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Tokamak plasma 基本例句 托卡马克等离子体 A set of 5-channel heterodyne receiver system for measuring the ECE signals of the HT-6Btokamak plasmais described.本文介绍了在HT-6B上使用的一套五道外差接收机系统,它用于该装置的ECE信号测量。 The optimization oftokamak plasmaequilibrium shape, which is considered as a problem with large search space, is solved using master-slave PGAs.将主从式并行遗传算法应用于托卡马克等离子体平衡位形优化问题,这是一个工程中实际存在的大搜索空间优化问题。 An eigenmode equation of ion temperature gradient driven instability in atokamak plasmawith negative magnetic shear is solved numerically by the shooting method.采用打靶法,数值求解了在负磁剪切托卡马克等离子体中离子温度梯度驱动的复本征模方程。 Intokamak plasmaradiation diagnostics,an emissivity profile derived from line integrated radiation measurement data with Abel inversion or tomographic analysis is averaged over a poloidal cross section of the plasma chord.在托卡马克等离子体辐射诊断中,通过阿贝尔反演或层析分析从线积分辐射率中得到的空间分布,是辐射率在束线宽度范围内的平均值的分布。 MECHANISM OF MOLECULAR BEAM PENETRATION INTO A TOKAMAK PLASMA分子束穿透托卡马克等离子体的机理 |