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词汇 took root
释义 took root短语⁷⁹⁹⁷⁸⁺
America's military weakness during the Clinton years has been overshadowed by the disaster under Bush; but it was under Mr Clinton that al- Qaeda took root and grew.
克林顿时期美军的弱点被布什当政时的灾难所掩盖了,但是正是在克林顿当政时基地组织生根发芽。 ecocn

And I took root in an honourable people, and in the portion of mg God his inheritance, and my abode is in the full assembly of saints.
我在显耀的民族中,就是在上主的地域,他的家业内生根;我的居所,是在满是圣者的中间。 ccreadbible

That’s true of Buddhism as well, which was founded in today’s India but took root in China2,000 years ago.
佛教也是如此,发源于今天的印度,但2000多年前就在中国扎下了根。 yeeyan

The pioneers of this movement, which first took root in Britain in the first half of the20th century, include Bertrand Russell and Ludwig Wittgenstein.
这个流派运动发端于20世纪上半叶的英国,包括伯特兰·罗素和路德维希·维特根斯坦。 philosophyol

The seed took root in the teapot and began to grow.
花籽在她里面生根,开始生长。 chnxs

A conspiracy theory took root that the inflation was a Jewish plot to ruin Germany.
阴谋论盛行,认为通货膨胀是犹太人阴谋毁灭德国。 yeeyan

Founded in1639 as a movable Buddhist monastic center and trading post, the settlement took root in its present location in 1778.
乌兰巴托建立于1639年,是当时佛教寺庙的移动传教中心,也是贸易交流点,并在1778年扎根在今天乌兰巴托的所在位置。 yeeyan

His words took root my mind that day, and eventually inspired a new life goal.
那天,他的话在我的意识中扎了根,而且最终为我新的生活目标做出了启发。 yeeyan

Hung Men originated from Fujian province, spread later to Guangdong and, with the emigration of the Chinese, took root in SE Asia and across the world.
洪门的发源地是福建,随后传到广东,并随着华侨的移民逐渐在东南亚地区和世界各地立足。 yeeyan

It was not long before seeds of descent took root.
没过多久, 反抗的种子开始生根。

Nor does he take any responsibility for the fierce partisanship and political divisiveness that took root in his administration.
任内期间,对激烈的党派之争和政府内部的政治分歧也不承担任何责任。 yeeyan

The harsh words we heard growing up took root.
长大过程中我们听到的刺耳的话语也扎根在我心底。 ebigear

Their idea took root; records show that harvests were carried out in the Rhineland in1813 during the Napoleonic Wars.
这个冰酒的想法就这样产生了;档案记录着1813拿破仑战争的时候,葡萄收成在莱茵河地区展开着。 yeeyan

This was regarded as a humiliation by many Iranians, and the perception of Britain as a“ wily fox” quickly took root within the country's political classes.
许多伊朗人将此视为国耻,英国人是“狡猾的狐狸”这种看法迅速根治于这个国家的政治权利阶层中。 yeeyan

Those seeds finally took root in the earth.
那些种子终于落土生根。 ylingo

You cleared the ground for it, and it took root and filled the land.
你在这树根前预备了地方,他就深深扎根,爬满了地。 ebigear




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