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took office短语²⁸⁵⁴⁵ 基本例句 上任 And I have said since the president took office that if the president listened to his commanders and his diplomats in the region, that I would support his plan. 自从奥巴马总统就职以来我就说过,如果总统听取该地区他的军事指挥官和外交官的意见,我就支持他的计划。 tingvoa With a few exceptions, such as the partial opening of retailing to foreign investment and the privatisation of the two biggest airports, reforms have stalled since the government took office in 2004. 但也有些例外,如印度零售业对外国投资者的部分开放,以及对国内两个最大机场的私有化,这些改革自2004年国大党组阁以来就已停顿。 ecocn And for all his economic development, Mississippi still has the lowest income per head of any state in the union, as it did when he took office. 并且,就其任职期间的经济发展而言,和他就职之初一样,密西西比州人均收入依然排在全联邦各州之后。 ecocn But they needed to win over Tea Partiers, who claim that they were criticizing Dubya’s profligacy long before President Obama took office. 但是他们需要说服茶党,该党声称他们一直批评答不溜长期肆意挥霍直到奥巴马执政。 yeeyan But when George Bush took office, he declared the North to be part of an“ axis of evil” with Iran and Iraq. 但是,当乔治·布什做美国总统时,他宣布朝鲜和伊朗、伊拉克都是“邪恶轴心”的一分子。 yeeyan Every Canadian federal government has faced this question since the first one took office in 1867, taking over a patchwork of reserves and treaties negotiated under British rule. 自1867加拿大联邦政府执政以来,每届政府都面临这个问题,必须遵循英国法律接管一堆保留区和条约的拼拼凑凑大杂烩。 yeeyan In 1993, when I took office, we were facing another historic challenge to the Union, as we moved from the industrial age into the global information age. 1993年我就职总统时,我们正从工业时代向全球化信息时代迈进,联邦面临着另一个具有历史意义的挑战。 yeeyan In our meeting, Netanyahu had reaffirmed his commitment to implement the agreements made before he took office, including the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Hebron. 会谈中,内塔尼亚胡重申了他有义务执行在他执政之前通过的各项协议,包括以色列军队从希伯伦撤军。 yeeyan It has yet to happen with the current crisis. But for the Depression it struck dramatically over a mere ten days in early1933, just before Franklin Roosevelt took office. 这样的事还没有发生在目前的金融危机中,但在大萧条时期,它戏剧地发生在1933年初的短短十天之中,就在富兰克林·罗斯福上任的前夜。 ecocn Mr Singh made administrative reform a priority when he took office in2004, and he duly set up a commission to look into it. 辛格先生在2004年执政是把政府改革列为头等大事,并且他适时的设立的一个委员会来研究此事。 yeeyan Obama made the stimulus a cornerstone of his economic recovery plan even before he took office, but his calls for bipartisanship were an early casualty. 奥巴马在他就任之前就把这一刺激计划作为经济复苏计划的基础,但是他呼吁两党合作造成早期的伤亡。 yeeyan Overall, support for Obama has crept up since he took office in January. 总之,自奥巴马一月份执政以来,对他的支持仍在悄悄攀升。 yeeyan Since the Democratic Party of Japan took office last year, it has been pressuring the Bank of Japan to be fiercer in fighting deflation. 日本民主党去年执政以来,一直向其央行日本银行施压,采取更激进的措施抵御通货紧缩。 ecocn Since Mr Tusk’s government took office in2007, however, that has begun to change. 然而,自从图斯克先生在2007年执政以来,情况开始发生了变化。 ecocn Unlike his mother, Mr Aquino was elected in an indisputable election, and he took office in an orderly handover of power, all according to the constitution. 不同于他的母亲,阿基诺三世是在一场毫无悬念的竞选中胜出,一切权利的移交都按照宪法有秩序的进行。 ecocn WHEN an elected government took office in January, after16 months of military rule, Thailand looked as if it might be returning to stable democracy. 当一个选举政府在一月正式就职,经过16个月的军事统治,泰国看起来似乎正在回到一种稳定的民主。 ecocn When I took office, according to federal government statistics our energy conservation program was the worst in the country. 我就职的时候,根据联邦政府的统计数字,我们的节约能源计划在全国是最差的。 yeeyan |