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词汇 TNS
释义 TNSEconomist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
A study of seven leading economies by TNS Sofres in 2007 showed that France is unique in that middle management as well as the lower-level workforce is largely disengaged from their companies.
由 TNS Sofres七个经济大国调查研究显示:法国公司的这种特立独行原因在于其中层管理者和低层员工都大大的脱离了公司。 ecocn

In a recent survey taken by UK Sport and TNS Sport, 78% of the British public agreed that sport and active recreation can help to tackle social problems while73% believed it can reduce crime.
最近,英国体育协会和 TNS体育协会进行了一个全国范围内调查,78%的英国公众一致认为体育运动和康乐活动可以帮助解决社会问题,同时73%的人认为体育运动可以减少犯罪。 yeeyan

In2002 people aged12 to19 accounted for16.4% of all spending on albums in Britain, according to TNS Worldpanel.
根据 TNS Worldpanel的调查结果,2002年,年龄在12到19岁的人的消费额占了英国销售专辑总价值的16.4%。 ecocn

In2008 Britons in their40s spent more on pop and rock music than teenagers or people in their20s, according to TNS, a market- research firm.
据市场调查公司 TNS称,2008年英国40岁人群在流行乐和摇滚乐的花费比20岁以下人群或20岁人群要多。 ecocn

Pollsters TNS Omnibus surveyed 2,584 adults in England online.

“ This year, the number of new recruits in the job market has halved and most positions are for experienced applicants only, ” said Carol Cai, an employee of British market research company TNS.
英国市场研究公司 TNS的一名员工卡罗尔。蔡,称:“今年,就业市场中的新职位数量已经减半,而且大部分的职位都仅招有经验的应聘者。”

A TNS Sofres poll this week showed that 72% of the French think that politicians are corrupt—the highest level since the pollster first asked the question in 1977.
本周来自索福莱斯的一项调查显示,72%的法国民众认为政治家是腐败不堪的,这也是该项调查自1977年第一次发起以来的最高水平。 ecocn

A TNS Omnibus poll for the Department for Communities found that the Japanese invention topped a list of gadgets that people wished had never been invented.
这项由英国社区部委托 TNS综合调查公司开展的民调表明,这项日本人的发明登上“最烦人发明榜”之首。

According to TNS Sofrès, a pollster, Mr Chirac is now the most unpopular French president since its polling began in 1978.
根据民意调查专家 TNS Sofrès的调查,自1978年开始民意调查以来,现在的希拉克是最不受欢迎的法国总统。 ecocn

But a survey by the Conference Board- TNS shows that16% of American households with Web access now watch full TV broadcasts online, double the number from a year ago.
但是一个 TNS调查表明,16%的联上网的美国家庭现在都在线观看全部电视广播节目,是上年数字的两倍。 yeeyan

In December Mr Sarkozy's approval rating fell to 49%, according to TNS- Sofres, a pollster, from a high of65% in July.
据 TNS- Sofres,一家民意调查机构的数据,12月份萨科齐先生的支持率从7月份的65%跌到了49%。 ecocn

In America alone, over250m people each spend an average of10.5 hours a week gaming, according to TNS, a market- research firm.
根据市场调查公司 TNT调查,仅仅在美国,超过2亿五千万人平均每人每周花费10.5小时玩游戏。 ecocn

In May the president’s approval rating dropped to 32%, according to TNS Sofres.
在五月份,根据 TNS Sofres的报导,萨科齐的支持率下跌至32%。 ecocn

Mercadona products were ranked number one, in terms of value for money, in a recent survey of5,200 households by TNS, a market researcher.
特恩斯的一名市场调查员对5200户家庭进行调查,在最近的一次调查中,梅尔卡多纳的产品根据经济价值位列第一。 ecocn

Mr Strauss- Kahn now ranks as France’s most popular politician, according to a monthly survey by TNS Sofres, a polling agency.
一项由 TNS市场研究公司一家调查代理机构所做的每月调查表明,施特劳斯-卡恩如今已步入法国最受欢迎政治人物的行列。 ecocn

Now89 percent of Chinese people aged 15 to54 are aware of the NBA, according to findings in a2008 survey conducted by leading global market researcher TNS.
根据2008年全球领先市场调查 TNS,现如今在中国,15岁到54岁的人群中有89%的人知道 NBA。 yeeyan

Retail analyst TNS says one fifth of British men now have a waist bigger than38 inches and a similar number have a chest size of44 inches or higher.
零售分析公司特恩斯说五个男人中有一个腰围大于38英寸,相似数量的人有44英寸或更大的胸围。 yeeyan

Seven out of ten Spaniards want to save money “at all costs”, according to a recent survey by TNS, a market-research specialist.
市场调研机构TNS的数据显示,七成西班牙人想尽省钱之道。 ecocn

They are the most trusted elected officials, with a72% confidence rating, next to just30% for deputies and a paltry15% for ministers, according to a poll, by TNS Sofres.
根据 TNS Sofres的进行的民意调查显示,人民信任选举官员,他们拥有72%令人信服的支持率,相较之下就是有30%支持率的代表,还有部长们15%微不足道的支持率。 ecocn

This month Mr Sarkozy’s popularity rating fell to 26%, according to TNS Sofres, a pollster, a nadir it has touched only once before, in July.
本月,据 TNS Sofres一个民意测验机构统计显示,萨科奇的支持率已下跌至26%,这是仅在七月份出现过的低点。 ecocn

Pollsters TNS Global conducted the research for football World Cup sponsor Duracell.
TNS全球市场信息调研公司为世界杯赞助商金霸王集团做了此次调查。 kekenet

TNS Opinion polled1000 people in each of seven countries for the survey, namely the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Slovakia and the United Kingdom.
TNS Opinion在美国、法国、德国、英国、意大利、波兰和斯洛伐克等七国分别调查了1000人。 ebigear




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