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词汇 toast
释义 toast 英təʊst美tostAHDtōst ★★☆☆☆高四六研I4八GCOCA⁸⁵¹¹BNC⁷⁹¹²iWeb⁷⁶⁶⁰Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺


bread made brown by being held in front of heat, usually eaten hot with butter


a call on other people to drink to a person or thing; words spoken before drinking


person, etc. toasted

vt. & vi. 烤


vt. & vi. 为…干杯

drink and wish for the success and happiness of

slices of bread that have been toasteda celebrity who receives much acclaim and attention;

he was the toast of the town

a person in desperate straits; someone doomed;

I'm a goner if this plan doesn't work

one mistake and you're toast

a drink in honor of or to the health of a person or event
make brown and crisp by heating;

toast bread

crisp potatoes

propose a toast to;

Let us toast the birthday girl!

Let's drink to the New Year

toast, bake, roast


1.方式不同:bake通常指在密封的容器中或在锅上间接烘烤,食物不直接接触火; 而toast则指在火上或火旁直接烘烤,把食物烤脆,烘烤成黄色; roast既可指直接放在火上烤,也可指放在火炉中烤,还可指放在热炭中烤或把已烤的面包、肉等进一步烤得更焦。

2.客体不同:bake的客体为鱼、肉、面包等; 但toast主要是指用明火烤猪、禽肉,甚至一整只动物。







来自古法语toster,烤火,烤面包,-st,过去分词格。来自拉丁语torrere,燃烧,词源同torrid, terracotta。拼写比较roast, roster。后引申词义干杯,祝酒,致辞等,最初用于祝愿漂亮女人或受欢迎的女人永远健康美丽,据说是来自中世纪流传的一个小故事,在英国著名的巴斯温泉度假村,有一位美女在泡温泉,然后一个绅士或假绅士真色狼想去搭讪这个美女,于是就想出了一个妙招,拿起一个杯子在美女沐浴过的水池里面舀了一杯水,然后说,您真美丽,祝您永远健康,潜台词就是我是真的仰慕您的美丽,您的洗澡水都让我如此着迷,但故事到此结束了。故事虽然美丽,但实际情况更可能是来自面包的比喻义,因这种面包当时用于增加酒的香味,因此,举杯前说一段祝酒辞能更好的增加宴会的品味。 torrid来自拉丁语torrere,燃烧,使干燥。来自原始印欧语*ters,干的,词源同terrain, toast。 terracotta来自意大利语terra cotta,熟土,陶土。来自terra,土,cotta,烤过的。来自拉丁语cocta,烤过的,词源同cook。 roast来自古法语rostir,烤。来自原始日耳曼语*raustijana,烤。来自原始印欧语*reus,烤,词源同rotisserie。 roster来自荷兰语rooster,表格,清单。来自中古荷兰语roosten,烤,烧烤,词源同roast。比喻用法,因表格如同烧烤架而得名。
用作名词 n.
动词+~drink a toast干杯exchange toasts相互敬酒make toast做烤面包propose a toast提议干杯reply〔respond〕 to the toast回敬形容词+~French toast法式吐司,蘸鸡蛋、牛奶的煎面包片介词+~join sb in a toast与某人一起干杯a piece〔slice〕 of toast一片烤面包have sb on toast任意摆布某人~+介词a toast of受…敬仰的人用作动词 v.~+名词toast oneself烤火~+副词toast boisterously兴高采烈地烤toast convivially欢乐地烤toast fraternally友好地干杯toast victoriously为胜利干杯~+介词toast before the fire烤火
故事记忆大船靠近 Coast海岸鲜美鲸肉 Toast烤醉酒开始 Boast吹牛货物被贼 Hoist吊起非常记忆to去〖熟词〗+a一〖熟词〗+st石头〖拼音〗⇒去一块大石头上烤面包谐音记忆音“偷食的”⇒ 偷食的烤面包 很好吃发音记忆“吐司”→烤面包近义词 to对于bake烤drink喝crisp脆的bread面包grill烤架salute行礼pledge发誓warm温暖的tribute贡品brown棕色的warm up变暖wassail干杯darling亲爱的favorite喜爱的drink to为 … 祝酒toasted bread吐司favourite最喜爱的crispen 使 … 卷曲goner完蛋的人…roast烤肉
用作名词n.I ate two slices of toast.我吃了两片吐司。
I suggest to propose a toast to our friendship.我建议为我们的友谊干杯。
The old man was the toast of the whole neighborhood.这老人受到邻里的交口称赞。用作动词v.
S+~+AThe bread toasts well.这面包烤得很好。
S+~+ n./pron.She toasted slices of bread for refreshments.她烤了几片面包当茶点。
There he was toasting himself by the fire.他就在那儿,在火炉边烤火。
Let's all toast the bride and bridegroom.让我们为新郎新娘干杯。
I toast your health.我为你的健康干杯。
Let's toast the militant friendship between our two countries!为我们两国间的战斗友谊干杯!
The bread is being toasted.面包正在烤。
I was toasted by him most eloquently at the dinner.进餐时他口若悬河地向我祝酒。
S+~+ n./pron. + adj.I toasted the bread very dark.我把面包烤得很焦。Ptoasteen.被祝酒的人Ptoastmastern.宴会主持人toasternettoaster网; Pmilk-toasta.软弱的不振作的Ptoasting-forkn.长柄烤面包叉Pmilquetoastn.胆小者意志薄弱的人Ptoastern.烤面包器烤面包炉祝酒人





