释义 |
to practice law 基本例句 当律师 I usedto practice law, but now I teach English.我从前开业当律师,但现在我教英文。 I usedto practice law,but now I teach English.我从前开业当律师,但现在我教英文。 I don't think so. Bankruptcy should not affect anyone's qualification and licenseto practice law.他的律师资格应该在破产时候被取消了,我猜想。 The Henan authorities' refusal to process Li Subin's paperwork when he moved to Beijing made it impossible for himto practice law.当他搬到北京时,河南当局拒绝移交他的档案,使得他没有办法再从事法律事业。 I am an attorney licensedto practice lawin Texas and full-time employee of the Corporate Law Department of CCC Mutual Automobile Insurance Company.我是德州的职业律师以及CCC互动汽车保险公司集团法律部的全职员工。 Each of us, as attorneys licensedto practice law, are bound to scrupulously follow American law with respect to funds held in escrow, in a fiduciary capacity.当然这家银行是在我们所处的司法管辖范围之内营业的.;作为律师;我们每一位都持照执法;面对专项账户的基金;皆以受托人身份精心护法 |