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词汇 Tory
释义 To·ry 英ˈtɔːriː, ˈtəʊriː美ˈtɔri, ˈtoriAHDtôrʹē, tōrʹē ★★★★☆高四八iWeb¹⁰⁸³²Economist¹¹⁴⁸
adj.保守党党员的³³n.保守党党员⁶⁷名词复数tories;名词Toryism名词复数Tories A bad relationship creates the risk that a future Tory government might strip the Met of some of its national powers.
同未来的保守党政府处理不好关系,伦敦警察署的一些国家权力很可能因此而剥夺。 ecocn

David Cameron is the first Tory leader to have worked on the payroll of the Research Department.
大卫·卡梅隆是第一位曾对研究部工资单产生影响的保守党领袖。 yeeyan

For his part, Mr Cameron opposes AV, but might not campaign against it as vigorously as many of his Tory colleagues will.
保守党领袖戴维•卡梅伦反对顺位投票制,但是可能不会像他的保守党同僚那样反对激烈。 ecocn

It is not so much that Britain is “ broken”, as tabloid headlines and Tory sound-bites would have it.
英国并没有如小报标题和保守党员新闻采访中所说的那样被“破坏了”。 ecocn

Mr Cameron’s tribe resent as well the prospect of a coalition with Nick Clegg’s Liberal Democrats, or conceding to them on policy in order to win their support for a minority Tory government.
卡梅隆先生的保守党并不看好与尼克克莱格自由民主党联合的前景,或者在政策上给予让步,以得到他们对少数保守党政府的支持。 ecocn

The context into which this film will be released is one of Tory government, social unrest and deep recession.
这部即将发布的电影描述了保守党政府、社会动荡和经济的严重衰退的一部分。 yeeyan

The nature of the Tory offer reflects the constraints of circumstance and genuine long-term ambitions, as well as some timidity.
托利党计划的性质反应了环境带来的限制和他们真正长期的雄心,当然还有一些胆怯。 ecocn

Tony Blair’s manifesto vowed that his ministers would be“ wise spenders, not big spenders”; he pledged to abide by Tory expenditure plans for his first two years in office.
托尼•布莱尔在竞选中宣称:他的内阁将在支出上“保持理智,而不是大手大脚”;他保证在执政的头两年将继续执行保守党的支出计划。 ecocn

With their eyes fixed on the next election, Tory modernisers want to finish what they started in2005, when Mr Cameron took over.
展望下一次的选举,保守党的现代化施行者应该继续完成他们在2005年卡梅伦接任后开始的计划。 ecocn

“ This is a battle for the soul of Tory England, ” says one Whitehall source.
“这是一场英格兰托利派的灵魂斗争。” ,据一英国政府消息源称。 ecocn

“The good teachers will find new jobs,” says one Tory aide, blithely— but unions have never been concerned primarily with their more able members.
“好教师会寻找新的工作”,一位保守党助手高兴的说,但是教师联盟从未担心过他们这些有能力的成员。 ecocn

A British Tory will defend self-determination in Europe and oppose it in India with no feeling of inconsistency.
一个英国保守党员会为欧洲的民主自治辩护,却反对印度的自治,并无视思想上的不一致。 yeeyan

A Tory government would wipe those students out by not including them in the league tables.
一个保守党政府可能通过在成绩名次表中不涵盖他们而将他们清除掉。 yeeyan

All very prescient— except that we expected a clear Tory majority in Parliament, not the high drama of a coalition with Nick Clegg's Liberal Democrats.
一切都很有先见之明——除去我们所预言的议会多数是清一色的保守党成员而非与尼克•克里葛的自由民主党联合的戏剧性的一幕。 ecocn

Although cuts in public spending will be a Tory hallmark, this will not apply to defense.
虽然削减公共福利是撒切尔政府的一个标志,但是这不包括国防预算。 yeeyan

And yes, says another senior strategist, it now looks a mistake for Mr Clegg to have endorsed Tory policies so warmly in the coalition’s first months, and to appear to be Mr Cameron’s chum.
另一名高级战略家认为克莱格在参与联合政府最初几个月就对保守党的政策表示过度的热情与支持,表现得像卡梅伦的密友,这种做法是错误的。 ecocn

Big beasts from the Tory and Labour parties queued up this week to decry— again—what they see as the doomed folly of the single currency.
本周,保守党和工党的大佬们再次排成长队,轮番对他们认为注定要失败的愚蠢透顶的统一货币政策大肆攻击。 ecocn

But on terror and crime, most voters are in tune with the Tory right; and that is before the dreaded prospect of another terrorist attack in Britain.
但是在反恐和犯罪问题上,大多数选民同托利党右派步调一致;最近英国出现了又一轮恐怖主义攻击的可怕迹象。 ecocn

First, it made the already privileged, metropolitan Tory leadership seem even further removed from the concerns of ordinary people.
首先,它使得已享有特权的都会保守党领导层好像从普通民众事务中进一步消除。 ecocn

He cannot forever assume that his MPs, however angry, would never do anything to bring down a Tory government.
他不能永远认为他的议员们再愤怒也不会做任何使一个保守党政府垮台的事。 ecocn

He congratulated Ashton and Van Rompuy and said a Tory government would work with them“ in the British national interest”.
他祝贺阿什顿和范龙佩,并表示为了“英国的国家利益”,保守党政府将与他们合作。 yeeyan

In the guise of a traditional Tory, he clings to pledges to raise the threshold for inheritance tax and, despite a recent wobble, to recognise marriage in the tax system.
以一个传统保守党人为幌子,他坚持提高遗产税起征额以及将婚姻因素加入税收体系尽管他近来在此问题上有所动摇的承诺。 topsage

It is said that Lord Ashcroft does not try to influence Tory policy. But as long as his tax situation is opaque, he must count as one such potential embarrassment.
据说阿什克罗夫特勋爵没打算影响保守党政策,但他缴税的问题令人难以捉摸,这绝是让卡梅隆先生陷入窘境的潜在因素之一。 ecocn

Mr Johnson is a Tory— but his proposals are explicitly opposed to his party’s repeated assurances that no expansion of London’s main airports is planned.
约翰逊先生是一名保守党成员,但他的提议与其所在党一再保证伦敦各主要机场没有任何扩建计划之说截然相反。 ecocn

Simply returning to a Thatcherite message would not electrify the middle class, despite what many on Tory right think.
简单返回到撒切尔的信号不会使中产阶层兴奋,尽管大多数托利党人正是这样幻想的。 ecocn

Superficial though these problems might be, they matter— as William Hague, the foreign secretary who rarely seemed prime ministerial during his time as Tory leader from1997 to2001, can attest.
这些问题看似表面,却关系重大——如前外交大臣威廉·黑格,在1997-2001年任保守党领袖时就很少看起来是当首相的料——这就是很好的证明。 ecocn

The government rushed out its reform to trump a lousy Tory plan and then chopped and changed it.
政府赶制出它的改良政策用来打败一个糟糕的保守党计划,然后中止并修改了它。 ecocn

The received wisdom was that the former chancellor was the sole Tory heavyweight capable of landing blows on the government.
人们普遍认为,这位前大臣是保守党内唯一有能力对政府造成打击的重量级人物。 ecocn




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