

单词 tolled
释义 toll·ed 英təʊl美toʊl COCA⁶⁵⁴²⁷BNC⁵⁹⁸⁷⁷

a fee charged for passage


suffering,deaths or damage

vt. & vi. 缓慢敲响

ring,sound slowly

a fee levied for the use of roads or bridges used for maintenancevalue measured by what must be given or done or undergone to obtain something;

the cost in human life was enormous

the price of success is hard work

what price glory?

the sound of a bell being struck;

saved by the bell

she heard the distant toll of church bells

ring slowly;

For whom the bell tolls

charge a fee for using;

Toll the bridges into New York City

toll, charge, dues, fare, fee


charge是普通用语,泛指生活各方面所花费的“价钱”“费用”,尤指某种服务的“费用”; fee指付给团体的费用,如“报名费”“会费”或付给自由职业者如私人教师、医生、律师等所收的“费用”或“谢金”,还可指“租书费”等; dues指应缴的款或应付的各种税或各种组织的会费; toll指使用道路、桥梁、海港等所需的“过路费”“过桥费”,也可指长途电话费、设施使用费或市场的摊位费等; 而fare主要指车、船、飞机等的旅费。例如:

The guidebook to the museum is available free of charge.这个博物馆的游览指南免费供应。
The doctor's fee was higher than we expected.那医生收费比我们预料的要高。
The shipowners must pay the dues for the use of the harbour every year.船主们每年必须交租用港口税。
A toll must be paid on the tunnel.通过这条隧道必须付通行费。
When you take a bus you have to pay the fare.坐公共汽车必须买票。toll road收费公路toll call长途电话toll bridge收费桥death toll死亡人数toll booth收费所toll area长途电话区,收通行税…toll network长途通信网toll house通行税征税所…toll operator长途话务员toll center中央长途电话局,长途…toll turn牲畜市场税toll highway收费公路toll line长途电话线toll cable长途通信电缆…toll bar征收通行费的关卡…toll plaza收费区Toll Gate征收路税之关卡…toll collector收费员toll facilities收通行费的道路设施…toll keeper通行税征税员…
近义词 tax税bell钟fee费用chime鸣ring戒指peal钟声levy征税fare车费duty义务dues会费cost费用price价格charge责任tariff关税payment支付revenue税收jingle叮当声tinkle叮当声ding-dong 叮当assessment评价ding-a-ling疯子tithe十分之一税clang使发出铿锵声…ding尤指汽车上的凹痕…
用作名词n.All vehicles travelling across the bridge have to pay a toll.所有过桥的车辆都要付过桥费。
Independent sources say that the civilian death toll runs into thousands.独立消息人士说平民死亡人数达数千。用作动词v.
S+~+AAt Cathedral Square, the bell of the medieval tower tolled.在大教堂广场上,中世纪塔楼的钟敲响了。
S+ ~+n./pron.At the news of victory, church bells were tolled across the land.听到胜利的消息,教堂的钟声传遍全国各地。
用作名词The deathtollmounted .死亡人数上升.
The government tried to keep the deathtollat a lower level.政府力图将死亡人数控制在较低标准。
We heard thetollof the church bells.我们听到了教堂大钟传来的钟声。
When you hear the bellstoll, you'll know I'm not far.当你听到钟声,就说明我已经在附近了。
Anyone travelling across the bridge has to pay atoll.过这座桥的人都要付通行费。
Years of hardship and neglect had taken theirtoll.多年的劳累和疏于保养损害了他们的健康。用作动词The church belltolledthe hour.教堂的鸣钟报时。
At nightfall the bells wouldtoll108 times.每到黄昏时分,钟鸣一百零八响。 A single bell tolled for the six people who were killed and for the Democratic congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was critically wounded.
并且为六名遇难者和受重伤的民主党众女议员埃尔吉福兹鸣钟。 tingclass

A bell on the Virginia Tech campus tolled32 times for each of the shooting victims in last week's massacre.
钟声在弗吉尼亚理工大学的校园里敲响了32次以缅怀每一位在上星期枪击事件中的遇害者。 hjbbs

All tolled, energy saving through technical innovation and structural adjustment will amount to 48%.
技术节能与结构节能合计,可实现节能48%。 cnki

And the funeral bells surely tolled this week when General Motors filed for bankruptcy.
本周当通用汽车公司破产时,丧钟必将敲响。 yeeyan

As she told him how the old bell had given her comfort when she was in pain giving birth to him, and how it had tolled happily to the town, he gazed at the bell with a warm heart.
她告诉他,当她经历生他的时候的苦楚的时候,这钟是怎样给她安慰的,又是怎样把高兴的消息传递给镇上人的,他心里暖暖的盯着这钟。 chnxs

The mother told her son that the old bell tolled for people of the town when they had baptism ceremonies, weddings and funerals, and it was always on people's minds whenever they were sad or happy.
母亲告诉儿子,就是这座老钟,在镇上有洗礼,婚礼,葬礼这些仪式的时候,就会被敲响来通知整个镇上的人。不管是人们悲伤还是幸福,它都一直在人们心中。 chnxs

Bells tolled the president's death.

Bells were tolled all over the country at the King's death.

Bells tolled the congregation to church.

Elaborate new toll systems are popping up all over the world. And it is no longer just highways, bridges or tunnels that get tolled, but entire city centres or national road networks.
设计新的公路收费系统的热潮正在全世界兴起,已不只包括高速公路、桥梁和隧道,甚至包括整个城市中心与国家公路网络。 ecocn

From the innermost recess of the church the bell tolled for repentance.
从教堂的深处传来了一阵钟声,要人们忏悔。 jukuu

He tolled the bell at funerals.
他在丧礼时鸣钟。 iciba

In his tiny village in Normandy, bells tolled as relatives and friends braved the cold to fill the church.
在诺曼底的这个小城镇,钟声敲响后,亲友们都不顾寒冷前往教堂。 yeeyan

Lily tolled me terribly that she had a strange dream.
莉莉惶恐地告诉我她做了一个奇怪的梦。 xueersi

My chequer tolled me sew.
我本人溢流收费缝合。 englishchatroom

Not hear? when noise was everywhere! it tolled.
听不见?当噪音无所不在!它缓慢而反复地响着。 bbs.astron.ac.cn

She knelt at the altar and from the depths of the church the bell tolled again.
她跪在祭坛的栏杆外面,从教堂深处第三次传来了一阵钟声。 joyen

Silence fell across the Virginia Tech campus at noon Friday and bells tolled in churches nationwide in memory of the 32 victims of the deadliest shooting rampage in modern U. S. history.
星期五中午,维吉尼亚理工大学校园了安静了下来,钟声在全国各地的教堂响起来追念美国现代历史上最恐怖射击暴力活动的受害者。 hjbbs

Terrorist activities are ever more rampant. From the New York World Trade Center to North Ossetia, the alarm bell of terrorist threats has tolled loud time and again.
恐怖活动愈演愈烈,从纽约世贸大厦到北奥塞梯,恐怖威胁的警钟一次又一次敲响。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

The church bell tolled the hour.




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