

单词 topless
释义 top·less 英ˈtɒplɪs美ˈtɑplɪsAHDtŏpʹlĭs ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁶⁰³⁷BNC²⁴¹⁶⁸iWeb²⁰²²⁹Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

having no top;

a topless jar

having the breasts uncovered or featuring such nudity;

topless waitresses

a topless cabaret

top,上部,顶端,-less,无,没有。蒋争熟词记忆top顶端→最-less无…的⇒无顶的;无盖的top顶端→最-less无…的⇒无顶的;无盖的近义词 headless不在意的braless不戴胸罩的bare-breasted袒胸露乳的反义词 topped动词top的过去式,动词…

用作形容词In Liverpool, it is illegal for a woman to betoplessexcept as a clerk in a tropical fish store.在利物浦,女性不得在公共场合袒胸露怀,但热带鱼商店的店员除外。 The former judo champion has been photographed topless on so many occasions that even venerated ABC newsman Charlie Gibson felt compelled to try to explain just what's going on here.
作为过去的柔道冠军,他赤膊上身的照片比比皆是,就连令人尊敬的美国广播公司播报员查理·吉布森都不得不是这去解释这到底是怎么回事。 yeeyan

This movie and character made every man and boy want to go out buy an over-sized military combat knife, strip topless, cover himself in mud, put on a red bandanna and live in the forest.
电影和角色令每个男人和每个男孩都想买上一把大号的格斗军刀,袒着胸膛,泥浆裹身,系上红色的头带,在丛林里呼啸奔腾。 yeeyan

A mostly male crowd wielding camera phones and video cameras massed along the street as two armoured ex- military vehicles and motorbikes carrying20 topless women and a few men drove by.
当两辆原军用装甲车和摩托车载着20名露点女星和几个男人驶过大街,围在街道旁边的一群男人纷纷举起手机和摄像机拍照。 kekenet

A law stating that in Liverpool, only a clerk in a tropical fish store is allowed to be publicly topless, was also ridiculous, said the poll.
此外,英国法律规定,在利物浦,只有热带鱼商店的店员才能在公共场合袒胸露怀,这也让人匪夷所思。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

A modeling technique where a topless woman conceals her nipples by covering both breasts with her hands or fingers.
这是一种模特技法。上空的女性用她的双手和手指,遮掩她的双乳,以隐蔽她的乳头。 yeeyan

How could this happen in the land of topless carnival dancers and buttocks swaying on the beach?
这件事情为何会发生狂欢节充斥着上空的桑巴舞者,以及海滩上充斥着摇晃臀部的国家呢? ecocn

It also explains why Vladimir Putin has become a sex god and poses topless with his fishing rod.
也知道为什么弗拉基米尔·普京会成为性偶像,拍照片还赤裸上身握着鱼竿。 yeeyan

Liverpool makes it illegal for any woman to appear topless in public unless she is a clerk in a tropical fish store.
在利物浦,除非你是热带鱼专卖店的女店员,否则女士不能在公共场合裸露上身。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Mr Berlusconi’s equal- opportunities minister is a former topless model.
贝卢斯科尼同等机会的部长是一个曾经的半裸模特。 ecocn

NSW Assistant Health Minister Jodi McKay said banning topless sunbathing was a step too far.
新南威尔士州卫生部长助理乔迪•麦凯认为禁止袒胸日光浴有些过分。 ebigear

Nudity and topless bathing are still taboo in the poor Balkan country.
全身或上身赤裸在贫穷的巴尔干半岛国家仍然是被禁止的。 cri

One afternoon he came to see me while I was by the pool and noticed that a female guest was sunbathing topless.
一天下午这位服务员来看我,我正在泳池边上,留意到一位女游客脱了上衣在做日光浴。 yeeyan

She danced topless, incited riots, and sparked duels, but what really got her off was overthrowing the ruling class.
她赤裸上身出现在舞台上,引发了街头骚乱和斗殴,但最终导致她毁灭的原因是触犯了统治阶层。 yeeyan

She emphasises that despite her reputation as a sex symbol, she has never been photographed topless and never will be.
她强调道,尽管有着性感演员的名声,但她从未拍过上身裸露的照片,以后也绝不会。 yeeyan

Sweden's 3rd largest city Malmo has given its women the right to bathe topless in swimming pools.
近日,瑞典第3大城市马尔默市的妇女终于争取到了无上装游泳的权利。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Ten days ago, an embarrassing picture of Cole dressed only in underpants was printed in a tabloid newspaper. It had been sent to Sonia Wild, a topless model.
在十日之前,一份小报刊登出科尔穿着底裤的尴尬图片,这张图片也被发到无上装杂志《索尼娅野生》。 hjenglish

The last time she modelled for Hudson Jeans she caused a stir because she was only17 and she went topless for the shoot.
上一次,她为哈德森牛仔裤做模特而引起了巨大反响,因为那时她只有17岁,却拍了半裸照。 cri

The bill has won the support of Labour government MP Paul Gibson, who told the Sydney Daily Telegraph that families at the beach during the summer holidays did not want to see topless women.
该提案已获得工党政府议员保罗•吉布森的支持。 他在接受《悉尼每日电讯报》采访时称,家人暑期一起去海滩时可不想见到半裸的女性。 ebigear

This artifact in P.T. Barnum's museum was advertised as a gorgeous topless siren, but was actually the mummified corpse of an ape sewn to a fish.
这个被 P.T巴纳姆博物馆宣传是袒乳海妖的艺术品,实际上,是将一具木乃伊化的类人猿尸体同一条鱼缝合起来而已。 yeeyan

Tunisia and Egypt are an exception among Arabic states, allowing foreign tourists to swim topless on private beaches.
阿拉伯国家中突尼斯和埃及是一个例外,允许外国游客在私人海滩上空游泳。 yeeyan

Topless sunbathing has been common on most beaches in Australia since the 1960s.
自上世纪60年代以来,袒胸日光浴在澳大利亚多数海滩极为普遍。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Topless sunbathing has been common on most beaches in Australia since the 1960s. Nude beaches are also legal in every state except Queensland.
自上世纪60年代以来,袒胸日光浴在澳大利亚多数海滩极为普遍。除昆士兰州外,裸体浴场也都合法。 enread




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