用作名词She put a dab of butter on thetoast.她在吐司上抹了一点黄油。
Twotoastbread and a cup of coffee.两个吐司面包,一杯咖啡。
We breakfasted ontoastand coffee.我们用的早餐是烤面包片和咖啡。
He spread some strawberry jam on histoast.他把草莓酱涂在烤面包片上。用作名词I should like to propose atoastto the bride and bridegroom.我提议为新娘新郎的幸福乾杯。
At weddings the best man will always make atoast.在这个婚宴上一般是伴郎他来说祝酒词。
As you said in yourtoast, the Chinese people are a great people.正如你在祝酒词中讲的那样,中国人民是伟大的人民。用作动词The burnttoastbread smelled up the whole room.面包烤焦了,整个房间都充满了焦味。
Mother is spreading thetoastwith marmalade.妈妈在烤面包上涂果酱。
Theytoasttheir feet in front of the fire.他们在火前烘脚。用作动词I propose atoastto the health of the guests.我提议为来宾的健康干一杯。
Let'stoastthe friendship between two countries.让我们为两国间的友谊干杯。noun.salutation when drinking alcohol
同义词 salute,tributeacknowledgment,celebration,ceremony,commemoration,compliment,down,drink,health,honor,pledge,proposal,sentiment,shingle,thanksgiving
反义词 censure,denunciationverb.brown with heat
同义词 crisp,dry,grill,roast,warmcook,heat,parch
brownadjective of a dark color with a yellow-red hue
amber,auburn,bay,beige,bister,brick,bronze,buff,burnt sienna,chestnut,chocolate,cinnamon,cocoa,coffee,copper,drab,dust,ecru,fawn,ginger,hazel,henna,khaki,mahogany,nut brown,ochre,puce,russet,rust,sepia,snuff-colored,sorrel,tan,tawny,terra-cotta,umber
burnverb be on fire;set on fire
bake,be ablaze,blaze,brand,broil,calcine,cauterize,char,combust,conflagrate,cook,cremate,enkindle,flame,flare,flash,flicker,glow,heat,ignite,incinerate,kindle,light,melt,parch,reduce to ashes,rekindle,roast,scald,scorch,sear,set a match to,singe,smolder,toast,torch,wither
complimentverb praise, flatter
acclaim,adulate,applaud,butter up,cajole,celebrate,charm,cheer,commemorate,commend,congratulate,endorse,eulogize,exalt,extol,fawn upon,felicitate,give bouquet,glorify,hail,hand it to,honor,ingratiate oneself with,kudize,laud,magnify,make much of,panegyrize,pat on the back,pay respects,pay tribute to,please,puff up,recommend,roose,salute,sanction,satisfy,sing praises of,soothe,speak highly of,take off hat to,toast,trade last,wish joy to,worship
complimentingverb praise, flatter
acclaiming,adulating,applauding,buttering up,cajoling,celebrating,charming,cheering,commemorating,commending,congratulating,endorsing,eulogizing,exalting,extolling,fawning upon,felicitating,giving bouquet,glorifying,hailing,handing it to,honoring,ingratiating oneself with,kudizing,lauding,magnifying,making much of,panegyrizing,patting on the back,paying respects,paying tribute to,pleasing,puffing up,recommending,roosing,saluting,sanctioning,satisfying,singing praises of,soothing,speaking highly of,taking off hat to,toasting,trade last,wishing joy to,worshipping
congratulateverb compliment on achievement, luck
applaud,bless,boost,felicitate,give a big cigar,give bouquet,give regards,gold star,hand it to,hear it for,laud,pat on back,praise,rejoice with,salute,stroke,toast,wish happy returns,wish joy to,wish one well
cookverb prepare food, usually using heat
bake,barbecue,blanch,boil,braise,brew,broil,brown,burn,coddle,decoct,deep fry,doctor,escallop,fix,french fry,fricassee,fry,grill,heat,imbue,melt,microwave,nuke,panfry,parboil,percolate,poach,pressure-cook,reduce,roast,sauté,scald,scorch,sear,simmer,sizzle,steam,steep,stew,toast,warm up A Welsh breakfast—errrm is it just me or is that cheesy toast flashing me a smile?
威尔士早餐——嗯嘛,仅仅是我或是那样一份干酪吐司让我漾起笑容吗? kekenet

