

单词 belligerents
释义 belligerents bəˈlɪdʒərənts COCA⁶³⁰⁷²BNC⁴⁶⁷⁵⁸
n.交战的一方指国家、集团或个人belligerent的名词复数原型belligerent的复数 The Neutrality Acts of1935 and1936 prohibited trade with any belligerents of loans to them.
1935年到1936年之间的中立法案禁止向参战的国家提供贷款和进行贸易。 wwenglish

After World War I, the belligerents eventually returned to a gold standard;
一战后,交战国最终回归了金本位; docin

But the dominant reality is that many belligerents in the world’s current wars refuse to recognise the non- combatant status of journalists.
然而一个主导的现实状况是当代战争中的许多战斗方并不承认记者们的非战斗身份。 yeeyan

China should maintain strict neutrality towards the belligerents in the imperialist war and not join either side.
对于帝国主义战争的交战各国,中国应该严守中立,不参加任何的一方。 www.1stenglish.com

EVER since George Bush senior launched“the war on drugs” in earnest two decades ago, Latin American governments have been more or less willing belligerents.
自从二十年前老布什满腔热情的发动“毒品战争”,拉美国家多少都表现出了参战的热情。 ecocn

In 1939, the United States modified its neutrality stance in World War Two, allowing“cash and carry” purchases of arms by belligerents, a policy favoring Britain and France.
1939年,美国修改二战中的中立立场,允许进行与交战国武器交易,这一政策明显有利于英法两国。 ccto

In the old days, only governments of warring countries would argue that belligerents violated international law.
过去,只有交战国政府才会争论谁是好战者,谁违反了国际法。 yeeyan

None of them echoed Mr Chávez's call in January for the FARC to be recognised as legitimate belligerents.
他们都没有回应查韦斯先生二月份发出的呼吁:承认 FARC为法律上的交战方。 ecocn

The belligerents—the Sri Lankan army and the rebel Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam— issue contradictory claims, and the area is closed to independent observers.
这是由于交战双方——斯里兰卡政府军和叛军泰米尔伊拉姆猛虎解放组织——总是发布出互相矛盾的声明,而这个区域又不对中立的观察者开放。 ecocn

This being warmer work than they had calculated upon, speedily cooled the courage of the belligerents.
这次争吵之激烈,出乎他们的意料,于是双方交锋的勇气很快冷却下来了。 hotdic

Yet it remains unclear whether the actual belligerents will accept it.
但真正的交战双方是否会接受还是个未知数。 ecocn

Belligerents fight to determine the military strength and political resolve of their opponents;
交战双方通过战斗来探出对方的军事力量和政治决心; ecocn




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