

单词 tomato paste
释义 tomato paste təˈmɑ:təupeist 短语⁷¹⁵¹⁶

thick concentrated tomato pureeWould you like sometomato paste?你要西红柿酱吗? A coupled aerobic- anaerobic process was designed for treating organic wastewater from tomato paste processing.
开发了好氧-厌氧耦合法处理番茄酱加工有机废水工艺。 cnki

In this paper the effects of Pectin Methyl EsterasePMEon viscosity of tomato paste were studied.
研究了添加果胶甲基酯酶对不同类型番茄酱粘度的影响。 chemyq

The paper studied onion paste production by re equipping domestic tomato paste line, according to the different properties of onion and tomato.
根据洋葱及番茄的不同物料特性,进行了国产番茄酱设备配套加工洋葱酱的研究。 cnki

A pizza alone, particularly pizza with no vegetables on it just tomato paste, it's common sense, it's not a vegetable.
仅仅是披萨,上面不加蔬菜,只有番茄酱的话,谁都知道这不算蔬菜。 hjenglish

ADD salt and tomato paste halfway through the cooking, or later.
在烹饪过程加适量的盐或番茄酱或者稍后加。 yeeyan

Add tomato paste and stock.
加入番茄酱和调味汤料。 biodic

CALIFORNIAN tomato paste exports will mainly depend on the exchange rate this season, say members of the industry.
业内成员认为,加州在本产季的番茄酱出口主要取决于汇率。 blog.sina.com.cn

China is the world leading producer of tomato paste. Now that it has established itself in volume terms, it is focusing on product traceability and quality control.
中国是世界主要的番茄酱生产国。在确立了产量的基础上,中国目前更侧重产品的可追溯性和质量控制。 blog.sina.com.cn

Combine the basil, parsley, Parmesan, tomato paste, scallions, and garlic in a blender.
结合罗勒,香菜,巴马,在搅拌机番茄酱,葱花,和大蒜。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org

Congress says a slice of pizza qualifies as a vegetable because it has two tablespoons of tomato paste.
国会称,一片披萨可算作蔬菜,因其含有两勺番茄酱。 hjenglish

I need two boxes of cereal, one loaf of bread, a can of tomato paste, a dozen eggs, and two pounds of meat.
我需要两盒儿麦片,一块儿面包,一罐儿番茄酱,一打鸡蛋和两磅肉。 ebigear

Kebede Gashaw, from the US giant, Morning Star, showed delegates at the recent FOODNEWS Tomato Forum in Rome tomato paste price trends from the top three world's suppliers.
来自美国的巨头——星晨公司的 Kebede Gashaw在近期召开的罗马 FOODNEWS番茄论坛向代表们展示了世界三大顶级供应商的番茄酱价格趋势。 blog.sina.com.cn

One is dedicated to ingredient tomato paste.
一家致力于生产配料番茄酱。 blog.sina.com.cn

Place the cheeses in large bowl, add the bacon, onion, mushrooms, soup, tomato paste and salami.
将干酪丝倒入大盆,再倒入熏肉丝、洋葱、蘑菇、番茄汁、番茄酱和萨拉米香肠。 blog.sina.com.cn

The Agriculture Department wanted to cut back on French fries, reduce sodium, increase fruits and vegetables and require a half cup of tomato paste for a pizza slice to get a vegetable credit.
农业部想要减少薯条,降低钠含量,增加水果和蔬菜,还要求每片披萨需含有半杯番茄酱方可满足蔬菜标准。 hjenglish

Whatever you have. And I need a can of tomato paste.
有多少要多少。我还需要一罐儿番茄酱。 en211




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