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词汇 top
释义 top 英tɒp美tɑpAHDtŏp

the highest point or face


the upper part


the best, most important or most successful part or place


of or at the top; highest, most important, etc.

vt. 加以顶; 盖上盖儿

provide a top for; put a top on

vt. 到…上面

reach the top of

vt. 超过; 胜过; 高过

surpass; be taller or higher than; exceed; excel

the upper part of anything;

the mower cuts off the tops of the grass

the title should be written at the top of the first page

the highest or uppermost side of anything;

put your books on top of the desk

only the top side of the box was painted

the top or extreme point of something usually a mountain or hill;

the view from the peak was magnificent

they clambered to the tip of Monadnock

the region is a few molecules wide at the summit

the first half of an inning; while the visiting team is at bat;

a relief pitcher took over in the top of the fifth

the highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development;

his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty

the artist's gifts are at their acme

at the height of her career

the peak of perfection

summer was at its peak

…catapulted Einstein to the pinnacle of fame

the summit of his ambition

so many highest superlatives achieved by man

at the top of his profession

the greatest possible intensity;

he screamed at the top of his lungs

platform surrounding the head of a lower masta conical child's plaything tapering to a steel point on which it can be made to spin;

he got a bright red top and string for his birthday

covering for a hole especially a hole in the top of a container;

he removed the top of the carton

he couldn't get the top off of the bottle

put the cover back on the kettle

a garment especially for women that extends from the shoulders to the waist or hips;

he stared as she buttoned her top

a canvas tent to house the audience at a circus performance;

he was afraid of a fire in the circus tent

they had the big top up in less than an hour

situated at the top or highest position;

the top shelf

be superior or better than some standard;

She exceeded our expectations

She topped her performance of last year

pass by, over, or under without making contact;

the balloon cleared the tree tops

be at the top of or constitute the top or highest point;

A star tops the Christmas Tree

be ahead of others; be the first;

she topped her class every year

provide with a top or finish the top of a structure;

the towers were topped with conical roofs

reach or ascend the top of;

The hikers topped the mountain just before noon

strike the top part of a ball in golf, baseball, or pool giving it a forward spincut the top off;

top trees and bushes

be the culminating event;

The speech crowned the meeting

finish up or conclude;

They topped off their dinner with a cognac

top the evening with champagne


❌ She was dressed in black from the top to the toe.

✔️ She was dressed in black from top to toe.

from top to toe表示“从头到脚”,其间不能插定冠词the。


❌ The girl secretary is on the top of her job.

✔️ The girl secretary is on top of her job.

on top of表示“驾驭,熟练掌握”时, top前不能加the。


❌ I put my bag at the top of yours.

✔️ I put my bag on the top of yours.


❌ His name was on the top of the list.

✔️ His name was at the top of the list.


❌ A red flag stands on the top of the hill.

✔️ A red flag stands at the top of the hill.

表示“在…上面”应该用 on the top of,介词on不可以改成at。但表示“在…顶端”“在…最上方”时要用at the top of。因为at表示一个点,而on表示一个面,范围比at广。







来自古英语 top,顶部,顶端,来自 Proto-Germanic*tuppaz,顶部,顶端,词源同 tip.引申诸相 关词义。
用作名词 n.
动词+~climb up to the top爬上顶部come to the top来到上面,出名,成功cut the top砍去顶部,削掉顶端get to the top到达顶部have a top得到消息hold the top占首位,居首位reach the top登上顶峰go over the top跳出战壕,采取果断步骤,超过限额put on a top盖上盖子screw off a top旋开盖子screw on a top旋上盖子形容词+~all-time top历史上最高点big top很大的马戏篷hot top刚获知的内情straight top可靠消息useful top有用的提示名词+~hill top小山顶bottle top瓶盖box top盒盖house top屋顶,房顶mountain top山顶roof top平顶房的屋顶screw top有螺纹的盖tree top树顶,树尖介词+~at the top of处在…的顶部,居于…顶部from top to bottom从头到脚,彻头彻尾from the top从顶部on top of the situation通晓情况,掌握局面on the top of sb's tongue就在某人嘴边的,某人差一点说出口的to the top到顶部car without a top敞篷车~+介词top of the map地图的顶端top of the mountain山顶top of the page书眉,页眉top of the table首席top of the tree树顶用作动词 v.~+副词top off完成,达到顶峰top up加满,结束,完成~+介词top by比…高出top in超过top with被…覆盖
top off v.+adv.

