

单词 Belo
释义 Be·lo 英ˈbeləʊ, ˈbelʊə美ˈbɛlo, ˈbɛlʊAHDbĕlʹō, bĕʹl‹ COCA⁴⁷⁵⁶⁴BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
A former driver, Pinto got a job scaring visitors in a commercial haunted house in Belo Horizonte,210 miles north of Rio de Janeiro.
平托以前曾是一名司机,后来他又在位于该国里约热内卢市以北210英里处的贝洛奥里藏特市找到了一份特殊的工作。 cri

Born to a Bulgarian immigrant father and a teacher in Belo Horizonte, the capital of Minas Gerais, her childhood was much more comfortable than Lula’s.
父亲是来自保加利亚的移民,在大矿州首府 Belo Horizonte担任教师,而她的童年较 Lula da Silva舒适很多。 ecocn

On January26th the environment ministry gave contractors the go-ahead to start clearing land for Belo Monte.
元月廿六日,环境保护部发给签约厂商许可证,开始为兴建 Belo Monte大坝清理土地。 ecocn

“ You cannot imagine how many times I spoke against Belo Monte without even knowing what it was about, and it is precisely during my government that Belo Monte is being unveiled, ” he said.
你们可以想象在我没有了解这项工程之前,我很多次反对这项工程。可以很精确地说,是在我这届政府期间,这项工程才正式揭开面纱。 bbs.jsw118.com

A city of southeast Brazil west- southwest of Belo Horizonte. It is a railroad junction and an agricultural trade center. Population, 08,279.
巴西东南部一城市,位于贝洛哈里桑塔市西南偏西。是铁路枢纽和农业贸易中心。人口08,279。 poptool

Brasilia, Brazil: Chief Raoni of the Caiapo tribe from the Amazon basin smokes a pipe while demonstrating against the construction of the planned Belo Monte hydroelectric dam.
巴西,巴西利亚:来自亚马孙盆地的 Caiapo部落的Raoni酋长在抗议计划将要建设的蒙地贝罗水电站时抽上了烟管。 yeeyan

Currently RHI employs around101 people in a strong sales team that operates in Belo Horizonte.
目前奥镁巴西销售小组共有101精兵强将组成,在贝洛奥里藏特工作。 yeeyan

Green pressure groups including International Rivers have condemned the decision by Brazil's environmental agency to issue a preliminary environmental licence for the Belo Monte hydroelectric dam.
巴西环保局近日放行贝鲁蒙蒂水电大坝项目的决定遭到了包括国际河流协会在内的绿色团体的指责。 bbs.hp009.com

In between your sightseeing tours in Belo Horizonte, this 3- star hotel invites you to work out in the gym, or to sit back and relax in the sauna or by the pool.
您在壁球场或在健身房流汗之后,还可享受冷水淋浴,到桑那浴室放松,或到酒店的室外游泳池游泳。 belo-horizonte.brazil.hostelhotel.cn

Now he plans to shoot a3D“ experiential” documentary about the plight of the region's people and their battle against Belo Monte.
现在,他正筹划拍摄一部实验性的3D记录片,内容就是当地人如何与政府就贝鲁蒙蒂工程问题进行交涉和斗争。 yeeyan

President Dilma Rousseff launched the event at a stadium in Belo Horizonte alongside the footballing legend Pele, who is Brazil's World Cup ambassador.
总统迪尔玛-罗塞夫在位于贝洛奥里藏特的一座体育馆举行此仪式,在她旁边的是足球传奇人物贝利,他也是此次巴西世界杯的大使。 www.kle100.cn

Shopping in Belo Horizonte.
购物在贝洛奥里藏特。 xjwmw

They are controversial, particularly the Belo Monte dam approved for the Xingu, a tributary of the Amazon in the northern state of Pará.
这些水力发电站引起争论,尤其是同意兴建北部巴拉州亚马逊河支流欣古河上的 Belo Monte大坝。 ecocn

Belo is built on several hills and surrounded by mountains.
坐落于许多小山上,四周也是山脉葱葱。 old.blog.edu.cn

BELO HORIZONTE, a Portuguese name meaning “ beautiful horizon”, is the third largest city in Brazil.
贝洛奥里藏特葡萄牙语:美丽的地平线。是巴西第三大城市。 old.blog.edu.cn




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