

单词 took effect
释义 took effect短语⁵⁰²⁵⁷
After Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation that took effect on January 1,1863, it became clear that northern victory would mean the end of slavery.
林肯发表了于1863年生效的《解放宣言》后,人们清楚地看到北方的胜利将意味着奴隶制的结束。 yeeyan

AFTER five years of delays American refiners are finally pumping new ultra-low- sulphur diesel fuel to service stations, to meet new regulations that took effect this month.
虽然晚了五年,美国的炼油公司们最终还是开始向加油站输送新型的超低硫柴油,以应对下个月开始生效的新规定。 ecocn

Chinese fertility was falling for decades before the one- child policy took effect in 1979.
中国1979年实行计划生育前,生育率就已持续下降了几十年。 yeeyan

Family lawyers across the country have been flooded with business since the new law took effect, as anxious women have realised their husbands are now effectively their landlords.
新法律生效以来,女性焦急地意识到,丈夫现在实际上成了她们的地主,全国范围内婚姻家庭律师的业务量剧增。 yeeyan

First there was No Child Left Behind, which took effect in 2003 and required states to give all students standardized tests to measure school progress.
首先是于2003年生效的不让一个儿童落后法案,要求每州给所有学生进行标准测试来衡量学校教育的进步。 yeeyan

Thousands applied at Hungarian consulates in Romania on Monday, when a new citizenship law took effect, a Hungarian community leader said.
一位匈牙利社区的领导说,当新的国际法生效时,星期一数以千计的人在匈牙利罗马尼亚申请加入国籍。 yeeyan

When the ban took effect, England was the largest jurisdiction to forbid smoking in enclosed public spaces.
禁令生效时,英格兰是禁止在封闭的公众场合吸烟的最大司法机构。 ecocn




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