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tonkatsuCOCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺⁵iWeb⁵⁸²¹⁴ 基本例句 n.日语。猪排;豚カツ。因為豬排豚カツTonKaTsu的後面兩個音與勝利勝カツKaTsu發音相同;因此日本人常常會吃豬排來討個吉利。 Offering truly authentic Tonkatsu and other signature dishes for three generations. It is now one of the oldest Tonkatsu restaurants in Japan. After84 years is still going strong. 烹饪正宗的猪扒超过三代,目前是日本历史最为悠久的猪扒店之一,84年还经久不衰。 ellechina Other regional delicacies include anago-meshi, or sea eel rice, and tonkatsu ramen from Hakata, a pork- bone white soup with ramen noodles。 其他日本地方美食料理还有鳗鱼寿司鳗鱼饭,博多豚骨拉面——在猪脊骨高汤中下入拉面。 tingvoa |