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toppings 英'tɒpɪŋz美'tɒpɪŋz COCA²⁹⁹⁶⁵BNC⁷⁰⁴⁵⁰Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹ 基本英英例句例句 n.顶层加料;浇头⁹³名词topping的复数形式⁷.原型topping的复数 名词 topping: a flavorful addition on top of a dish用作名词A message box indicating your choice of pizzatoppingsis displayed.将显示一个消息框指示您对比萨饼浇头的选择。 And help me pick the toppings and syrup. 帮我选上面的配料和糖浆。 hjenglish The question is, how do you manage the relationship between pizza and toppings? 问题在于,如何管理比萨与浇头的关系? ibm You'll set up a Toppings table in which each topping has a name and a base price. 设置一张浇头表,其中每个浇头都有一个名称和一个底价。 ibm A salad is typically a good choice, but be aware that dressings and toppings like cheese and croutons can add fat and calories. 沙拉是非常典型的好选择,但是注意像奶酪和油炸面包丁这样的调料会增加脂肪和热量含量。 edu.sina.com.cn A pizza is an order, a size, and a set of toppings. 一张比萨就等同于一份订单,涉及尺寸和一组浇头。 ibm But Moore had a slice of advice for pizza aficionados who might want to cover their crust with mounds of fatty toppings like extra cheese, pepperoni, sausage and ground beef. 但摩尔对那些想在比萨外壳上加很多如奶酪、辣味香肠、腊肠或牛肉粒等浇头的比萨爱好者们提了一条建议。 cri Chocolate that allow you to mix and match filling and toppings to satisfy your taste. 吃这种巧克力时,你可以混搭各种馅料夹心和顶饰,满足你的不同口味。 yeeyan Doing so has many nice properties, among them the fact that it allows an infinite number of toppings on a pizza. 这样做有很多很好的属性,其中一个事实是它允许在一个比萨上使用无数种浇头。 ibm For example, a seemingly healthy salad can be a diet minefield when smothered in high- fat dressing and fried toppings. 举例来说,看似健康的沙拉可以是健康饮食的地雷区,就在它的表面涂上高脂肪的沙拉调味酱,和油炸配菜。 yeeyan For example, the meats which are used as toppings on pizza are often first fried to remove excess fat. 例如,用来放在比萨上面的肉类通常会先炒过以去除多余的油脂。 iciba For the moment, assume that all the toppings have the same price. 目前,假定所有浇头的价格都一样。 ibm From a large oven, another team pulled a bubbling pizza loaded with colorful toppings. 另一个队伍从大烤炉中端出热腾腾的披萨,上面缀满五颜六色的顶料。 hjenglish If you have to eat that hot dog, try to stick to healthier toppings like sauerkraut, ketchup, mustard or relish. 如果你非要吃的话,试着搭配一些比较健康的配料比如泡菜,番茄酱,芥末或者调味料。 yeeyan In your case, that's the list of toppings. 在例子中,那就是浇头的列表。 ibm It is now ready to roll out and cover with your toppings. 它现在可以弹回来,并让你的指印消失。 yeeyan Order pizza and have the restaurant bake a special pizza that spells out your apology using toppings. 订一个披萨,让饭店烤一个特别的披萨,上面用配料写上你的道歉。 yeeyan Outside the cafeteria, a sign warns of the calorific peril of the chicken pot pie; inside, the salad bar has colour- coded tongs to convey which salad toppings should be used“ freely” or “ sparingly”. 咖啡厅外的警示语写着鸡肉饼的高热量危害;厅内,沙拉台上的夹钳标有颜色,标明哪些沙拉配料可随便食用,哪些需要尽量少放。 yeeyan Pepperoni& sausage toppings are “ high risk” processed meats which add lots of nitrites, chemicals, preservatives, and saturated fats. 烤肠和香肠的顶部是高风险的加工肉类,它加了大量的亚硝酸盐、化学剂、防腐剂还有饱和脂肪。 yeeyan The last database design problem is the pizza and toppings. 最后一个数据库设计问题是比萨和浇头。 ibm This time I avoided the mixture of tomato and melted cheese that seems to guarantee all pizza toppings taste the same whatever else you add. 这次,我刻意没用西红柿和融化的芝士,因为它们让所有的匹萨表面吃起来都是一个味儿,不管你再加什么料进去。 yeeyan Turn the dough out and press it down with your fist. It is now ready to roll out and cover with your toppings. 把面团反过来,用你的拳头按一按。它现在可以弹回来,并让你的指印消失。 yeeyan When you run it, you'll see the Pizza panel show up first; then, after a small delay for GWT to simulate the server call, the Toppings panel will appear, as shown in Figure1. 运行它时,您将看到先显示 Pizza面板;然后,经过短暂延迟等待 GWT模拟服务器调用后, Toppings面板将显示以下效果,如图1所示。 ibm You want to allow users to create a pizza with different toppings on each half. 您需要允许用户制作每一半具有不同浇头的一张比萨饼。 ibm You'd want to allow enough toppings on a pizza that putting them all in the same table would become rather ugly. 您希望对一个比萨使用足够多的浇头,将它们全都放在同一张表中会变得十分难看。 ibm |