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词汇 Tivoli
释义 Ti·vo·li 英ˈtɪvəliː, ˈtiːvɔːliː美ˈtɪvəli, ˈtivɔliAHDtĭvʹə-lē, tēʹvô-lē 

a town twenty miles to the east of Rome Tibur is the ancient name; a summer resort during the Roman empire; noted for its waterfallsKathy and Evan decide to take pictures inTivoli.凯西和艾凡决定在第凡尼乐园照相。
IBMTivoliBusiness Systems Manager.以实时解决影响商务运行的系统问题。
You ll find moreTivoliinformation on.您可以找到更多的关于Tivoli的信息。
TivoliMarina Portimao: Photos and direct prices!现在就可以拿到绝佳的价钱!
There are plenty of kiosks here inTivoli.第凡尼这里有许多小报摊。
Kathy and Evan decide to visit the famousTivoliGardens.凯西和艾凡决定参观著名的第凡尼乐园。 The integration with Tivoli software ensures availability and performance for composite applications running in production.
与 Tivoli软件的集成确保了产品复合应用的有效性和性能。 ibm

The tree view shows the host and all of its available IBM Tivoli Monitoring agents, and their respective counter groups and counters.
树型视图展示了主机及其所有可用的 IBM Tivoli Monitoring代理,和它们分别的计数器组和计数器。 ibm

A set of Tivoli Provisioning Manager workflows automatically deploy a solution based on the metadata, and significantly reduce the amount of human time needed for deploying complex software solutions.
可由一组 Tivoli Provisioning Manager工作流基于元数据自动部署解决方案,从而极大地减少了部署复杂软件解决方案所需的人工时间。 ibm

Also, in an enterprise context, you might design the architecture around implementing an external security application, such as Tivoli Access Manager.
另外,在企业上下文中,您可以围绕实现外部安全应用程序如 Tivoli Access Manager设计体系结构。 ibm

An endpoint is a computer with the Tivoli management framework endpoint agent installed and is a possible target of a software distribution.
终点是指一台装有 Tivoli管理框架终点代理的计算机,并且是软件发布的一个可能目标机。 ibm

As shown in Listing1, a distributed application is represented as a software application module in Tivoli Provisioning Manager.
如清单1中所示,分布式应用程序在 Tivoli Provisioning Manager中表示为软件应用程序模块。 ibm

As stated earlier, software distribution happens through defined regions in Tivoli.
如前文所述,软件发布发生在 Tivoli的定义区域中。 ibm

As we discussed earlier, enterprise security products, such as Tivoli Access Manager, are typically designed to solve sets of classes of authorization problems.
正如我们前面所讨论的, Tivoli Access Manager之类的企业安全产品通常设计用于解决一系列授权问题。 ibm

However, be knowledgeable of the meaning of the fields reported in Tivoli Performance Viewer, and know that these meanings can change between releases.
但是,需要了解 Tivoli Performance Viewer中报告的这些字段的含义,并知道这些含义在一些版本之间可能有所改变。 ibm

However, the requirements will most likely not specify that the portal should use a credential vault versus another solution such as Tivoli Access Manager.
然而,这些需求很可能没有指定门户应该使用凭据库,而不要使用另一个方案,如 Tivoli Access Manager。 ibm

IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console provides automated problem diagnosis and resolution to improve system performance and to reduce support costs.
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console提供了自动问题诊断和解决,以提高系统性能和减少支持成本。 ibm

It can be used to add Tivoli Access Manager authorization and security services to new or existing Java applications.
可以将其用于向新的或现有的 Java应用程序添加 Tivoli Access Manager授权和安全服务。 ibm

Licenses and software distribution components need to be installed for the software distribution capability to work in the Tivoli configuration manager suite.
许可证和软件分布组件为了软件分布能力需要进行安装,以工作在 Tivoli配置管理器套件中。 ibm

Make your own customizations and save the image after you have a working system with IBM Tivoli Monitoring set up.
在有了设置有 IBM Tivoli Monitoring的工作系统之后,进行您自己的定制并保存映像。 ibm

Once this step is completed, the team of deployment specialists can then source the packages and deploy the artifacts to the pertinent targets using Tivoli.
当这一步骤完成后,部署专家团队就可以用 Tivoli来确定包的来源并将工件部署到相关的目标上了。 ibm

The next screen allows you to specify the Tivoli- monitored server.
下一幅屏幕将允许您指定 Tivoli监视服务器。 ibm

These products also link well with a wide range of other Tivoli products to support a centralized, holistic approach to monitoring messaging systems.
这些产品还链接到范围广泛的其他 Tivoli产品,支持一种集中、整体的消息传递系统监控方法。 ibm

These times should be considered when setting the sampling interval for situations defined in Tivoli Enterprise Portal.
在为 Tivoli Enterprise Portal中定义的情景设置采样间隔时,应该考虑这些时间。 ibm

This allows us to integrate DB2 monitoring with Tivoli Netcool enterprise system management software or other SNMP managers.
这允许我们集成 DB2监控和 Tivoli Netcool企业系统管理软件或其他 SNMP管理器。 ibm

This information is then consolidated in one easy-to-use role-based interface, the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal.
然后,这种信息被合并到一个简单易用的基于角色的界面: IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal。 ibm

This will ensure that each virtual machine created during deployment is configured to report back to your Tivoli Enterprise Management Server instance.
这将确保在部署期间创建的每个虚拟机都被配置为向 Tivoli Enterprise Management Server实例发送回报告。 ibm

To encrypt file data, an encryption key password must be selected, which Tivoli Storage Manager uses to generate the encryption key for encrypting and decrypting the file data.
为加密文件数据,必须选择一个加密密钥口令, Tivoli Storage Manager使用它来生成加密密钥,以加密和解密文件数据。 ibm

To exploit the Tivoli Service Automation Manager capability to create a set of virtual images using different networks and different resources, create different resource pools.
要使用 Tivoli Service Automation Manager的功能来创建一组使用不同网络和不同资源的虚拟镜像,我们需要创建不同的资源池。 ibm

To make this integration work, the practitioners have to understand that Tivoli packages have hard- coded references to views.
为了使集成有意义,实践者必须理解 Tivoli包对视图的引用使用的是不变的代码。 ibm

To use this functionality, create a software module that represents this new configuration for IBM Tivoli Monitoring agent.
为了使用这个功能,我们要创建一个代表这个 IBM Tivoli Monitoring代理新配置的软件模块。 ibm

We can use recent versions of Tivoli Performance Viewer to identify this problem.
我们可以使用 Tivoli Performance Viewer的最新版本来识别这个问题。 ibm

While using open packages, the view server must be visible to the appropriate Tivoli components.
当使用开放包时,视图服务器必须对适当的 Tivoli组件是可见的。 ibm

You can then manage the software package within the Tivoli management framework.
接下来你能够在 Tivoli管理框架里管理软件包。 ibm

Tivoli Provisioning Manager's broad collection of features can create complexity, because you can use it for every automation task imaginable.
Tivoli Provisioning Manager的大量特性可以产生复杂性,因为您可以对每一个想象到的自动化任务使用它。 ibm




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