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词汇 toe
释义 toe. təʊ
abbr.=term of enlistment 【军】服役期

C脚趾; 足尖部

one of the five parts at the end of one's foot; the part of shoe or sock, etc. that covers the toes

one of the digits of the footthe part of footwear that provides a covering for the toesforepart of a hoofgolf the part of a clubhead farthest from the shaft
walk so that the toes assume an indicated position or direction;

She toes inwards

drive obliquely;

toe a nail

hit a golf ball with the toe of the clubdrive a golf ball with the toe of the clubtouch with the toe来自古英语 ta,脚趾,缩写自 Proto-Germanic*taihwo,脚趾,来自 PIE*deik,指出,展示,词源 同 digit,手指,数字。
用作名词 n.
动词+~curl one's toes把脚趾蜷缩起来keep on one's toes保持警觉step〔tread〕 on sb's toes触怒某人,得罪某人形容词+~big〔little〕 toe大〔小〕脚趾介词+~on one's toes机警,机灵,活跃,在活动toe to toe旗鼓相当地
用作名词n.on one's toes

警觉的; 准备行动的alert; ready

非常记忆to到〖熟词〗+e鹅〖编码〗⇒他的脚趾头碰到了鹅小学英语速记发音记忆:“头”→脚趾头→脚趾用作名词n.He stepped on mytoes.他踩着我的脚趾了。
There is a hole in the toe of my sock.我的这只袜子的脚尖有一个洞。Pintoeы外翻Ptoe-in前束Ptoe-out前张Povertoe拇内翻Pundertoe践底趾Ptoe-crack蹄裂病Phammer-toe槌状趾Ptoeragn.混蛋废物Pweb-toed有蹼趾的Phammertoen.槌状脚趾Ptoenailn.脚趾甲斜钉Ptoe-dancevi.跳足尖舞Pin-toeda.脚姆指外翻的Pwebtoeda.蹼足的蹼趾的Psquare-toeda.方头鞋的古板的Ppigeon-toeda.脚趾向内弯的内八字脚的Ptoelessa.无趾的无鞋尖的鞋尖部镂空的Psquare-toesn.古板的人拘谨的人老派的人Ptoeholdn.不稳的小立足点克服困难的办法微小的优势Ptiptoen.脚尖vi.用脚尖走ad.踮着脚a.踮着脚走的偷偷摸摸的

用作名词Each foot has fivetoes.每只脚有五个脚趾头。
He stepped on mytoes.他踩着了我的脚趾头。
I've stubbed mytoeon a rock.我的脚趾碰到石头上了。
My boot is pressing against a blister on mytoe.我的靴子挤压了我脚趾上的水泡。
She laughingly gave him a tap with thetoeof her shoe.她笑着用鞋尖轻轻踢了他一下。
He was wet from top totoe.他从头到脚都湿透了。用作及物动词Hetoedthe cigarette out.他将香烟踩灭。用作不及物动词Hetoesout.他踮着脚走了出去。
Cindytoedcautiously into the room.辛迪小心翼翼地踮着脚走进房间。noun.foot part
同义词 appendage,dactyl,digit,phalanges,phalanx
extremitiesnoun animate being's appendage
acmes,acuteness,adversities,apices,apogees,borders,boundaries,bounds,brims,brinks,butts,climaxes,consummations,crises,depths,dire straits,disasters,edges,ends,excesses,extremes,extremes,frontiers,heights,lasts,margins,maximums,nadirs,outsides,pinnacles,plights,poles,remotes,rims,setbacks,terminals,terminations,termini,tips,tops,troubles,verges,vertexes,zeniths
extremitynoun animate being's appendage
backside,finger,flipper,foot,hand,leg,limb,paw,posterior By standing on tip- toe, I managed to reach the button.

Externally rotate your hip, allowing you to use your big toe’s inside edge.
臀部向内转动,就能自然的使用到大脚趾的内侧边缘了。 yeeyan

Get your toe stuck?
你的脚趾被卡住了? yeeyan

He’d lost one boot and sock, and he was bleeding from where his big toe had been shot off.
巴尔斯路德的一只靴子和袜子已经没有了,而且他的大脚趾也被子弹打掉,流血不止。 yeeyan

Sprint : Wooden starting blocks replaced toe grooves at the1948 London games.

A bit of air circulation near the skin does help, and is especially good for Martin's frostbitten toe.
让皮肤保持一点空气流通是有益处的,这对马丁冻伤脚趾的康复更为有利。 yeeyan

Checking the identification on a body— via tags affixed to the big toe and wrist—is a technician's most important responsibility.
通过贴在大脚趾和腕关节上的标签来查验一具尸体的身份证明时一名技术员的首要职责。 ecocn

If you are going to put the moleskin in between the toe and the thong, then you want to a piece that will fit in that area.
如果你想把填充垫放在凉拖和脚趾中间的话,那么你需要一片合适大小的斜纹棉布。 yeeyan

If you already have a pair of running shoes and you're wondering if they're the right size, check the location of your big toe.
如果你已经有了一双跑鞋而你又怀疑它们是否是正确的尺寸,那你可以检查你大脚趾的的位置。 yeeyan

In contrast, a crouched stride yielded markedly deeper toe impressions than heel impressions, reflecting faster weight transfer over the length of the foot.
相反的,以蜷曲姿态行走时脚趾深度明显大于脚跟深度,反映出脚掌长度上更快的重量转移。 yeeyan

No amount of brush stroking and knife waving could trick the participants into sweating that a chest-level foot was about to lose a toe.
不会有任何笔触或者挥舞刀子能欺骗参与者,让他们认为和胸部一样高的脚将要失去大脚趾而出汗了。 yeeyan

No explanations, no arguments, no justification; just gaze at your crushed toe, grin and bear it.
没有解释,没有争辩,没有理由,就是盯着你那压碎的脚趾,嘴角一咧,去你的吧。 yeeyan

One of her children was sleeping outside the tent on a mat, covered from head to toe with a blanket to keep off flies.
她其中的一个孩子正睡在帐篷外的垫子上,从头到脚盖了一条毛毯来遮挡苍蝇。 yeeyan

People sit in mid air, tapping away at a computer, with only a toe hooked under a wall strap to anchor themselves.
人们将一只脚趾钩在墙上的带子上将自己固定在半空中坐着,在电脑上打字。 yeeyan

She had longish legs and a big toe in line with the other toes, both good for walking.
她有长长的的腿,她的大脚趾与其他脚趾同向生长,两者都有利于行走。 yeeyan

She watched me examining it, while Maeve stood by, gazing at her own toe circling the carpet.
她看着我翻阅新书,而玛弗在边上,低头看着自己在地毯上打转的脚趾。 yeeyan

This did not stop Indonesia from dipping a toe into the row.
这倒不妨碍印尼在这场争吵中插上一脚。 ecocn

Using your big toe as a pointer, tracing the alphabet as if you were writing in the sand.
把你的大脚趾当做一个指针书写英文字母,就像在沙地上写字母一样。 yeeyan

What toe ring should I buy?
我脚趾应该带什么戒指? yeeyan

You could see the slice mark on the leather where I managed to stop an ax blade just before it hit my toe.
你可以看到鞋子皮上的裂缝,这是一次意外的产物,当时一把斧子差点砍到我的脚趾。 iciba

You're stepped on my toe, damn it.




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