

单词 torchbearers
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n.持火炬者;启蒙者原型torchbearer的复数 A NATIONWIDE selection of the900 torchbearers for Shenzhen Universiade kicked off Monday at Shenzhen University.
本周一,全国范围内的大运会900名火炬手选拔在深圳大学拉开序幕。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

At the first place, the thesis introduces the formation of the early ministers to foreign countries, meanwhile, points out that they were the torchbearers of legal reform in the late Qing Dynasty.
文章首先简单介绍早期驻外使领这一群体的形成过程,并指明他们是晚清法律改革的启蒙者。 cnki

Nor, unlike that downtrodden group, do Muslims lack inspiring torchbearers. They already dominate Bollywood and include many sports stars.
区别于这个被踩在脚下的群体,穆斯林并不缺乏耀眼的精英,他们在宝莱坞独领风骚,在体育届人才济济。 ecocn

The 18.6km relay starts from the Yeping Red Army Square and involves208 torchbearers, including2 veterans who took part in the Long March.
火炬从叶坪红军广场出发,传递线路全长18.6公里,共208名火炬手参加,包括两位参加过长征的老红军。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The relay will involve 624 torchbearers, 37% of whom are from more than20 ethnic minority groups, such as Tibetan, Naxi, Bai and Yi.
参加传递的火炬手共有624名,其中少数民族火炬手占37%,分别来自藏、纳西、白、彝等20多个少数民族。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The usual pro- democracy demonstrators were outnumbered by crowds of ordinary people cheering on the Chinese celebrity torchbearers.
为中国名人火炬手欢呼加油的普通民众数量超过亲民主示威者。 blog.sina.com.cn

The vehicle that accompanies the torchbearers displays the official emblem developed for the relay.
这辆一路伴随着火炬手的花车,带有为本届火炬传递活动特别设计的标识。 teamwork.enorth.com.cn

The Olympic flame is still lit in Olympia and carried to the site of the games by a series of torchbearers.
奥林匹克火焰仍燃烧在希腊的奥林匹亚,然后由多名火炬手传递到运动会举办城市。 edu.sina.com.cn

Among the624 torchbearers,121 are come from13 different ethnic minority groups.
在624名火炬手中,有121名来自13个少数民族。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

As a student of senior high, I have been chosen as one of the torchbearers in Shandong.
最为一个高中学生,我被选为山东的一名火炬手。 study-abroad-web.com

Each of the torchbearers will be given a Games torch as a souvenir.
每位火炬手将获得大运火炬一个作为纪念。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Here spectators can bear the 2008 Olympic torch, feeling the honor of being torchbearers.
在这里,游客可以手持奥运祥云火炬,体验奥运火炬手的神圣。 blog.sina.com.cn

I believe the whole thing of foreign torchbearers is just for show.
我认为搞个老外火炬手实在是为了噱头。 kekenet

In that sense, Torres and Dalglish are torchbearers for the same115- year- old tradition.

Mayor Xu Qin ignited the torch in front of SZU's old library and declared the start of the second leg of the Games torch relay, which involved90 torchbearers.
市长许勤在深大旧图书馆前点燃了火炬,宣布大运会火炬接力第二站开始,火炬接力手为90名。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Six Tanzanian ministers acted as torchbearers, making it the highest- profile stopover up to now.
共有六位部长级火炬手参与传递活动,成为迄今规格最高的一站。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The relay will last130 days, involving over 20,000 torchbearers.
圣火传递将持续130天,包括2万名火炬手。 study-abroad-web.com

This re- evaluation makes for an unfamiliar picture of the Enlightenment and its torchbearers.
这次对启蒙运动的重新评估对启蒙运动以及启蒙领导人做出了一些不常见的描述。 topsage




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