Also, try munching on nuts, or have some toast with peanut butter spread on it.
还可以试着嚼嚼坚果,或是吃些抹了花生酱的的吐司。 yeeyan

And to keep with the theme of Depression-era meals, serve this dish over toast.
为了保持大萧条本色,这道菜一定要浇在烤面包上面上桌。 douban

How about toast and jelly?
烤面包和果酱怎么样? yeeyan

Spread bilberry jam on your morning toast. Or take a bilberry supplement every morning.
在早餐的烤面包上抹上越橘酱,或者每天早晨吃一粒越橘胶囊。 yeeyan

Would you like some toast?
您想来点吐司吗? yeeyan

Breakfast in India— here we have rosemary roasted potatoes, Indian tofu scramble, lentils, veggie sausage and banana pepper toast.
印度早餐——这里我们有迷迭香热煨的土豆,印度豆腐,扁豆,素食香肠和香蕉胡椒吐司。 kekenet

Cinnamon on toast or oatmeal is so tasty it's hard to believe the brown powder has any health benefits at all, but it's actually one of the most powerful healing spices.
在面包或麦片中放点肉桂味道好极了,很难相信这种棕色的粉末对健康这么有好处,实际上它是最有效的治疗用香料之一。 yeeyan

Give Dad a sweet start to his special day with this irresistible baked French toast.
用这款不可抵挡的烤制法式吐司给爸爸特殊的节日一个甜蜜的开始。 yeeyan

He yawned as the smell of bacon, eggs, coffee, and toast wafted up from a massive tent.
而且,朦朦胧胧地,烤肉、鸡蛋、咖啡和烤面包的香味从大帐篷中一阵阵飘过来。 yeeyan

I have juice, cereal, toast, and coffee for breakfast.
我的早餐包括果汁、麦片、面包和咖啡。 ebigear

I also sometimes just enjoy eating hummus on toast or a cracker.
有时候我也喜欢吃带有鹰嘴豆泥的烤面包和饼干。 yeeyan

I was amazed to see an English breakfast on offer: sausages, eggs, toast, coffee.
让我吃惊的是,这里居然有英式早餐提供:腊肠,鸡蛋,吐司,咖啡。 ecocn

If the truck stalls, I'm toast, Gonzales thought.
如果卡车抛锚,那我将变成烤面包了。 yeeyan

In closing, I would like you to join me in a toast to the lasting friendship and cooperation between our two countries, Cheers!
在我结束讲话之际,我请各位和我一起举杯为我们两国之间持久地友谊和合作,干杯! hxen

It makes the perfect starter for a dinner party or even a meal in its own right with thinly sliced toast and a squeeze of lemon.
黄油虾仁可以作为上主餐前完美的前菜,当然如果再配上一些切片吐司和一杯鲜榨柠檬汁,那就完全可以当一顿饭来吃了。 yeeyan

Load up your tank with premium‘ fuel’ and choose some fruit, yogurt, or whole wheat toast.
给你的身体加载优质的‘燃油’,选择一些水果,酸奶,或者全麦面包。 yeeyan

Over egg, bacon and toast in the dining car, I told Jill, mother of young Nicholas, how I'd been warned against travelling anything but first class.
在餐厅里吃着鸡蛋,培根和烤面包,我告诉吉尔,小尼古拉斯的母亲,我是怎样被警告旅行只能坐头等舱。 yeeyan

She dabbed some butter on the toast.
她在吐司上抹了一点黄油。 kekenet

Try mango or peach slices on whole-wheat toast with a little peanut butter and honey.
试试在全麦吐司上放几片芒果或者桃子,再加点花生酱和蜂蜜。 yeeyan

We have oatmeal and toast for breakfast.
我们早点吃麦片和面包片。 kekenet

When we got home, Mum would have“ French Toast” ready for us. This was bread deep-fried in lard.
当我们回家后,母亲会准备好“法式土司”给我们吃,就是用猪油炸过的面包。 yeeyan

Toast, egg, bread roll, butter, jelly and coffee.
吐司、鸡蛋、圆面包、黄油、果酱和咖啡。 hjenglish

Toast is cooked with dry heat until it starts to turn brown.
吐司是将面包干热,直道面包颜色开始呈现棕色为止。 hjenglish




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