

单词 tooths
释义 tooth·s 英tuːθ美tuːθ COCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺
n.牙齿⁹²;齿状物²;粗糙表面¹;嗜好复teeth: 有效手段.名词复数teeth过去分词toothed现在分词toothing三单tooths

each of the hard white bony structures rooted in the gums, used for biting and chewing

hard bonelike structures in the jaws of vertebrates; used for biting and chewing or for attack and defensesomething resembling the tooth of an animaltoothlike structure in invertebrates found in the mouth or alimentary canal or on a shella means of enforcement;

the treaty had no teeth in it

one of a number of uniform projections on a gear

❌ We use our tooth for biting and chewing.

✔️ We use our teeth for biting and chewing.

tooth的复数是 teeth,这里应该用复数形式。


❌ My sister has two teethbrushes.

✔️ My sister has two toothbrushes.


用作名词 n.
动词+~bare one's teeth露出牙齿break a tooth损坏牙齿brush one's teeth刷牙clean one's teeth刷牙cut a tooth出牙,长新牙draw sb's teeth拔牙,使某人不能再作恶,解除某人的武装drill a tooth钻牙fill a tooth补牙get one's teeth长牙have a tooth out拔牙have a great tooth for非常喜欢…have a loose tooth信口乱说have a sweet tooth喜吃甜食have all one's own teeth牙齿完好无缺insert a tooth镶牙pick one's teeth剔牙pull a tooth拔牙put in a tooth镶牙repair a tooth修牙set one's teeth固牙,咬紧牙关,立下决心,决心应付困难show one's teeth露齿sink one's teeth into集中精力于…take out a tooth拔牙形容词+~artificial tooth假牙bad tooth蛀牙beautiful tooth漂亮的牙齿false tooth假牙irregular tooth不整齐的牙齿loose tooth活动的牙齿lower tooth下牙rotten tooth蚀牙upper tooth上牙名词+~baby tooth乳牙back tooth后牙,臼齿front tooth前牙,门齿milk tooth乳齿saw tooth锯齿wisdom tooth智齿介词+~between the teeth低声地in the teeth of public opinion不顾舆论反对a set of teeth一副牙齿in spite of sb's teeth不顾某人的反对
近义词 cog
用作名词n.I went to my dentist to have a tooth taken out.我去找牙医拔了一颗牙。
I've been troubled by a bad tooth.有颗坏牙一直使我不舒服。
One of my front teeth is giving me trouble.我的一颗门牙很痛。
His tooth ached all night.他的牙疼了一整夜。
My tooth has just come out.我的牙刚掉下来。
I can feel the hole in my tooth with my tongue.我用舌头可以舔到我牙齿中的缝。
He cried with pain when the dentist pulled his tooth out.当牙医给他拔牙时,他疼得叫起来。
His high temperature delayed having an infected tooth out.他由于发高烧推迟拔掉一颗受感染的牙齿。
The dentist took out two of my teeth and asked me to come back again to have further treatment.牙医拔掉了我两颗牙,并让我再来做进一步的治疗。
Ian's having three teeth taken out tomorrow.明天,伊恩要拔除3颗牙。
Fighting tooth and nail, the peasants refused to go down before the invaders.农民们不甘为入侵者所征服而作殊死的斗争。
It is an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.以眼还眼,以牙还牙。
They are armed to the teeth.他们是全副武装。
She clenched her teeth.她咬紧牙关。
Who broke a tooth of this saw?谁把这锯子的一个齿弄断了?
The law must be given more teeth if crime is to be properly controlled.要想有效控制住犯罪活动,就得加强法制的威力。
She has a sweet tooth.她有吃甜食的嗜好。


tooth也可作“齿状物; 齿轮、锯、梳、耙等的齿”解。


We should brush ourteethat least twice a day.我们每天应该至少刷两次牙。
The sharp parts of a comb or a saw are calledteeth.梳子和锯子的尖锐部分叫作齿。
The law must be given moreteethif crime is to be properly controlled.要想有效控制住犯罪活动,就得加强法制的威力。as in.bite
同义词 chew,chomp,cut,eat,gnaw,nibble,snap,woundchamp,chaw,crunch,crush,hold,masticate,munch,nip,rend,severchaw on,clamp,lacerate,pierce,ruminate,seize,take a chunk out of,taste ObjectiveThe full crown is mostly used for the tooths repair and retainer of fixed partial dentureFPD in the clinical practice of prosthodontics.
目的口腔修复临床实践中,全冠是最常见的牙体缺损修复方法,也常常被用作固定义齿的固位体。 fabiao

The choice of plan, welding rod and technology of mending the broken tooths of a roller are much discussed.
着重论述了冷焊修补压榨辊崩齿的方案选定、焊条选择和工艺。 cnki

According to the formula, the width and space of the tooths can be rapidly calculated.
通过公式可以快速地计算出梳状体的齿宽和齿间距。 cnki

In streets, to set up telephone tooths between some miles distance, stands for the city's civilization, and comes being to a beautiful landscape in this city.

Methods Sensitive medicines for the infection and bleeding of tooths extraction was selected.
方法筛选拔牙窝感染敏感药物,临床病例用药物对照分析研究。 chemyq

Too proud art thou to kill these sweet- tooths.
我知道你太高傲了,不会杀死这些贪食者。 blog.sina.com.cn




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