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词汇 to renounce
释义 to renounce短语²¹⁴¹²
Castro cannot be reasonably expected to renounce his beliefs or implicate himself in killings or atrocities.
期望卡斯特罗宣布放弃他的信仰或者承认自己卷入杀戮和暴乱行为是不合理的。 yeeyan

He earned a reputation for being a revolutionary and generous teacher who inspired students to renounce painting and view art as something that happens in the brain.
因为鼓励学生质疑画画本身的意义和指引他们把艺术看做一种意识流,他赢得了富于革命性和富于内涵性的名声。 ecocn

In a referendum94% of Irish voters opted to renounce their country's constitutional claim to the northern province.
在当时举行的全民公决中,94%的爱尔兰国民赞成放弃宪法中对北爱的领土要求。 ecocn

Not every American who seeks to renounce US citizenship does so for tax reasons.
并不是所有人都是因为税收的原因而放弃美国国籍。 yeeyan

She also wrote frankly of her lifelong feelings of lust, of masturbating as a girl, of falling in love and having to renounce physical love for the love of God.
她也坦承了自己一生中对于性欲的感受,对于作为女孩时的手淫的感受,陷入爱河的感受,以及终于断绝对身体之爱而转为对上帝之爱的感受。 yeeyan

She used to say, in later life, that she aged ten years in 1936 and the one thing for which Wallis never forgave the Duke of Windsor was his decision to renounce his throne.
她在后来的岁月里曾经说过,1936年她一下子老了十岁,有一件事华丽斯永远不会原谅温莎公爵,那就是他决定放弃王位。 yeeyan

The only other place to have been delisted is an antelope sanctuary in Oman, where the government actually wanted to renounce the status.
阿拉伯的阿曼羚羊保护区是唯一另一处被除名的文化遗址,当地政府主动宣布放弃此头衔。 ecocn

Then to renounce is to acquire and acquisition is the seed of conflict.

This week senior bankers at Goldman Sachs, UBS and Barclays wisely volunteered to renounce their bonuses.
本周,高盛、瑞银和巴克利银行的高管们纷纷明智地自愿放弃年终奖金。 ecocn

To renounce liberty is to renounce being a man, to surrender the rights of humanity and even its duties.
放弃自由,就是放弃做人,就是放弃人权,甚至就是放弃义务。 cnepub




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