

单词 to fetch
释义 to fetch短语⁸⁸³¹
Mr Linton stood looking at her in sudden compunction and fear. He told me to fetch some water.
林惇先生刹那间感到既悔恨、又恐惧,站在那儿望着她,吩咐我去拿点水来。 putclub.com

On average, African and Asian women walk some3.7 miles6 kilometers a day to fetch clean water.
平均而言,非洲和亚洲的妇女每天要走约3.7英里6公里去取干净的水。 yeeyan

That will mean girls will spend longer walking to fetch water which could encourage them to drop out of school and bear children earlier.
这意味着女孩子们需要走更长的路去取水,为此她们也许会更早地离开学校并开始抚育孩子。 ecocn

The night before he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1995, a woman at the Cosmos Club asked him to fetch her coat.
1995年,他获得“总统自由勋章”。之前的那晚,科斯莫俱乐部的一名女子还冲他一阵吆喝,命他去取她的外套。 hjenglish

The young girls must now walk two hours to fetch water.
姑娘们现在必须走两个小时去取水。 yeeyan

Today on World Water Day, we also think about the millions of women who walk great distances to fetch water.
今天在世界水日,我们还想起数百万妇女,她们走很远的路去取水。 who




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