

单词 belting
释义 belt·ing 英ˈbeltɪŋ美ˈbɛltɪŋAHDbĕlʹtĭng COCA⁴⁵⁷¹⁶BNC⁴¹⁶⁷⁹Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

the material of which belts are madebelt腰带double belting双带装置canvas belting帆布带传动装置…belting tightener皮带张紧轮belting leather传动带belting machine包带机wire belting线带装置conveyer belting输送带single belting单带装置belting loom传动带织机round belting圆带装置leather machine belting皮带rubber belting橡皮带, 胶带, 皮…belting wire线带装置belting duck传动带帆布final belting最后拖光open belting开口皮带传动装置…angular belting转角皮带运输机构,转…
蒋争熟词记忆belt带-ing表示材料或总称⇒带料;带类belt带-ing表示材料或总称⇒带料;带类用作名词The congregation wasbeltingout hymns, but I felt strangely detached.集合是出自赞美诗制带的材料,但是我觉得奇妙超然。 Along with providing you with superior quality perforated belts from top manufacturers, we also create custom belting and equipment for use in your facility.
我们不但为您提供来自顶级生产商的最卓越的优质产品,同时也可以按照您的需要,为您提供定制的传送带和设备。 www.e-gtm.com.cn

And on top of all that, he's started belting in free-kicks at will with Chelsea.
不仅如此,他在切尔西已经开始展现出神入化的任意球绝技了。 xianguo.com

Construction in mild steel or stainless steel. Belting provided per customer requirements. Geared motor drive provided as necessary . Molded or bolt-on flights available.
在低碳钢或不锈钢制造。可根据客户要求定制。可提供齿轮电机驱动提。模压或螺栓型号可选。 www.e-gtm.com.cn

The congregation was belting out hymns, but I felt strangely detached.
集合是出自赞美诗制带的材料,但是我觉得奇妙超然。 iask.sina.com.cn

Transmission or conveyor belts or belting, of textile material, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with plastics, or reinforced with metal or other material.
纺织材料制的传动带或输送带及带料,不论是否用塑料浸渍、涂布、包覆或压层,也不论是否用金属或其他材料加强。 china-customs

A car came belting along the road.
一辆汽车沿路飞速驶来。 wtojob

Ah yes, Maria Sharapova, belting at101 decibels, is the scream queen.
啊是的,玛利亚·莎拉波娃,喊声可达101分贝,是尖叫女王。 yeeyan

Based on material mechanics, the paper presents a formula calculating the maximum span of headboard, proposes a new method of orepillar design, and calculate the parameters of belting.
文中应用材料力学,推导了计算顶板最大允许跨度的公式,提出了矿柱设计新方法,同时对锚杆支护参数进行了计算。 cnki

Britain's loudest bird, the bittern, has had its best year since records began with scientists tracking more than100 breeding males belting out their distinctive booming call.
英国叫声最响亮的鸟——麻鸦,自从科学家跟踪记录繁殖出的100多只嘹亮啼叫的雄鸟后,对鸟儿们来说是个好年头。 yeeyan

Conveyor or transmission belts or belting, of vulcanized rubber.
硫化橡胶制的传动带或输送带及带料。 china-customs

Finally a lone duck flew by and everybody missed except one hunter who had been belting down a bottle of whiskey.
终于一只孤鸭飞了过来。除了一个灌了一瓶威士忌的人,别人都没打中。 bbs.ggv.com.cn

He went belting along the motorway at90 mph.
他在高速公路上以每小时90英里的速度疾驰。 iciba

He wants a cord belting the gown.
他要一条系长衫的带子。 hotdic

In the event, the visitors did not need any help from Robinson for their second as Pander finished off an intricate three- pass move by belting what proved to be the winner into the top corner.
在这场比赛中,客队的第二个进球不需要罗宾逊的帮忙,潘德尔在复杂的连续三次传球后得球, 并将制胜球射向了球门的上角。 www.chelsea.net.cn

It follows adults around throughout the day, belting out squeaky begging calls for the entire colony to hear.
全天都有成年狐獴呵护着它,幼崽大声的吱吱乞食声全群落都听得见。 yeeyan

Joyful crowd belting intoxicated dance, totally immersed in a harvest of joy.
欢乐的人群高歌酣舞,完全沉浸在一片丰收的喜悦之中。 jukuu

Soldiers gathered in a giant aircraft hangar festooned with American flags and a band belting out rock 'n' roll tunes. A huge“ Job well done! ” banner hung from the wall.
战士们围坐在一个装点着美国国旗的巨大飞机库旁,乐队演奏着摇滚乐曲子,一条书写着“干得漂亮”的巨幅标语悬挂在墙上。 blog.sina.com.cn

The paper presents the development of velocity difference transducer for protection of variable-velocity belting conveyor and discussion on the operation principle and analog test results.
介绍了可用于煤矿井下变速胶带输送机保护的速差传感器的研制,讨论了它的工作原理和模拟试验结果。 chemyq

The main reason causing ore- forming elements belting feature is difference of their ore- forming physicochemical conditions.
导致成矿元素分带的主要原因是两矿带成矿物理化学环境的差异。 cnki

The segment ends with the reporter, the travel agent and a group of representative lonely hearts belting out the theme from The Love Boat.
在与记者段结束时,旅行社和一个高歌从主题的爱之船集团代表孤独的心。 my0511

Unless your office is filled with karaoke superstars who love belting out “ Happy Birthday, ” perhaps it's time to nix the song from birthday gatherings.
除非你们公司到处都是 K 歌之王,他们大爱高歌“生日快乐”,否则,或许是时候该将这首歌逐出生日聚会了。 letsno1

We heard a voice belting away out of the room.




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