

单词 took pains
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In a press release issued Wednesday, the company took pains to explain exactly what data it is and isn't recording and transmitting back to headquarters.
本周三,苹果发布了一份新闻稿,煞费苦心地解释苹果具体在将哪些信息记录和传送回公司总部,而没有记录和传送哪些信息。 fortunechina

After the Sept.11 attacks in Washington and New York, Lashkar took pains to present itself as a purely Kashmir- focused organization, but its interests are much broader.
在华盛顿和纽约发生的911恐怖袭击之后,虽然虔诚军尽力证明自己是个只针对克什米尔的组织,但是其打击的目标更加扩大了。 yeeyan

European leaders took pains to separate Greece from other countries.
欧洲领导人竭力将希腊与其他国家区分开来。 yeeyan

He took pains to see that everyone ate well.
他煞费苦心确保每个人都吃好。 vvcha

Mr. Thomas took pains to credit the company’s “ strong heritage.”
托马斯先生煞费苦心地为公司塑造信誉“传承悠久”的形象。 yeeyan

Officials took pains to show reporters a group of civilians whom they portrayed as volunteers who had flocked to Mr. Qaddafi's compound to shield him from the attacks.
当地政府官员煞费苦心地向记者展示一群他们称之为志愿者的平民蜂拥到卡扎菲先生的官邸,保护他不受攻击。 yeeyan

The small denizens of the wilderness hardly took pains to move out of her path.
那些野生的小动物,都不肯从她的小径上走开。 hjenglish

These Pearl gathered, and was pleased with their wild flavour. The small denizens of the wilderness hardly took pains to move out of her path.
珠儿采集了这些浆果,很喜欢那种野果的滋味。那些野生的小动物,都不肯从她的小径上走开。 chinafanyi.com




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