

单词 to be worth
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“Got to be worth a try, I suppose, ” said Crowley.
“值得一试,我想”克鲁利说。 yeeyan

But hard- nosed criminals have seen that it involves enough real money to be worth casing.
但精明实际的犯罪分子已经看到,它涉及足够多的真实资金,值得去勘察一下。 ecocn

But critics say nuclear power is too costly and dangerous to be worth further expansion.
但批评人士表示,核电过于昂贵和危险,不值得进一步开发。 ebigear

But it is enough, Dr Chen reckons, for the process to be worth considering for mass production.
但是陈博士认为,这是不够的,该进程值得考虑大规模的生产。 ecocn

Speculators and futurists talk about a“ post- scarcity” economy, in which things are generally free; in which the costs of things are too low for it to be worth measuring them.
投机者和未来主义者谈到了“后匮乏”经济,其中所有一切通常都是免费的;其成本太低而不值得对其进行衡量。 ibm

The first rule of code reuse is that the code needs to be worth re-using.
代码重用的第一规则是代码值得被重用. yeeyan

The bailout plan released yesterday is a lot better than the proposal Henry Paulson first put out— sufficiently so to be worth passing.
昨天公布的救市方案比起亨利·保尔森最早抛出的方案改进良多——因此十分值得通过。 yeeyan




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