

单词 tori
释义 to·ri 英ˈtɔːraɪ, ˈtəʊraɪ美ˈtɔraɪ, ˈtoraɪAHDtôrʹī, tōrʹī COCA²⁹⁷⁹¹BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺
n.花床¹⁰⁰n.几何圆环面原型torus The highlight of2010 was a repeat visit to Nashville, the country music capital of the world, where Tori spend time co- writing and in pre- production for her soon to be released debut album.
突出2010个重复访问纳什维尔,乡村音乐世界的首都,那里的花时间共同创作并在生产前她即将发行的首张专辑。 www.9eting.com

When it finally gets to its energetic expression it no longer requires the ryote- tori attack.
最后当我们体会到能量层面气的方式,就不再需要双手抓的攻击了。 taiwan-aikido.org

“On our second date, my now- husband asked me if I'd ever go skydiving, ” says33-year-old Tori.
“我们第二次约会,我现任的丈夫问我是否我愿意玩玩跳伞运动”,33岁的多利说。 yeeyan

Tori Hudson, Naturopathic Physician, it is uncertain whether or not lesbians get more breast cancer.
根据自然疗法医生,托里哈德森博士的观点,并没有证据证明女同性恋患乳癌的风险更大。 blog.sina.com.cn

A generalized KAM theorem for lower dimensional tori in Hamiltonian systems is obtained, which applies to the case where there are normal frequencies and hyperbolic normal components simultaneously.
本文给出了关于哈密顿系统低维环面的一个推广的 KAM定理,它适用于同时存在法向频率和双曲法向分量的情况。 dictall

Watching a loved one, wining in Tori, singing the words, to see beauty dance!
守着心爱的人,把酒东篱,唱着词,看美人舞! www.dota123.com

TORI call center system integrate the IP switch to the scheme;
托日呼叫中心系统集成采用基于前置 IP交换机的设计方案; iciba

'Throw away your assumptions about what people need, ' advises Tori Hogan, a27-year-old activist who has traveled the world studying the effectiveness of aid programs.
曾在世界各地研究各种援助项目有效性的27岁活动家多莉•霍根 Tori Hogan说,对于人们需要什么,你得摒弃先入为主的想法。 iciba

Or in the family home in which to drink, often hosted in the courtyard to enjoy it, “ Tori wine evening, a subtle fragrance surplus sleeve” taste.
即或是在家宅中饮,也常设宴于庭院,以领略那“东篱把酒黄昏后,有暗香盈袖”的情趣。 soudoc




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