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词汇 tongue
释义 tongue 英tʌŋ美tʌŋAHDtŭng ★★☆☆☆中高四六研IT牛4GCOCA³⁵¹⁵BNC³⁴⁰³iWeb³⁹⁴⁵Economist⁶⁹⁹⁴


the movable fleshy organ in the mouth, used for tasting, moving food around , and, in human beings, for producing speech


a spoken language

a mobile mass of muscular tissue covered with mucous membrane and located in the oral cavitya human written or spoken language used by a community; opposed to e.g. a computer languageany long thin projection that is transient;

tongues of flame licked at the walls

rifles exploded quick knives of fire into the dark

a manner of speaking;

he spoke with a thick tongue

she has a glib tongue

a narrow strip of land that juts out into the seathe tongue of certain animals used as meatthe flap of material under the laces of a shoe or bootmetal striker that hangs inside a bell and makes a sound by hitting the side
articulate by tonguing, as when playing wind instrumentslick or explore with the tongue
tongue, language



This dictionary is specially intended for people whose native tongue is not English.这本词典是专为母语不是英语的人编写的。
Music has been called the universal language.人们称音乐为世界语言。










来自古英语tunge,舌头。来自原始日耳曼语*tungon,舌头。来自原始印欧语*tnghwa,舌头,词源同language, lingual。字母d, l音变,比较tear, lachrymose。引申词义语言。tongue-lash严厉批评tongue,舌头,语言,lash,鞭子,鞭打。 language来自拉丁语lingua,舌头,语言,词源同tongue, linguist。 lingual来自拉丁语lingua,舌头,语言,词源同tongue, language。 tear来自古英语teran,撕碎,撕扯。来自原始日耳曼语*teran,撕碎,撕扯。来自原始印欧语*der,撕开,皮肤,词源同dermis, dermotology, turd。可能来自原始印欧语*da,分开,词源同deal, time。来自古英语tear,眼泪。来自原始日耳曼语*tagr,眼泪。来自原始印欧语*dakru,眼泪,词源同lachrymose,流泪的。字母d, l音变,中间字母g脱落。tear-jerker催泪弹比喻用法,用以指催人泪下的电影或故事。 lachrymose来自拉丁语lacrima,眼泪。来自原始印欧语*dakru,流泪,词源同tear,字母d, l音变。 tongue来自古英语tunge,舌头。来自原始日耳曼语*tungon,舌头。来自原始印欧语*tnghwa,舌头,词源同language, lingual。字母d, l音变,比较tear, lachrymose。引申词义语言。tongue-lash严厉批评tongue,舌头,语言,lash,鞭子,鞭打。 lash拟声词。 tongue来自古英语tunge,舌头。来自原始日耳曼语*tungon,舌头。来自原始印欧语*tnghwa,舌头,词源同language, lingual。字母d, l音变,比较tear, lachrymose。引申词义语言。tongue-lash严厉批评tongue,舌头,语言,lash,鞭子,鞭打。 lash拟声词。
用作名词 n.
动词+~acquire a foreign tongue学会一种外国语bite one's tongue保持沉默bite one's tongue off对自己说的话感到懊悔click one's tongue咂舌头find one's tongue开口,开始说话get one's tongue around准确地读出give tongue热情地讲,大声说hold one's tongue保持沉默lose tongue说不出话来,噤不能言put out one's tongue伸舌头,做鬼脸speak tongue说某种语言stick out one's tongue伸出舌头形容词+~abusive tongue出口伤人bitter tongue嘴刻薄dirty tongue下流话fluent tongue口齿伶俐foul tongue说话下流,口出恶言nasty tongue污秽不堪的话native tongue本族语,母语quick tongue说话伶俐ready tongue口齿伶俐sharp tongue说话刻薄smooth tongue花言巧语名词+~mother tongue本族语,母语sliver tongue口才,辩才~+名词ham and tongue sandwiches火腿牛舌三明治tongues wag说闲话,造谣介词+~tip of tongue舌尖on everyone's tongue被众人谈论着with one's tongue in one's cheek不老实地,讽刺地,挖苦地
用作名词n.bite one's tongue

