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tool 英tuːl美tulAHDt›l ★★★☆☆常中高四六研IT牛4COCA¹⁴⁵¹BNC³⁵⁰⁶iWeb⁴¹⁷Economist³⁴⁴³ 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配短语记法近义反义句型派生词用法例句Thesaurus例句 🛠n.工具²;用具¹;手段³;被利用者vt.用工具加工¹vi.使用工具过去分词tooled现在分词tooling三单tools 工具生活用具
n.名词 C工具,用具a simple instrument that is held in the hands and used for doing special jobs, such as a hammer spade river Noun: an implement used in the practice of a vocationthe means whereby some act is accomplished;my greed was the instrument of my destruction science has given us new tools to fight disease a person who is controlled by others and is used to perform unpleasant or dishonest tasks for someone elseobscene terms for penis Verb: drive;The convertible tooled down the street ride in a car with no particular goal and just for the pleasure of it;We tooled down the street furnish with toolswork with a tool n.名词 tool, utensil这两个词都有“工具”或“器具”的意思。其区别是: tool指用手工操作的工具,如刨、锯等; utensil原指一切有用途的工具,现多指厨房内的器皿或容器。例如: Pots, pans, kettles and mops are kitchen utensils.锅、盘、壶及拖把是厨房用具。另外, tool还常用于比喻义。 apparatus,instrument,device,equipment,tool,implement,installation,appliance,facilities这些名词均有“仪器、设备、器械、器具”之意。 apparatus既可指某种具体的由许多不同零件构成的复杂的仪器、装置或器械,又可指它们的总称。 instrument通常指能使人们完成某一精确动作或测量的一种小型仪器,尤指电工仪表、测量装置,航海或航空用的控制装置。 device多指为某一特殊用途或解决某一特定机械问题而设计或改装的精巧的仪器或装置。 equipment多指成套的或重型的设备或装备。通常用作不可数名词。 tool一般指进行特种工作的手工工具,也可指人造使用动力的工具,还可作引申用。 implement原指史前人类所用的工具,现在多指农用工具,也可指为实现某个任务所需的工具或器具。 installation一般多指安装完成,可供使用或操作的整套装置或设施。 appliance侧重指家用机器或设备,尤指家用电器。 facilities常用复数形式,指可供使用的设备或设施。 来自古英语 tol,工具,设备,武器,来自 Proto-Germanic*towlam,工具,对等于 tow,拉,引导, -le,工具格后缀。 用作名词 n. 动词+~break a tool弄坏工具damage a tool损坏工具devise tools设计器械down tools暂时停止工作,罢工employ a tool使用工具find tools找到工具improve a tool改进工具invent a tool发明工具keep one's tools bright常备不懈make a tool of sb把某人作为走卒manipulate a tool熟练地使用工具,操纵工具repair a tool修理工具research tool研究手段sharpen tool磨快工具use a tool使用工具utilize a tool使用工具形容词+~broken tool坏工具effective tool有效的工具fire-fighting tools消防工具indispensable tool必不可少的工具necessary tool必要的工具needed tool需要的工具new tools新式工具obedient tool驯服的工具powerful tool有力的工具,强大的工具useful tool有用的工具名词+~burglar's tools窃贼的作案工具carpenter's tools木工工具farm tools农具garden tools园艺工具kitchen tool炊具machine tools机床power tool电动工具research tool研究手段介词+~a set of tools一套工具with a tool用工具~+介词tool for one's own purposes为自己目的服务的工具tool in the experiment实验中用的工具tool of one's trade本行业的工具tool of thought思维的工具 用作名词n.down tools罢工 stop working 非常记忆t伞〖编码〗+oo望远镜〖象形〗+l棍子〖编码〗⇒伞、望远镜和棍子都是工具近义词 deviceutensilapplianceimplementinstrument 用作名词n.It is an early tool in recent excavations.这是最近发掘出的古代工具。 He is clumsy with a tool.他使用工具笨手笨脚。 He is accustomed to say that English is a useful tool in his work.他常说英语是他工作中很有用的工具。 A carpenter's tools include saws, hammers, and screw-drivers.木工的工具包括锯子、锤子和旋凿。 The carpenter angrily flung away his tools and would work no longer.木匠怒气冲冲地扔下工具不肯再干了。 He used his boss's absence as a tool for gaining influence.他利用上司外出的机会来扩大影响。 He was a mere tool in the hands of the dictator.他只是那独裁者手中的工具而已。 The prime minister was a mere tool in the hands of the country's president.那个总理只不过是该国总统的马前卒。 Words are the tools of his trade.言谈是他做生意的工具。Ptoolbar工具栏Ptoolkit工具包Pretool重新装备Ptoolboxn.工具箱Pcutting-tool刀具Ptoolroomn.工具间Ptooltips工具提示Ptoolhousen.工具房Ptoolingn.机床安装Pretooling给机械装备新工具革新机械以生产新产品
