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Tol·stoi 英ˈtəʊlstɔɪ美ˈtolstɔɪ;英'təʊlstɔɪ;'tɒl-;təl'stɔɪ美'toʊlstɔːɪˌ 'tɑːl-ˌ təl'stɔːɪ 高Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺² 基本英英搭配近义反义例句例句 托尔斯泰俄国小说家形容词Tolstoyan异体字Tolstoi Noun: Russian author remembered for two great novels 1828-1910leo tolstoy列夫·托尔斯泰俄国… 近义词 Leo Tolstoy列夫·托尔斯泰…
名词100% I haven't read any books byTolstoy.我没看过托尔斯泰的书。 Tolstoybombards you with twenty-two names.托尔斯泰一下子就抛给你二十二个人名。 As a senior figure in the Church, Pobedonostsev helped to initiate Tolstoy’s excommunication. 作为教会的高级的人物,他协助策动驱逐托尔斯泰出教。 yeeyan Beauty speaks to their spirits through the senses; but Tolstoy would have your house barren to the verge of hardship. 美,经过人们的感官提悦他们的精神,可是,托尔斯泰要让你的房子简陋至困苦的边缘。 yeeyan But she goes further than Tolstoy in her commitment to the seemingly non- poetic. 但是,在寻求非“诗”语化的努力中,她比托尔斯泰更进了一步。 ecocn.org By turning Tolstoy into an icon, the Soviets ultimately hollowed him out. 前苏联人通过把托尔斯泰树立为偶像,最终把淘空了。 yeeyan Freedom works on something more akin to a19th century model, like Dickens or Tolstoy: characters you care about, a story that hooks you. 《自由》所写作的更像是一种19世纪的样式:人们所关注的人,能勾住人们的故事(例如狄更斯和托尔斯泰的小说。 ecocn Like Tolstoy’s unhappy families, all unhappy in their own way, the news business faces different problems in different countries. 正如托尔斯泰所说,不幸的家庭各有各的不幸,不同国家的新闻业也面临着不同的困难。 yeeyan Mercurial and unpredictable, he was the kind of man who could only be explained by Pushkin or Tolstoy, if by anyone at all. 他反复无常,令人捉摸不透,是那种只能由普希金或托尔斯泰来解释的人,如果有人能够解释他的话。 ecocn My veneration for Count Tolstoy is profound, yet I mention him here to show the grave danger that lies in allowing any man, even one of the wisest of men, to dictate to us what is best. 我崇敬托尔斯泰伯爵是因为他的博学,然而,我在这里提及他是要说明:允许任何人哪怕是最聪明的人,仗势把所谓最好的东西强加给我们,也都隐含着严重的危险。 yeeyan There is great humanity in all the writings of Tolstoy. 托尔斯泰所有的作品都充满了伟大的仁爱。《新英汉大辞典》 This volume also contains some of Tolstoy's later writings on vegetarianism, sex, and literature. 这本书中还包含了托尔斯泰后来关于素食主义,性和文学的相关文章。 yeeyan To paraphrase Leo Tolstoy in“ Anna Karenina”: Happy bull markets are all alike; every unhappy bear market is unhappy in its own way. 套用一句托尔斯泰在安娜卡列宁娜中的话:开心的牛市是相似的,痛苦的熊市各有各的痛苦。 yeeyan Yet Mr Glaeser also says they are not like Tolstoy’s happy families: those that thrive, thrive in their own ways. 然而格莱泽认为,也并非像托尔斯泰笔下的幸福家庭那样家家相似,而是各有各的成功之道。 ecocn Tolstoy is a great author. But his life is a tragedy, mostly resulted from his marriage. His wife's ever-lasting complain had put him to death. 托尔斯泰是一个伟大的作家,但他的一生却悲惨之极,主要原因就是他的婚姻,妻子喋喋不休的抱怨把他推向了死亡。 yeeyan Tolstoy once quoted an Eastern parable, which he felt summed up the three responses to the utter absurdity of life in light of the certainty of death. 托尔斯泰曾经引述过一则东方的寓言,他认为,它总括了在面对必死无疑的局面时人们对生命中的荒谬性的三种反应。 yeeyan Tolstoy was excommunicated by the Orthodox Church. 托尔斯泰被东正教堂驱逐出教。 yeeyan |