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词汇 torn away
释义 torn away短语⁸⁴³²⁰⁺

名词 tearaway:
a reckless and impetuous person The youth has been torn away in a certain colorful summer, or it submerged into a desolate winter before I realised that.

How could it hope to fly again, when all its top was torn away?
它的所有理智都被卷走,我怎能期望它再次飞起来? lifeilove

Love has torn away his mask.
爱情已经撕开他的面具。 biwen

Now, in my making of the Grail, I had torn away the props.

Petya's death had torn away half of her life.
彼佳的死亡夺去了她一半的生命。 tingroom

Photos of the damages show dorm buildings still standing but with their walls and windows torn away, surrounded by piles of debris consisting of building materials and students' possessions.
从照片上可见,遭受风暴侵袭的建筑还屹立在那,但墙壁和窗户都受极大的破坏,周围满是建筑物的碎片及学生用品。 en400

Several drums suddenly began beating on both sides of them, and Pierre felt as though a part of his soul was being torn away from him by that sound.
几面军鼓突然从两边敲响了,于是皮埃尔感到,随着鼓声灵魂好像飞走了大半似的。 tingroom

She had no masts, half of the deck had been torn away, and the water- tightness of the hull appeared dubious.
没有桅杆、一半的甲板已经损毁、船体的水密性也令人怀疑。 yeeyan

The last veil is torn away. A sewer is a cynic. It tells everything.
最后的面纱终于揭开,阴沟是一个厚颜无耻者,它吐露一切。 ycwb




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