tool的基本意思是工具,指能使操作更为方便的工具,尤指用手工操作的工具如刨、锯等,是可数名词。 tool常用于借喻中,如果指人往往用于贬义,含有轻蔑的意思,是“爪牙,傀儡”的意思; 指事时,可指通过某种“方法,方式”来达到所做事情的目的。 名词53%,动词47% 用作名词Don't injure yourself with thattool.不要让那工具伤害到你。 The metaltoolclanged when it hit the ground.金属工具碰到地面时发出叮当声。 A vacuum cleaner is a handy householdtool.吸尘器是一种使用方便的家庭用具。 Tissue culture is the most importanttoolused in virus assay.组织培养是用于病毒试验的最重要的手段。 The prime minister was a meretoolin the hands of the country's president.那个总理只不过是该国总统的马前卒。用作及物动词He job is totoolaccurately machine parts.他的工作是精密加工机器零件。用作不及物动词When a user clicks and drags with thetoolon the drawing area, thetooldoes its thing.当用户在画图区域使用工具单击并拖动时,工具就执行操作。 Previous studies by UW psychology professors found that infants do not normally use atool, such as a cane, spontaneously.之前的华盛顿大学心理学教授的研究发现,婴儿一般不会本能地使用工具,如棒子。noun.instrument used to shape, form, finish 同义词 apparatus,appliance,device,engine,gadget,gizmo,machine,means,mechanism,utensil,weaponcontraption,contrivance,implement,whatchamacallit 反义词 playthingtoynoun.person who can be manipulated by another 同义词 accessory,accomplice,agent,auxiliary,chump,creature,dupe,figurehead,flunky,go-between,greenhorn,hireling,idiot,intermediary,jackal,lackey,mark,messenger,minion,patsy,pawn,peon,puppet,stooge,suckereasy mark,stool pigeon accelerateverb increase speed, timing advance,drive,dust,expedite,fire up,forward,further,gun,hammer on,hasten,hurry,impel,lay a patch,lay rubber,make tracks,nail it,open up,peel rubber,precipitate,put on afterburners,put pedal to metal,quicken,railroad,rev,rev up,roll,speed up,spur,step on the gas,step up,stimulate acceleratesverb increase speed, timing advances,drives,dusts,expedites,fires up,forwards,furthers,guns,hammer on,hastens,hurries,impels,lies a patch,lies rubber,makes tracks,nails it,opens up,peels rubber,precipitates,puts on afterburners,puts pedal to metal,quickens,railroads,revs,revs up,rolls,speeds up,spurs,step on gas,steps up,stimulates,tools appliancenoun machine, usually with domestic purpose apparatus,device,gadget,implement,instrument,mechanism,tool augernoun drill borer,gimlet,grill,tool carveverb cut carefully with sharp instrument block out,chip,chisel,cleave,dissect,dissever,divide,engrave,etch,fashion,form,grave,hack,hew,incise,indent,insculpt,model,mold,mould,pattern,rough-hew,sculpt,shape,slash,slice,stipple,sunder,tool,trim,whittle cat's-pawnoun pawn chump,dupe,instrument,sap,stooge,sucker,tool It will save considerable machining time to use more than one tool in one machine to perform several machine operations either in sequence or simultaneously. 在一台机器上使用数种刀具来顺次或同时进行几项机器操作,将节省大量加工时间。