保持缄默 keep silent

bite one's tongue off

对自己说的话感到懊悔 feel immediately sorry for what one has said

find one's tongue

吓得或羞得说不出话之后开口 begin talking (after being nervous or shy)

get one's tongue around

准确地读出 pronounce (a difficult word, name, etc. correctly)

give tongue to

表示,表述 express one's opinion

lose one's tongue

说不出话来; 噤不能言 be too embarrassed or surprised to talk

tongues wag

说闲话; 造谣 there is gossip or rumour

with one's tongue in one's cheek

不诚恳地,言不由衷地 without seriously meaning what one says

近义词 language
用作名词n.The tongue is not steel,yet it cuts.舌非刀剑,但能伤人。
We should like smoked tongue for breakfast.我们喜欢“熏口条”做早餐。
The shoelace caught on the tongue of his shoe.鞋带被他的鞋舌钩住了。
Tongues of flame shot out from the burning hut.火舌从燃烧的小屋中窜了出来。
Her name was on the tip of my tongue, but for the life of me I couldn't recall it.她的名字就在我的嘴边上,可是我无论如何也想不起来了。
Her name was on the tip of my tongue, but I refrained from saying it just in time.她的名字已经到了我的嘴边上,我差一点没说出来。
English is her mother tongue.英语是她的母语。
Command of the mother tongue is the most distinguishing mark of an educated man or woman.运用本国语言的能力是受过教育的人最明显的标志。
He used the strongest words he could lay tongue to.他使用了他能想到的最严厉的措词。
I warned her to guard her tongue in the presence of these people.我提醒过她在这些人面前说话要谨慎。
I speak a common tongue with her.我和她有共同语言。
Do not give occasion to scandalous tongues to speak of you.你不要给那些喜欢恶意中伤的人说你坏话的机会。
Those books were written in tongues so I could not read them.那些书是用方言写的,所以我看不懂。
He has a smooth tongue.他口才流畅。
He could use his eloquent tongue to stir them to greater savagery.他可以用他那能说会道的口才煽动他们更大胆地为所欲为。Ptongue-bone舌骨Pcleft-tongue舌裂Pbeet-tongue甜菜舌Pfrog-tongue舌下囊肿Ploose-tongueda.饶舌的Psilver-tongueda.雄辩的Pstrawberry-tongue草莓舌Ptongue-swallowing舌下沉Ptonguetie结舌舌系带短缩Pacid-tongueda.言语尖刻的Ptongue-lashingn.斥责严斥Pblacktongue黑舌症犬糙皮病Phoney-tongueda.甜言蜜语的Ptongue-shaped舌状的舌形的Plong-tongueda.长舌的多嘴的Ptongue-lashvt.严厉责备大骂Ptongue-spatula压舌板压舌器Ptonguestern.健谈的人饶舌的人Ptongue-tien.结舌vt.使发音不清Ptwo-tongueda.说谎的言词矛盾的Ptongueda.有…舌头的有…说话方式的Pdouble-tongueda.言辞矛盾的欺骗的Ptonguelessa.没有舌头的缄默的哑的Pfoul-tongueda.讲话下流的恶语咒骂的Ptongue-shya.羞怯得不能说话的结巴的Psharp-tongueda.说话尖酸的话中带刺的Ptongue-tieda.结舌的说不出话的缄默的Psmooth-tongueda.油嘴滑舌的花言巧语的




