

单词 Beltrame
释义 BeltrameCOCA²²⁶⁶⁷³
They are part of an ambitious strategy by Mr Beltrame to restore law and order.
柱些单位是 José Beltrame企图要恢复法律与秩序的战略部署之一。 ecocn

From1997-2001, as Chief Architect of Italian MARZOTTO GROUP, Arch. Danilo Beltrame has been responsible for the fashion shop design of the Group.
在1997-2001年间,毕达宁先生作为意大利的 MARZOTTO集团的首席设计师负责时尚商店的室内设计。 soufun

Mr. Beltrame said the peace police program is guaranteed only through2014, but that its success would make it hard for future politicians to dismantle.
贝尔特拉梅先生说维和警察项目只在2014年确保进行,但是它的成功将会让未来的政客们很难废止它。 yeeyan

Mr. Beltrame said he probably did not have the manpower to occupy either slum this year, calling it a“complex operation.”
贝尔特拉梅先生说今年他可能没有占领这两个中任意一个的人力。 yeeyan

Mr. Beltrame said his main goal was to rid the streets of“ weapons of war, ” not necessarily to end drug dealing.
贝尔特拉梅先生说他的主要目标是让这些街道摆脱打仗的兵器,不是一定要结束毒品交易。 yeeyan




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