonule小带stripe条纹circle圆圈hit打击punch按键baldric佩饰maniple饰带leather皮革compass圆规section部分cordon警戒线district地区streak一系列waistband腰带tract大片土地striation条纹cincture围绕物cestus牛皮手套cinch马的肚带swath收割的宽度quarter四分之一cummerbund宽带子fillet鱼片或肉片circumscribe限制belt out引吭高歌neighbourhood邻近反义词 undo解开untie解开loosen松开unbelt解下 … 的带子…
用作名词n.The rubber belt has perished.这条胶皮带已经老化了。
A belt is worn around the waist.腰带围在腰上。
The belt of this dress ties at the front.这件连衣裙的腰带在前面打结。
He carried two revolvers in his belt.他皮带上插着两只左轮手枪。
My shirt hikes up if I don't wear a belt.如果我不扎腰带,衬衣就向上滑。
She wears a leather belt round her waist.她腰上系一根皮带。
You can adjust the belt to the size that you want.皮带的松紧可按照你要的尺寸来调整。
He ate too much that he had to loosen his belt two holes.他吃得太多了,不得不把腰带松两个眼。
The child asked his papa to help him ease off his belt a bit.那孩子叫他爸爸帮他把腰带松开些。
The government intends to bring in a new law about wearing safety belts in cars.政府打算设立一项在汽车内系安全带的新规定。
She refused to hand over the car keys until he promised to wear his safety belt.她拒绝把车钥匙交给他直到他答应系上安全带。
The safety of cars has been increased by the addition of seats belts.车座上加设安全带增强了汽车的安全性。
The moving belt feeds the machine with raw material.这条传送带供给机器所需之原料。
The belt had wound itself around the wheel, stopping the motor.皮带绕在了轮子上,使发动机停转了。
A belt of rain extends across the mountains.这一降雨带覆盖了此山脉。
The shelter belt breaks the force of the wind.防风林带能减弱风力。
These tree belts effectively protect the farmland against shifting sand.这些防护林带有效地保护了农田,使之免受流沙侵袭。
August and September were particularly warm in the central corn belt.在中部谷物生长地带8月和9月天气特别暖。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.She belted her raincoat.她在雨衣外系上带子。
If you don't shut up,I'll belt you.你再不住嘴,我就用皮带抽你。
Mr. Jones really belted his son that time.琼斯先生那次果真打了他的儿子。

belt用作名词的基本意思是“带”,可以指人系的“皮带; 腰带”,也可指机械上使用的“传送带,输送带”。引申可作“地带”“区域”解。






belt后接副词along表示“快速移动”; 后接副词on表示“用带系住”; 后接副词out表示“大声唱出或奏出”; 后接副词up表示“系好带子; 安静”。

用作名词He has a brownbeltin karate.他有一条空手道的棕腰带。他是空手道茶带
Abeltof trees grew between the two fields.两块田之间有一条树木带。
As Indonesia lies in the volcanicbelt, earthquakes can occur.由于印尼位于火山地带,因此有发生地震的可能。
My trousers only stay up if I wear abelt.我这条裤子要是不系皮带就往下掉。用作及物动词He strapped the driver with a leatherbelt.他用皮带抽打司机。
The air hostess asked everyone tobelthimself in.空中小姐要求大家扣好安全带。用作不及物动词They wentbeltingalong the road.他们沿着马路疾驰而去。 The temptation to loosen belts must be resisted if the airline is to be ready for what Mr Grinstein calls the next“ inevitable downturn”.
德尔塔要做好准备应对格林斯泰因称之下一个“不可避免的衰退”,这样就必须顶住诱惑,不能松开安全带。 ecocn

“ Adie,” he says quietly. When she looks at him, he points to the coat rack filled with belts and purses and asks if she wants one.
“爱狄,”他温柔的叫道,她看着他,以示回答,他指着堆满皮带和钱包的架子问她是否要挑选一样。 yeeyan

