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toll booth短语⁷⁴⁸⁹⁰ 基本英英例句 收费所
名词 tollbooth: a booth at a tollgate where the toll collector collects tolls I think we Changting the traffic police to do the same, in the city do better than1:00, the engaging foreigners, in response to the revenue, much better than the toll booth! 我看我们长汀的交警也这样做,总比在城里做好一点,专搞外地人,收入就大了,比收费站好多了! blog.sina.com.cn In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, it is illegal to have sex with a truckdriver inside a toll booth. 另外,宾夕法尼亚州的哈里斯堡,在收费站内和卡车司机XXOO亦是违法行为。 yeeyan This came on the heels of a string roles in independent films such as Toll Booth, Bird of Prey, One Good Turn, Entertaining Angels, Cadillac and Frontline. 这是就跟着一个字符串的角色,在独立电影,如收费站,猛禽,一件好事,娱乐天使,凯迪拉克和前线。 mtime When Alex Lee drives through a toll booth he gets RM20. 当亚历克斯。李通过收费站时,收费站要给他20令吉。 tarcian.com With the function of inspection spot surveillance, applied to city red light rush enforcement, city traffic crossroads, highway toll booth and ramp entrance. 具有卡口监控功能,适用于城市闯红灯、交通卡口和高速公路收费站、匝道口的抓拍。 gkong |