重新给…加满燃料 resupply or refuel to capacity

top sth ⇔ offHe topped off the hedge.他整修了树篱顶部。
They topped off their little hut with a straw thatch.他们给自己的小屋盖了稻草顶。
The tallest commercial building in that state was topped off yesterday.该州最高的商业大楼于昨日封顶。top offThe production figures this month have topped off.这个月的生产数字已达最高点。
The rise in prices seems to have topped off, so goods should cost the same for a longer time now.看来物价上涨已达顶点,所以在较长一段时间内物价会保持稳定。top sth ⇔ offShe topped off her dinner with coffee.她以咖啡结束了她的晚餐。top offDoes the car need topping off?这辆汽车需要加满油吗?top sth ⇔ offThe ship has been topped off with fuel.这艘船已经加满了燃料。
top out v.+adv.

举行建筑物落成典礼 perform a ceremony to mark the completion of a high building

top outWhen we top out, there will be souvenirs for everyone who has worked on the site.到我们举行落成典礼时,凡是在工地上劳动过的人都会得到纪念品的。
top up v.+adv.

给…加满 add sth in order to make full

top sb/sth ⇔ upYour glass is empty, let me top you up.你的杯子是空的,让我给你斟满。
The waiters were constantly on the move, topping up the glasses.服务员不停地走来走去,把酒杯斟满。
Could you let me have a small can of water to top up my radiator?能给我一小罐水让我把水箱加满吗?
He topped up the car with a special brand of petrol.他给汽车加满了一种特别牌号的汽油。非常记忆to到〖熟词〗+p屁〖编码〗⇒爬到山顶后放了一个屁故事记忆轻轻 Hop跳跳上 Top顶部唱起 Pop流行音乐小学英语速记联想记忆:从top上面往下mop用拖把擦干净联想记忆最新金曲榜Top Ten前十名近义词 peakbestchieffirstclimbexcelupsidebetterhighestn. acmeforemostgreatestleadv. beatsummitadj. best反义词 bottomn. base
用作名词n.That top belongs to this box.那个盖是这个盒子上的。
The mountaineers did not begin to come down the mountain till they had reached the top.登山者们登上顶峰后才开始下来。
She was aiming for the top in her career.她立志攀登事业的顶峰。
The top of the box bends back to show the goods.箱子盖向后敞开,里面装的货都露了出来。
The road will bring you up to the top of the cliff.这条道会把你引到峭壁的顶端。
The old man was puffing and blowing when he got to the top of the hill.那老人到达山顶时,喘息不止。
I lifted my head and looked up.Red flags were flying from the top of the pass.我抬头望去,只见山顶上红旗招展。
They seldom went far from home, and they fancied that the whole world was seen from the top of their hill.他们难得离开家园,他们以为从他们的小山顶上可以看见全世界。
She feared for the little boy when she saw him at the top of the tree.她看到那小男孩在树顶上时,着实替他捏了一把汗。
Mark the total at the top of the page “brought forward”.给这页上方的数字标上“由上页入”的字样。
I shouted at the top of my voice and instantly the mountains and valleys answered.我高声呼喊,山谷立即发出回声。
