

单词 to begin
释义 to begin短语¹⁸⁹⁸
If the developers have an issue with that, why did they pay to get into the dev program to begin with?
如果开发者觉得这样有问题,为什么他们开始的时候要付费进入开发程序呢? yeeyan

If you are yourself at work, you will either thrive or wither, and if you wither chances are that you are in the wrong place to begin with.
如果你在工作中坚持做自己,你要么茁壮成长,要么逐渐枯萎,当你枯萎的时候,还会有机会在你枯萎的错误地方重新开始。 kekenet

It was only once I set goals for myself again— realistic goals— that I was able to begin my escape from debt hell.
直到某一天我再次给自己设立目标之后—现实目标—我才开始能从这个债务的地狱里逃脱出来。 yeeyan

Some of the audience was visibly concerned with this idea, either assuming they did not have the expertise to perform such a task, or that it wasn't their responsibility to begin with.
有一些听众显然很关心这个思想,有的人可能不具备执行这项任务的专业技能,或者开始这项任务的执行并不是他们的责任。 ibm

Today you have the opportunity to begin anew.
今天的你有机会重新开始生活。 yeeyan

Where to begin?
从哪里开始呢? yeeyan

To begin, you need some data.
首先,您需要一些数据。 ibm




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