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词汇 Belkin
释义 Belkin
Its clients include Paramount Pictures and Belkin, a consumer-electronics firm.
这家公司的客户中就有派拉蒙电影公司以及像贝尔金这样的电子消费品公司。 ecocn

“ But it would be a satisfying start if men had to pause and see age as part of their biological equation, too,” says Belkin.
“但是,男人们不得不停下来考虑年龄的问题,这将是一个令人满意的开始。” Belkin说。 yeeyan

“ We know that sunlight affects the pineal gland and we have indications that melatonin, through other compounds, is involved in regulating eye length, ” says Belkin.
“我们知道日光会影响松果腺,而且我们已经指出褪黑素通过其他物质调节眼睛的长度,” Belkin说。 dxy

Alberta Green notifies the CTU staff that Martin Belkin is now a suspect in the Palmer assassination attempt.
阿尔贝塔.格林向反恐组工作人员通报,如今,马丁.贝尔金是针对帕默的暗杀中的一名嫌疑人。 yeeyan

An empty seat in First Class was actually filled by Martin Belkin, and Nina has determined that a look- alike assassin was actually at the breakfast.
头等舱有一个空座位上的乘客实际上是马丁.贝尔金,尼娜肯定地得出结论,在早餐会上出现的长得很像马丁的人就是刺客。 yeeyan

At Gaines’ desert house Mandy and Bridgit argue over asking Gaines for more money for Belkin’s I.D. Bridgit appeals to Mandy’s love for her and the two kiss.
在盖恩斯的沙漠小屋,因为向盖恩斯索要更多的金钱来换取贝尔金的身份证,曼迪与布瑞吉特争论起来。 布瑞吉特恳求曼迪为了她们的爱情支持她,她们俩个亲吻了起来。 yeeyan

Click here to view all of the Belkin PF30's features.
点击这里查看所有贝尔金 PF30的功能。 qiriqi

Gaines orders Mandy to handle Bridgit’s request for an additional million dollars as payment for the delivery of Martin Belkin’s I.D. card.
盖恩斯对曼迪发出指示,要她搞定布瑞吉特,后者要求再添加100万美元,作为送来马丁.贝尔金的身份证的酬劳。 yeeyan

He warns them about the assassin, Martin Belkin, but they still do not trust him.
杰克向特勤处示警,刺客是马丁.贝尔金,但他们仍然不相信杰克的话。 yeeyan

In Gaines’ desert house, Mandy meets Jonathan, who has been transformed by plastic surgery to look like Martin Belkin.
沙漠中,在盖恩斯的房子内,曼迪遇到了乔纳森 Jonathan,原来他经过整形手术后,被整容成了马丁.贝尔金的样子。 yeeyan

In November Prof. Belkin will attend the annual American Academy of Ophthalmology conference in New Orleans, La.
在11月份, Belkin教授将出席在路易斯安那州新奥尔良举行的美国眼科学年会。 dxy

Martin Belkin, a foreign photographer, calls Palmer campaign manager Patty Brooks from an airplane bound for Los Angeles.
马丁.贝尔金 Martin Belkin,一名外国摄影师,在一架飞往洛杉矶的飞机上,打电话给帕默的竞选经理派蒂.布鲁克斯 Patty Brooks。 yeeyan

Now, Belkin highlights an Australian study that shows that children born to “ older fathers have, on average, lower scores on tests of intelligence than those born to younger lads.”
如今, Belkin引用澳大利亚的一个研究,研究表明“父亲年龄大的小孩,平均来讲,在智商测试上得分比父亲年龄小的小孩要低。” yeeyan

Nowadays, however, shortsightedness has its advantages, Belkin says, pointing out a strong correlation between myopia and intelligence.
而如今,近视却有其优势, Belkin指出,近视和智力间有明显的联系。 dxy

The proposed solution may also benefit Belkin International and other accessory sellers— including Apple itself.
贝尔金国际公司和其他的配件厂商,包括苹果自己都将从这一解决方案中获益。 yeeyan

Though involved in this recent research regarding myopia, Belkin's main research subject is lasers and their application for curing eye disease.
虽然这项近期研究与近视有关,但 Belkin的主要研究目的是激光及其在治疗眼疾方面的应用。 dxy

What if, Belkin asks, the dynamic I found myself in was reversed, and women now saw men as “ too old” to procreate with?
Belkin问道,如果我们置身其中的机制完全颠倒了,女人开始觉得男人“太老了”,不能生育了,会出现什么情况呢? yeeyan

When the Belkin USB adapter is plugged in, the host controller device driver enumerates it.
Belkin USB适配器插入时,主机控制器设备驱动程序会枚举它。 ibm

Belkin doesn't identify any evolutionary benefit for extreme myopia in summer babies.
对于夏天出生儿童出现的严重近视, Belkin没有发现任何进化优势。 dxy

Belkin scientifically demonstrated this correlation20 years ago.
20年前, Belkin科学的证明了这种联系。 dxy




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