用作名词Thetongueis one of the vocals.舌头是发声器官之一。
The dog'stonguewas hanging out.这条狗把舌头伸在外面。
English is her mothertongue.英语是她的母语。
He speaks English, but his nativetongueis German.他会说英语,但他的母语是德语。
That woman has a very sharptongue.那个女人说话非常尖刻。
There appear longtonguesof shadows in the sky…天空出现长长的舌状影子。用作动词The dogtonguedthe meat on the ground.狗用舌头舔了舔地上的肉。
Thetongueis one of the organs for pronunciation.舌是发音器官之一。
Try to find out the correct mouth andtonguepositions for making these sounds and practice saying words containing them.尽量尝试去发现这些发音的正确口型及舌头位置,并通过反复训练来巩固正确的发音。noun.language
同义词 dialect,voiceargot,articulation,discourse,expression,idiom,lingo,parlance,patois,speech,talk,utterance,vernacular
French kissnoun kiss with tongue inserted in partner's mouth
deep kiss,soul kiss
capenoun promontory into water
dialectnoun local speech
dialectsnoun local speech
idiomnoun manner of speaking, turn of phrase
argot,colloquialism,dialect,expression,idiosyncrasy,jargon,language,lingo,localism,locution,parlance,patois,phrase,provincialism,set phrase,street talk,style,talk,tongue,usage,vernacular,vernacularism,word
idiomsnoun manner of speaking, turn of phrase
argot,colloquialisms,dialects,expressions,idiosyncrasies,jargons,languages,lingos,localisms,locutions,parlance,patois,phrases,provincialisms,set phrases,street talks,styles,talks,tongues,usages,vernacularisms,vernaculars,words At every discharge by platoons, Gavroche puffed out his cheek with his tongue, a sign of supreme disdain.
分队每发一次排枪,伽弗洛什就用舌头鼓起他的腮帮子,表示极大的蔑视。 ebigear

It takes Clare a moment to realize this and when she does she sticks out her tongue at me.
克莱尔用了一段时间才意识到这个,然后她冲我伸出了她的舌头。 yeeyan

The pepper bit my tongue.

And, if your application only supports your native tongue and location, then for most cases, you won't have to add entries in the resource bundle.
并且,如果您的应用程序只支持本国语言和位置,那么在大多数情况下,不必向资源包中添加新条目。 ibm

Because it has fattened itself up in the back, so it can touch back there, what that means is that the front of the tongue is not touching anything.
因为舌跟处放平了,所以它可以触及喉咙后部,也就是说舌头的前部不碰到任何东西,它只是停留在口腔中央。 hjenglish

He protruded his tongue.

I can stick out my tongue.
我能伸出我的舌头。 ebigear

I know that his tongue wags.

I told her I wished that I could caress her, too, but she assured me I could excite her with my mouth and tongue.
我告诉她我愿望我也能轻抚她,但是她向我保证我可以用我的嘴和舌头让她兴奋。 yeeyan

If you would like to get to the point, you can kiss his back or use your tongue.
如果你想进入正题,可以激烈地吻他的后背,或使用你的舌头。 kekenet

If your partner's tongue does not respond in like fashion or if they pull away, you will have to save the French kiss for another time when you are both ready.
但是如果你情人的舌头并没有像流行的方式一样回应你,甚至把你推开,那么你就省省吧,等到下次双方都做好准备再开始你们的浪漫接吻。 yeeyan

It is a homeopathic formula that is sprayed under the tongue, where it can be quickly absorbed by the body.
它是一种喷在舌头下部的顺势疗法药方,因为喷在那个地方能够很快被人体吸收。 yeeyan

My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.
小子们哪,我们相爱,不要只在言语和舌头上。总要在行为和诚实上。 ebigear

Put this thermometer under you tongue.
把体温计放在您的舌头下面。 kekenet

Put your tongue behind your teeth and smile, which will relax your face.
将舌头置于牙齿后,然后微笑。这有助于放松你的脸。 yeeyan

Stick out your tongue, Richard.
理查德,伸出你的舌头。 ebigear

The doctor looked at her tongue.
医生诊看了她的舌头。 ebigear

The tongue of the snake flickered at us.

Their throat is an open grave; with their tongue they speak deceit.
他们的喉咙,是敞开的坟墓。他们用舌头谄媚人。 ebigear

This new“ disintegrating on the tongue” format is an important factor for clinicians treating chronic disorders in which patients may have difficulty swallowing the medications they need.
这种新的“舌头上崩解”形式对临床医师是一个重要的考量因素。由于他要治疗可能有吞咽药物困难的慢性疾病患者。 yeeyan

Writing the purchase date on the inside of each shoe's tongue is another good way to help remember when you first started running in them.
在每双鞋的鞋舌内写上购买日期也是帮助你记得什么时候第一次穿着它们跑步的好方法。 yeeyan




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