《新英汉大辞典》 The newspaper debunked the youth cult as the tool of a foreign government. 报纸揭穿了此青年派别作为某外国政府的工具的真相。《21世纪大英汉词典》 After all, it is in fact another tool that you do need. 毕竟,它实际上也是您需要的另一个工具。 ibm Also, do not rely on only one tool. 另外,不要仅依赖于某一种工具。 ibm But I think it has more to do with the nature of the tool. 但我认为,这也和它的工具本质有很大的关系。 yeeyan But this tool is turned off by default. 但在缺省情况下,这个工具是关闭的。 ibm Even if they choose not to do that, the tool makes it very easy to choose a correct connector. 即使他们不选择方向工程,这一工具也使得选择一个正确的连接器变得十分容易。 ibm For these reasons, the bank chose it as their development tool for their modernization project. 出于这些理由,银行选择它作为其现代化项目的开发工具。 ibm How do I install and interact with that tool? 我该如何安装该工具并与其进行相互? ibm However, it may not always be clear which tool or process to use, or where the information is that you need. 然而,应该使用哪个工具或流程,或者所需要的信息位于何处,这可能并不总是清楚明了的。 ibm However, the tool lets us edit the standard fields and all extensions in one editor window. 然而,该工具允许我们在一个编辑器窗口中编辑标准字段和所有扩展。 ibm I hope me sharing this technique with you will help some of you to improve your mental and physical wellbeing, and realise what a safe and powerful tool for change hypnosis is. 我希望我和你分享的这个方法对于改善你的身心健康都会有帮助,并且能够意识到催眠是实现自我改变的非常安全和强大的工具。 yeeyan I put blogging last because it is the tool that plays the biggest role in transforming all of the above into learning, at least as I define it. 我把博客放在最后讲,是因为它是我把上述内容转变成知识的过程中,扮演着最重要的角色的工具,至少我是这么定义的。 yeeyan In this article, I talk about how you should go beyond a simple productivity tool to remind you what you need to do. 在本文中,我将探讨如何能超越简单的生产力工具,不再依赖它来提醒您需要做哪些事情。 ibm It should be used only as a tool, assisting in messaging and data representation by applications. 它应该只作为工具使用,帮助应用程序进行消息传递和数据表示。 ibm It shows how to use the tool in pipelines and with redirection of input, output, and error streams. 它演示了如何在管道中以及在输入、输出和错误流重定向的情况下使用该工具。 ibm Moreover, the tool becomes an extension of yourself. 而且,这种工具将成为您的扩展。 ibm Now that the tool is available to you what you do with it is up to you. 现在这个工具对你有用,那么怎么使用它完全取决于你。 yeeyan Often, each of these stages is realized by a tool or combination of tools. 通常,这些阶段中的每一个都是被一个工具或工具组合实现的。 ibm Once a child learns how to do this, they can use this tool for more success in school and at home. 一旦小孩学会如何去做,他们能利用这一工具在学校和家庭生活中获得更多的成功。 yeeyan Some other topics should be converted, but cannot be migrated well with an automated tool. 还有一些主题应该转换,但使用自动化工具不能很好地迁移。 ibm This is an operations tool only. 这仅仅是一个操作工具。 ibm We are tackling some of the hardest problems in the world with this powerful tool. 我们正在利用这个强大的工具,解决一些世界上最困难的问题。 blog.sina.com.cn What they have in common is using technology as a tool. 他们的共同点就是把使用技术作为一种工具。 yeeyan You can easily find this trend in the report of our stress test tool. 在压力测试工具的报告中,您可以很容易地发现这一趋势。 ibm You can run with it right away on any database tool without further configuration. 您可以在任何数据库工具上立即运行它而无需进一步配置。 ibm You have the most powerful tool of all: Yourself. 你已拥有所有工具中最强大的一个:你自己。 yeeyan |