

单词 be limited by
释义 be limited by短语⁶⁵⁵⁸⁵
“ Our ability to remedy problems in the brain may ultimately be limited by how many side effects occur, ” said Boyden.
波一登说:“最终,我们在脑部治疗方法的补救问题上受制于副作用产生的多少。” yeeyan

Bandwidth for3G cellular may further be limited by cell tower bandwidth in some areas.
用于3G手机的带宽可能会进一步受到某些区域手机发射塔带宽的限制。 ibm

Experts say early warning systems will continue to be limited by these facts until earthquakes and tsunamis can be predicted.
专家表示,早期预警系统将继续受这类原因的限制,直到地震和海啸可以准确预测为止。 ebigear

Successful reinnervation of one sacral nerve has been shown to allow voluntary eliciting of a detrusor contraction; however, its efficacy is expected to be limited by several facts.
现已表明,某条骶神经重建成功后可主动引发逼尿肌收缩。然而,受几项因素限制,其预期功效是有限的。 blog.sina.com.cn

With digital technology, you don't have to be limited by the choices of books in shops.
有了数码技术,你不必受商店里的书的选择的限制。 hxen.com




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