The light on top of the police car was flashing.警车上部的灯在闪耀。
The house has been redesigned, top and bottom.这房子完全是重新设计的。
He sits at the top of the table.他坐上席。
He is at the top of his class.他是班上最优秀的学生。用作形容词adj.
~+ n.He took up residence on the top floor of a hotel.他在一家旅馆的顶层住下。
I won't pay top prices for goods of inferior quality.我不愿付高价买那些质量低劣的商品。
The top team in each group played off seven games against each other.各组的前几名彼此进行7场比赛。
Jim may be a good runner, but when he entered for the top international competitions, he found he had bitten off more than he could chew.吉姆算得上是优秀赛跑运动员,但当他参加了最高级国际比赛时,他觉得自己力不从心。
He is running at top speed.他正在全速地奔跑。
S+be+~+ prep. -phraseShe is top in French.她的法语学得最好。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.His cartopped the steep hill easily.他的汽车很轻易地就爬上了这座陡峭的小山顶端。
A churchtops the hill.山顶有一座教堂。
A steepletops the church.教堂的顶端是一个尖型结构。
He is going to top the barn tomorrow.他打算明天给粮仓封顶。
Please top the box.请盖上盒子。
Hetopped his father by half a head.他比他父亲高出半个头。
The suntopped the horizon.太阳从地平线上升起。
She is expected to top the poll.预计她得票最多。
Hetops the rest in scholarship.他的学识超过其他人。
The prairie istopped occasionally by low hills.偶尔可见大草原上隆起几座低矮的小山。Ptop-out顶点Pdesktopn.桌面Prooftopn.屋顶Ptopmastn.中桅Ptreetopn.树稍Phousetopn.屋顶Plaptop膝上型的Ptabletopn.桌面Philltopn.小山顶Ptopsailn.上桅帆Ptopsiden.干舷部Proundtopn.下桅盘Ptopnotchn.最高度Pmountaintopn.山顶Ptop-doga.获胜者的Pworktopn.桌面台面Ptop-downa.自顶向下Ptop-dressingn.顶肥Ptop-secreta.绝密的Pcarrottopn.红发的人Pmaintopn.主桅上平台Ppeg-topa.上宽下窄的Ptop-levela.最高级的Ptop-rankinga.一流的Pforetopmastn.前中桅Pblacktopn.沥青柏油路Predtopn.小糠草红顶草Ptop-linea.头条新闻的Ptopfula.满的满到边的Ptopworkvt.剪顶枝嫁接Pforetopn.额毛前桅平台Ptop-notcha.最高质量的Ptopknotn.头饰羽冠顶髻Ptoplessa.无顶的袒胸的Ptopmosta.最高的顶端的Ptopsoiln.上层土表层土Pbubble-topn.透明防弹罩Psteepletopn.尖塔状顶部Pmain-topmastn.主桅中桅Pgaff-topsailn.斜桁中帆Ptopsmann.工头绞刑执行人Pfore-topsailn.前中桅的帆Pfore-topgallanta.前上桅的Pmain-topgallantn.主桅顶桅Ptop-dressvt.施肥于铺碎石于Ptop-hampern.多余碍事的东西Ptop-holea.最上等的第一流的Ptoploftya.高傲的瞧不起人的Patopad.在顶上prep.在…的顶上Pflattopn.航空母舰平顶的建筑Povertopvt.高耸…之上凌驾超出Ptop-flighta.第一流的最高档的Ptop-drawera.地位最高的最重要的Ptopmann.地面上做杂务的建筑工人Ptropicssprangletopn.热带千金子Ptop-heavya.头重的头重脚轻的不稳的Ptopflighta.第一流的最好的最高级的Ptopplev.失去平衡而坠落倒塌倒下打倒推翻Ptopsy-turvydomn.颠倒状态混乱状态混乱世界Ptopgallantn.上桅上桅帆a.上桅的最高的最佳的Ptiptopn.顶点绝顶头等a.最高的极好的ad.在顶点非常好地Ptoppinga.极好的主要的一流的n.除顶部修剪树稍剪落之小树枝Ptoppern.第一流的人物高档的东西胜过以前同类物的东西大礼帽轻便大衣Ptopsy-turvyad.颠倒地乱七八糟地a.颠倒的乱七八糟的n.颠倒混乱vt.使颠倒使混乱



