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词汇 Torreya grandis
释义 Torreya grandis
榧树; n.;榧树
Torreya grandisby frying food, incense rich, Crunch crisps.香榧经炒制食用,清香浓郁,松脆香酥。
Torreya grandisalso Machinable into a variety of food, but also oil.香榧也可加工成多种食品, 还可炸油。
This year, “Tianzhen” brand torreya grandis and tea have been appraised as “Famous Trade Mark of Shaoxin City” again.而今年,“天珍”牌香榧茶叶又被评为“绍兴市著名商标”。
“FengqiaoTorreya grandis” quality, quality, thin shell Pitt, Hui Xiang rich meat, and foreign Fame.“枫桥香榧”,品质上乘,壳皮特薄,仁肉清香浓郁,誉满中外。
Torreya grandisevergreen tree is a yew Branch Resolution is, one of the world's rare fruits and vegetables.香榧为常绿乔木,属紫杉科榧属,是世界稀有干果之一。
Torreya grandistrees life for four, five centuries, the “god of longevity tree” said.香榧树寿命长达四、五百年,有“寿星树”之称。




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