

单词 below
释义 be·low 英bɪˈləʊ美bɪˈloAHDbĭ-lōʹ ★★★★☆常中高研T牛4COCA¹⁸⁵³BNC⁹⁷²iWeb⁵³²Economist⁷²⁰


in a low place than; on a lower level than


behind sth

表示比较不及,劣于; 低于

inferior to


in south


in a lower place, on a lower level, or at a lower position

in or to a place that is lowerat a later place;

see below

in writing see below;

vide infra

on a floor below;

the tenants live downstairs

further down;

see under for further discussion

below, beneath, under, underneath

这四个词均可表示“在…的下边”。under与over相对,物体之间可以互相接触,也可以有一定空间; below与above相对,物体之间不一定存在垂直的位置关系,而且互不接触; beneath的用法和under相仿,二者可互换,但under使用的频率较高; underneath表示空间位置关系时,常可用under, beneath, below替换。







来源于短语by low的词汇化,代替早期的on low,其反义词是on high。
用作介词 prep.
~+名词below one's breath悄悄地,低声地below par在票面价值以下below stairs在地下室,在仆人住的地方below strength不足额的below the belt不正当手段地below the mark未达标准below the moon月下的副词+~down below在底下,在下面
非常记忆be是+low低的⇒坐在下面的是低年级的学生蒋争熟词记忆be-在low下⇒在…下面;在…以下钱博士be=by,在+low低处,下面⇒在…下面be=by,在+low低处,下面⇒在…下面。近义词 downlowerunderprep. beneathunderadv. beneath反义词 prep.aboveadv. above
用作介词prep.He waited below her window until she opened it and spoke to him.他在窗下一直等到她开窗和他讲话。
The temperature is below freezing.温度低于冰点。
I don't know the real reason below the mass of pretexts.我不知道在一大堆借口掩饰之下的真正原因。
A colonel is below a general.上校级别比将军低。
He is below the average at school.他在学校的成绩是平均水准以下。
She can't be below 50.她不会小于50岁。
The bus stop is few yards below the post office.公共汽车站在邮局向南几码的地方。用作副词adv.
He who would search for pearls must dive below.不入虎穴焉得虎子。
I looked down at the hall below.我瞧了瞧下面的大厅。
Write your name in the place below.把你的名字写在下面。
I heard him calling from below.我听见他从下面叫我。其他Below is an example of a typical business letter.下面是典型商业书信的一个例子。Pbelowground地面以下Pbelow-normal低于正常程度的







用作介词His income is wellbelowthe average.他的收入大大低于平均水平。
The class has droppedbelowten students this year.今年这个班的学生降到了10人以下。
Please do not writebelowthis line.请不要写到这条线下面。用作副词The informationbelowwas compiled by our correspondent.以下资料是我们的记者收集整理的。
The captain told the sailors to gobelow.船长叫水手们下到舱里去。adv.lower
同义词 downbeneath,underdown from,underneath
反义词 above,higher,overprep.lower
同义词 downbeneath,underdown from,underneath
反义词 above,more,overprep.less than;beneath
同义词 inferior,lesser,lower,subject,subordinate,unworthy
反义词 above,more,over
afteradjective following in position or time
afterwards,back,back of,behind,ensuing,hind,hindmost,in the rear,later,next,posterior,postliminary,rear,subsequential,subsequently,succeeding,thereafter
beneathadverb in a lower place
beneathpreposition inferior
below,less than,lesser,lower than,subject,subordinate,unbefitting,under,underneath,unworthy of
deepadjective extending very far, usually down
lowadjective close to the ground;short
below,beneath,bottom,bottommost,crouched,decumbent,deep,depressed,flat,ground-level,inferior,junior,lesser,level,little,low-hanging,low-lying,low-set,lowering,minor,nether,not high,profound,prostrate,rock-bottom,shallow,small,squat,squatty,stunted,subjacent,subsided,sunken,under,unelevated
nethernoun inferior
below,beneath,lower,under It might be due to the Halloween weekend, but the above reminds me of the below image.
可能是因为周末是万圣节的关系,上面的图片让我联想到了下面的画面。 yeeyan

The total shipment will be invoiced to you at 10% below export list prices.

The diagram below illustrates this.
下面的图说明了这一点。 ibm

The excerpt below includes only portions of code that have changed from the previous example.
下面这个摘录只包含从前一个例子发生了改变的部分代码。 ibm

The Table1 below gives some perspective of this.
下面的表格1给出了这个的一些观点。 ibm

All of these themes, and others, are discussed below.
所有这些内容都将在下面加以讨论。 ibm

An excerpt of the interview is below.
下面是访谈的一些摘录。 yeeyan

As an example, compare the slide above with the one below.
作为例子,我们把上面的片子和下面的片子比较一下。 yeeyan

As you can see below, you can modify, delete and add tags.
如你下面看到的,你可以修改、编辑、删除和添加标签。 yeeyan

But there was a price below which they dared not go, for it had happened that a fisherman in despair had given his pearls to the church.
但是有一个价格底线,他们不敢低于这个价格了,因为曾有渔夫因为价格太低而绝望得宁愿把珍珠募捐给教堂。 ebigear

Do share your thoughts in the comments below, I respond to each and every one of them.
请您一定要在下面的评论里分享一下自己的看法哦,每一条评论我都会回复。 yeeyan

He had a bruise just below his right eye.

However, we include it to prepare for an example below.
不过,我们在这里包含它是为下一个示例做准备。 ibm

I discuss several of these ideas below.
下面我阐述一些其中的观点。 yeeyan

I will discuss these below.
我将在下面来讨论这些。 ibm

I will examine this notion below.
我将在下面分析此概念。 ibm

Learn how to avoid guys like in the picture above and read our guide below!
学习如何避开像上面图片里的家伙,并阅读下面的我们的指南。 yeeyan

Notice that each level only communicates with the level above or below.
注意每个层次仅仅与它上面或者下面的过程传递信息。 ibm

One of the choppers set down on the beach below them, the other on the bluff above.
有一架直升机在他们下面的海滩上降落,其余的直接降落在断崖上。 yeeyan

Republics are held together not by authority imposed from above but rather from below, by the people themselves.
共和国的成立,不是由权力自上强加下来,而是来自下面,来自人民自己。 yeeyan

See the graph above and below for the numbers.
看看上面的曲线图和下面的数字吧。 yeeyan

That is why we have the additional predicate in the example below.
这就是我们在下面的例子中使用附加谓词的原因。 ibm

The flood has slipped below the warning stage.

The vegetables store well at temperature below20℃.

Then they yelled to them to jump into the waiting net below.
接着他们就朝男孩们喊叫,让他们跳到下面的救生网上去。 yeeyan

This is discussed below.
这是下面要讨论的。 ibm

Whatever you do, don't go over350 degrees Fahrenheit, preferably below that.
不管您怎么做,不要超过350华氏度,最好低于此温度。 yeeyan

Below are examples of these methods.
下面是这些方法的示例。 ibm

Below is a summary of what we talked about and learned from one another.
下面是对我们所谈论的和从对方身上学到的知识的一个总结。 ibm

Below we look at these principles of design and how they relate to minimalism.
下面我们看看这些设计准则,它们怎么与极简设计的。 yeeyan




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