表示“在…上面”可以说on the top of sth,也可说on top of sth,但“在上面”只能说on top。








用作名词The mountaintopsare covered with snow.白雪覆盖着山顶。
The staircase was short, and they were soon at thetop.梯子是短的,他们一下子就到了顶上。
The green book is at the bottom of the pile and the red one is ontop.绿皮书在那一堆书的底下,红皮书在上边。
He worked his way to thetopof his profession.他一步一步努力,终于成为行业内的翘楚。
The child gazed at the spinningtop.孩子盯着旋转的陀螺。用作形容词I live on thetopfloor.我住在顶层。
Tall as he is, he cannot reach thetopshelf.尽管他高,他也够不着书架顶端。, most important;highest
同义词 dominant,elite,excellent,finest,leading,preeminent,primary,principalcapital,chief,crack,crowning,culminating,fine,first,head,lead,maximum,outside,prime,ruling,sovereign,superior,tiptop,upperapical,first-class,first-rate,five-star,foremost,greatest,loftiest,maximal,paramount,supreme,top-drawer,top-notch,topmost,uppermost
反义词 inferior,poor,secondary,subordinate,unimportant,below,least,lower,minor,submissivelow,lowest,second-ratenoun.highest point
同义词 cap,ceiling,cover,face,head,height,lid,peak,point,roof,surface,tipacme,apex,apogee,capital,climax,cork,crest,crown,culmination,cusp,finial,limit,maximum,meridian,pinnacle,spire,stopper,summit,superficies,utmost,vertex,zenithfastigium,high point
反义词 bottom,nadir,personality,rear,basefoot,lowestnoun.highest rank
同义词 best,headcaptain,chief,choice,cream,elite,flower,lead,leader,pick,pride,prime,prize,utmostfirst place
反义词 worstbase,bottom,foot,lowest, on or reach highest part
同义词 cap,climb,cover,face,finishascend,cloak,clothe,crest,crown,garnish,piggyback,protect,reinforce,roof,scale,superimpose,surmount,tipspread over
反义词 descenddrop,fall,lose,lowerverb.surpass
同义词 beat,eclipse,exceed,outstrip,totalbash,best,better,clobber,excel,finagle,fox,outdo,outfox,outshine,overrun,transcendbe first,blow away,fake out,go beyond,run circles around,shut out
反义词 fall behind,fail,lose,surrenderdescend,dropverb.remove the upper part
同义词 trimamputate,cream,crop,curtail,decapitate,dock,pare,pollard,prune,ream,shear,shorten,skim,truncatecut off,detruncate,file off,lop off,scrape off,shave off
反义词 elongate,increase,lengthenadd
acmenoun pinnacle of achievement or physical object
apogee,capstone,climax,culmination,height,high point,highest point,meridian,optimum,peak,summit,ultimate,vertex,zenith
answerverb reply, react
acknowledge,answer back,argue,back at you,back-talk,be in touch,claim,comeback,contest,counterclaim,defend,deny,disprove,dispute,echo,explain,feedback,field the question,get back at,get back to,give a snappy comeback,parry,plead,rebut,refute,rejoin,remark,resolve,respond,retaliate,retort,return,sass,say,settle,shoot back,solve,squelch,talk back,top
answeredverb reply, react
clarified,conformed,correlated,corresponded,cracked,dealt with,did,doped,doped out,elucidated,filled,fit,licked,measured up,met,passed,qualified,satisfied,served,sufficed,suited,unzipped,worked,worked through
answersverb reply, react
clarifies,conforms,correlates,corresponds,cracks,deals with,does,dopes,dopes out,elucidates,fills,fits,licks,measures up,meets,passes,qualifies,satisfies,serves,suffices,suits,unzips,works,works through
archadjective principal, superior
beatverb defeat, surpass
be victorious,best,better,conquer,exceed,excel,outdo,outplay,outrival,outrun,outshine,outstrip,overcome,overtake,overwhelm,shoot ahead of,subdue,top,transcend,triumph,vanquish,whip On top of it all, our bank crisis is not over.
最为重要的是,我们的银行危机还没有结束。 yeeyan

The classpath should be defined near the top of the file.
类路径应该在这个文件的顶部附近定义。 ibm

The spinning top was losing momentum.




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