释义 |
TOFMS 基本例句 化飞行时间质谱仪 The Data acquisition rate and resolution for the dynamic measuring method usingTOFMShave been investigated in tests.试验研究了采用这种方法实现内燃机排气成分动态检测所需的数据采集速率和分辨率。 The influence factors on resolute power and sensitivity ofTOFMSare discus-sed,and the influence is calculated.本文详细分析了影响仪器分辨本领和灵敏度的因素,计算了各种因素的影响,并在此基础上选定了仪器的主要参量。 The multiphoton ionization and dissociation of pyridine clusters is studied by using of both femtosecond laser MPITOFMSand ab initio calcultion.摘要利用飞秒激光和飞行时间质谱结合从头计算对吡啶团簇的多光子电离和离解进行了研究。 An high resolution ESI QQQTOFMScoupled with three sect quadrupoles is reported. The home made instrument in the laboratory has a number of features.报道了实验室研制的电喷雾离子源 ,具有射频四极杆接口的高分辨飞行时间质谱 仪器。 It is shown that the vacuum interface can increase the transmission efficiency of ions and is helpful to achieve better senstivity ofTOFMS.结果表明,接口能有效地提高离子的传输效率,使飞行时间质谱仪达到较高的灵敏度。 UsingTOFMSand data acquisition system,the scheme of the dynamic measuring system for I.C.engine exhaust gas has been designed.完成了采用飞行时间质谱仪和高速数据采集系统的内燃机排气动态检测系统的方案设计。 |