

单词 believability
释义 be·liev·a·bil·i·ty 英bɪliːvə'bɪlɪtɪ美bɪliːvə'bɪlɪtɪ 高COCA⁷⁰³⁹⁸BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³iWeb³⁶⁵⁸⁰

the quality of being believable or trustworthy近义词 credibility可信crediblenesscredible的名词形…

用作名词The production of this catalogue is in suspicion of thebelievabilityof print and media.这次画册的制作是对印刷和传媒的可信度的质疑。noun.verisimilitude
同义词 plausibilitycredibility,credibleness,likelihood,plausibleness,validity,validnessbelievableness,creditability,creditableness
credibilitynoun believeableness
crediblenessnoun believableness
plausibilitynoun verisimilitude
plausiblenessnoun verisimilitude
believability,chance,color,credibility,credibleness,creditability,creditableness,integrity,likelihood,plausibility,possibility,probability,prospect,reliability,satisfactoriness,solidity,solidness,soundness,tenability,trustworthiness,validity The production of this catalogue is in suspicion of the believability of print and media.
这次画册的制作是对印刷和传媒的可信度的质疑。 www.artnow.com.cn

To this end, special effects simulation tools, while physically based, must be able to be dynamically controlled in an intuitive manner in order to ensure believability and the quality of the effect.
由于基于实物的模拟,特效模拟工具必须是直观的、动态可控的,这样才能保证真实感和模拟效果的质量。 yeeyan

Comment also on the writers' style, accuracy, and the believability of their accounts.
报告中应同时对作者的写作风格、正确性、以及可信度提出评论。 myoops

Conventional float type mechanical flowmeter has the disadvantages of high failure rate, difficult set, poor believability of the data measured.
传统的浮子式机械流量计故障率高、坐层困难,所取资料可信度差。 cnki

First of all, the members of the Trash-Site Safety Council are not listed, which could make a big difference in the believability of the study.
其一,垃圾场安全委员会的成员没有被清楚列举出来,这一点可令该研究的可信度产生巨大的差异。 iciba

I'm totally addicted to your story, because you certainly have a sense of believability.
我完全迷住了,你肯定拥有令人信服的见识。 tianya

It is apparent that the trope of believability is something that concerns not only writers of fantasy, but also the makers of science fiction, horror, and animation films.
显然,可信性的问题不仅是幻想作家所关心的,也是科幻小说家、恐怖电影和动画家所共同关心的问题。 artk8

The key is to take something and make it more extreme in order to give it more life, but not so much that it destroys believability.
这个关键点是去找到什么并使它更极端去为了使它更自然,但不能太过使它破坏了可信度。 blog.sina.com.cn

Try to find numerous valuable star ratings with basic safety, believability as well as.
试着找到许多有价值的基本安全星级评定,可信度以及。 juezhan001

When taken out of the moment, an audience will often find that the actor's fame eclipses his or her believability as a character.
到了那些时候,观众通常就会发觉演员的名气往往会掩盖了这些角色的可信性。 xia728




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