

单词 beloveds
释义 beloveds biˈlʌvidz COCA¹⁶⁴⁷⁸⁶BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
n.心爱的人beloved的名词复数原型beloved的复数 Be aware, beloveds, that at each higher level of God Light you attain, the power of the Violet Flame and the quantity of White Fire Particles of Creation increase exponentially.
我深爱的你们,请你了悟,你的每个高频的神性之光,都会使紫罗兰火焰的能量和创造的白色粒子数量指数增长。 qiudao

It is time beloveds to live your truths, not just subscribe to them as you do a magazine or favorite website.
亲爱的,是时候活在真相里了,而不只是订阅它们就像订阅一份杂志或者喜爱的网页。 humanreborn

January8 Let your love propel your beloveds into the world—and into the full experience of who they are.
让你的爱促使你所爱的人进入世界——进入对他们是谁的全然的体验。 yeeyan

The state of your inner beloveds will also be seen in how you run your field.
你内在爱人的状态,也可以看作是你怎样运作能量场的问题。 lingyuan

Each judgment My Beloveds, someone makes about you, a cord is automatically sent out and attached into your various fields.
亲爱的,别人对你所做的每个判断,都自动地发出一条“海绵线”并绑到你的各种能量场上。 blog.sina.com.cn

First, take a look at how the inner male and female, your inner beloveds, relate to each other.
首先,查看下内在男女性,也就是你的内在爱人,彼此间的关系如何。 lingyuan

Happiness for men depends on whether their beloveds deserve to be.
男人的幸福在于:她值得我爱。 wyqtk

In warfare soldiers often fought side-by-side with their beloveds, as in the renowned Theban band;
战时,士兵们通常与爱人并肩作战,就像著名的底比斯连; dudu360

My Beloveds even in your darkest hours of fear and doubt you are loved, just breathe.
亲爱的,甚至在你充满恐惧和怀疑的最黑暗之时,你也被深爱着,只要放松心态呼吸就好。 blog.sina.com.cn

O yes beloveds an unveiling is taking place at many different levels now and soon man will come face to face with his Creator.
是的,亲爱的人们,一场揭露此刻正在许多不同层面发生,很快人类会与他的创造者会面。 blog.sina.com.cn

Such folk can manifest in one's life dance as beloveds or spouses, or as bosses, parents, siblings, friends or associates.
这样的人可以在你生命舞蹈中作为你的爱人或配偶出现,或作为你的老板,父母,兄弟姐妹,朋友或同事出现。 tisheng.org

Therefore the counterpart beloveds and each relationship is very special and important unto the whole of the tribe.
因此,对等者爱人以及每种对等者关系,对整个部落而言都是非常特殊和重要的。 verywind

Yes beloveds I can confirm to you that you are in the last days, for this cycle is to be closed.
是的,亲爱的,我可以证实你们已经在最后的日子,因为此周期即将结束。 blog.sina.com.cn

Beloveds, this means that the Ascended Earth has become Sacred and filled with the Christ Light and Divine Unconditional love.
亲爱的朋友们,这意味着提升后的地球会已经变得神圣并且充满了慈爱的光以及神圣的无条件的爱。 blog.sina.com.cn

Beloveds a gentler tone will I take that you may know that what is to transpire culls that which has so many of you suffering and ill at ease in this your world.
亲爱的人们,我会用一个更温和的口吻告诉你们,即将显露的变化会剔除那些在你们世界中令你们遭受痛苦和局促不安的一切。 fozairenjian




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