

单词 to have done
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As if to prove the point, the China-Japan summit appears to have done nothing for Mr Fukuda's approval ratings, which are plummeting.
本次中日首脑会面似乎没有对福田正在直线下滑的支持率造成任何影响,这一现象恰好验证了这一观点。 ecocn

“ These young people seem to have done well; they have some resilience,” she said.
“这些年轻人看起来都表现得很好,他们有一定的韧性,”她说。 yeeyan

I would have thanked you before, my dear aunt, as I ought to have done, for your long, kind, satisfactory, detail of particulars; but to say the truth, I was too cross to write.
亲爱的舅母,蒙你写给我那封亲切而令人满意的长信,告诉了我种种详情细节,本当早日回信道谢,无奈我当时实在情绪不佳,因而不愿意动笔。 ebigear

If owning were such a boon, you would expect neighbourhoods with lots of owners to have done better than those with lots of rentes during the boom years.
如果自有住房真有益处的话,你就会预料在经济繁荣时期,那些拥有大量自有住房的地区比有大量租房者的地区要繁荣。 ecocn

It does not seem to have done as much good as they hoped.
看起来这并没有像他们期望的那样起到很好的效果。 yeeyan




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