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词汇 torn apart
释义 torn apart短语¹⁴⁷⁶²
A child in that role usually feels torn apart and on some level resentful about having to parent the parent.
而扮演这种角色的孩子常有被撕裂的感觉,并在某种程度上因不得不袒护某一方感到怨恨。 yeeyan

The enormous gravity of the giant black hole stretched the star until it was torn apart.
黑洞产生的巨大引力会撕扯这颗恒星,直到将其撕裂。 yeeyan

The middle- class family in“ Anger” is torn apart when the20-year-old heroine, Rose, is forced to sleep with a soldier to stop the regime from seizing their land.
《愤怒》篇章中20岁的女主人公为了守卫家园而被迫委身于一名士兵,导致了这个的中产阶级家庭分崩离析。 ecocn

Africa is being torn apart. And as Ethiopia's rift valley grows slowly wider, an international team of scientists is taking a unique opportunity to plot the progress of continents on the move.
非洲正在被撕裂.缓慢变宽的埃塞俄比亚裂谷给了一个国际科学家小组独一无二的机会来勾画板块运动的进程. yeeyan

But it also means resisting the danger of being “ torn apart” by demands for ideological conformity.
同时也意味着需避免因要求意识形态的一致性而“分裂”。 ecocn

Different combinations of minerals were bound together, and torn apart.
不同矿物质的混合物被搅拌在一起,又被拆开。 joyen

I have seen too many families torn apart by religious disputes.
我已经见过太多家庭因宗教冲突而破裂。 yeeyan

If the logic of capitalism is left to unfold, our world will be torn apart by starvation, disease, poverty, environmental catastrophe, and war.
如果资本主义制度被留下来任意蔓延,那么我们的世界将会被饥饿、疾病、贫困、环境灾难以及战争搞得千疮百孔。 yeeyan

Not seen in the trailer were the pursuing snowtroopers who unwittingly storm the sealed chamber, only to be torn apart by an enraged snow creature.
在预告片中没有出现的是,一个正在追击的雪地士兵无意中闯入一间封闭的密室,却被一只恼怒的雪地生物撕碎。 starwarschina

Right now I'm emotionally torn apart because I was kept in the dark.
现在我感觉我的整个精神状态是四分五裂的,因为我一直被蒙在鼓里。 yeeyan

The Japan meteorological agency issued a tsunami warning for a wave of up to one meter3.2 feet. The warning was issued for a coastal area already torn apart by last month's tsunami.
日本气象局发布了海啸警报,预计浪高将达到1米,而警报中所涉及到的这块地区已经被上个月的海啸冲击得体无完肤。 hjenglish

Then Robson, ahead of the second group game, terrified that England would be torn apart by Holland as they had been at Euro88, introduced Mark Wright as a third centre-back.
此后罗布森在第二场小组赛之前,由于害怕英格兰队会重演88年欧洲杯被荷兰队撕碎的一幕,使用了马克·赖特作为第三名中后卫。 yeeyan

This NASA Hubble Space Telescope image of the Trifid Nebula reveals a stellar nursery being torn apart by radiation from a nearby, massive star.
“哈勃”拍摄的三裂星云照片揭示了一个“恒星托儿所”,正被附近一颗大质量恒星的辐射撕裂。 yeeyan

Within three decades, the republic was torn apart by civil war.
整整30年,共和国由于内战四分五裂。 yeeyan

Xinhua said officials had reported43 dead because one body was torn apart in the crash and had been counted as two.
新华社称官方确认43人已经死亡,因为之前一死难者身体由于空难被撕裂成两半而被误认为两人。 yeeyan




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