“ Families are tightening their belts and so should Washington, ” he said.
“家庭应收紧他们的腰带,华盛顿更应如此。”他表示。 yeeyan

“ If you're going to accent your look with a waist belt, choose wider styles as opposed to super skinny belts, ” Albanese advises.
“假如你想给自己配上一个腕带,请选择一个相对于超瘦腰带稍宽大些的风格,”阿班尼斯建议说。 yeeyan

Consumers are tightening their belts, but they still want to socialize with peers and express themselves, industry executives say.
消费者们在系紧腰带,不过人们依旧需要和同辈交往,需要表达自己的感受。 yeeyan

Eggs and larvae born on the seafloor rise to the surface and ride the ocean circulator belts— such as the Loop Current—far and wide, she said.
在海底出生的卵和幼虫上浮到海水表面,随着宽广而长远的海洋循环带漂流——比如说海湾地区的环流。 yeeyan

Everyone else knew a lot of the moves already and had yellow or orange belts.
那里每一个人都认识很多已经拥有蓝带或者橙带的学员。 yeeyan

For shoes and shirts and jackets and belts.
为了鞋子,为了衣服,外套和皮带。 hjenglish

From coast to coast, businesses and families are tightening their belts as the impact of this Great Recession lingers.
由于这次经济大衰退的影响徘徊不去,从东海岸到西海岸,企业和家庭正在勒紧自己的裤腰带。 yeeyan

Governments must tighten their belts; debtors must pay what they owe.
政府必须勒紧腰带;债务人必须偿还自己所欠的债务。 yeeyan

In that first week I arrive in Jenin and on the edge of a narrow road decked with pictures of martyrs in bullet belts find the Freedom Theatre.
就在第一个星期里我来到了杰宁,在一条狭窄的小路边上找到了自由剧院,小路上张贴着身背子弹带的烈士画像。 yeeyan

It also manufactures tailored slacks, jackets, hats, shirts, skirts, and belts, and it licenses the manufacture of novelty items.
它同时生产定制运动裤,夹克,帽子,衬衫,裙子和皮带,并获得许可生产个人饰品。 bbs.internet.org.cn

Jupiter is also brighter than usual by about 4 percent because one of its brown cloud belts is hidden.
由于木星其中一条棕色云带隐藏起来了,所以木星的亮度会比平常亮4%。 yeeyan

People are not required to take off their coats, belts or shoes as part of the security process.
人们不需要脱下外套、皮带或鞋子来作为安检过程的一部分。 ebigear

She helps him sell belts, socks and hats in the market four times a week, so they are earning more money.
她帮丈夫每周四次在市场上卖皮带、袜子和帽子,可以比干农活挣更多的钱。 yeeyan

Smaller handbags and metal belts will be among the in- vogue accessories.
小巧的手提包和金属腰带都是当前流行的饰物。 ecocn

So finally I tied a couple of belts and jumped off the stairs, but my head slipped through the noose.
所以最后我把两根带子系在一起,跳下楼梯,不过我的头从套索中溜出去了。 yeeyan

Some models wore black straw hats traditionally used by male farmers, and many also had their waists cinched by elaborate acetate belts.
有的模特戴上传统农夫使用的黑色草帽,还有些用精心制作的醋酸纤维腰带束紧腰部。 hjenglish

The answer to the first question is that when the stock market goes down, that tells everyone that times are bad, so consumers and businesses tighten their belts.
第一个问题的答案是,当证券市场出现下跌,这就告诉每一个人,现在是苦日子。因此消费者和企业就会勒紧裤腰带。 yeeyan

They add that people wear lots of things on their belts, such as BlackBerrys.
他们补充道人们的腰带上就别着很多东西,比如说“黑莓”。 ecocn

You may have stayed away from running belts because you think they look too much like fanny packs and, trust me, I had the same thoughts.
你可能曾经对跑步腰带毫无兴趣,因为他们看起来太像腰包了,相信我,其实我也这么想过。 yeeyan




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