

单词 tonics
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名词 tonic:
lime- or lemon-flavored carbonated water containing quininea sweet drink containing carbonated water and flavoringmusic the first note of a diatonic scalea medicine that strengthens and invigoratesThe good news acted as atonicon us all.那个好消息让我们大家欢欣鼓舞。
Praise can be a finetonic.赞美有时真让人感到振奋。
Sea air has atonicquality.海洋的空气有益于增进健康。 He does not feel well recently, so he asked the doctor to prescribe some tonics.
最近身体不太好,就让医生给自己开了一些补剂。 nciku

Take more fresh fruit and vegetables. Take health tonics.
多吃鲜果和蔬菜和健康食品。 blog.sina.com.cn

The zoo then allegedly harvested the tigers' organs to create expensive“ virility tonics, ” which rightfully caused a public outcry.
据说后来甚至从老虎的身上收集器官来创造昂贵的“阳刚滋补”品,直接引起了民众的强烈抗议。 douban

Chinese tonics such as ginseng or swallow nest are most suitable gifts for elderly people.
像人参、燕窝之类的中国滋补品对老人最合适。 ebigear

He took her on a picnic with a thermos of gin and tonics; they married two months later.
比尔带了一水壶的酒,邀她一起外出野餐,两个月后两人就结为伉俪。 kekenet

I've got white wine, red wine, gin and tonics, ginger ale, lemonade, orange juice, and sprite.
我这儿有白葡萄酒,红葡萄酒,金汤力,姜汁酒,柠檬水,橙汁和雪碧。 tingroom

In March, scandal-plagued Chinese zoo a was shut down after the starvation of11 Siberian tigers and allegations that it illegally supplied tiger-bone tonics.
三月,在11只东北虎饿死之后,恶名远噪的动物园被关闭并遭受非法提供虎骨药用的指控。 yeeyan

On the way we were given readymade gin and tonics.
在去的路上,我们喝了现成的琴汤尼酒。 yeeyan

Recently the reasons for the study of ancient Greek Olympic games prosperity is that it becomes one of the heat tonics in world physical history.
探讨古希腊奥运会繁荣的原因是近年来世界体育史研究的热点之一。 cnki

She had a lot of tonics after her surgery.
手术后,她吃了很多补品。 douban

Similar growth tonics need to be applied in much of the rich world, both to boost domestic spending in surplus economies, such as Germany and Japan, and to raise productivity.
许多富裕国家都要服用类似的增长“滋补品”,促进德国和日本等顺差国的国内消费和增加产量。 ecocn

So they have come to Likoma to relax a little where they can go snorkeling and drink beer and grin and tonics in the evening with the other guests.
因此他们来到利口玛小憩,他们能在这里滑水,在傍晚同别的客人一起喝啤酒、松子酒和果酒。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

The results demonstrated that qi- tonics and blood- activating decoction could reduce significantly the incidence and severity of arrhythmias caused by myocardial infarction and ischemia- reperfusion.
结果表明益气活血方能显著降低急性心肌缺血及再灌注时心律失常的发生率及严重性。 cnki

This experimental observation showed that two tonics may enhance or accelerate the cold adaptation and resist fatigue.
观察结果表明,此两种药对提高或加速冷适应和抗疲劳有一定作用。 cnki

To stave off the ravages of the years, they not only spend millions of dollars each year on anti- ageing tonics, potions, vitamins and creams, but also try out various treatments.
为了抹去岁月的痕迹,他们每年不惜豪掷数百万美元在抗衰老补品、药物、维生素和乳霜上,还不断尝试各种疗法。 ezhubbs

Traditional Chinese medical theories have long extolled the health benefits of tonics and poultices made from rare animal parts, including everything from bear bile to deer antlers.
传统中医学理论一直提倡从稀有动物的器官中提取的健康滋补成分和膏药,包括从熊的胆汁到鹿茸。 yeeyan

Two gin and tonics, please.
请来两杯杜松子酒加奎宁水。 iciba

Tonics of this kind all have the action of strengthening the physical function and promoting metaBolism.
这类补品都能增强身体机能,促进新陈代谢。 dictall




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