

单词 title page
释义 title page ˈtaɪtlpeɪdʒ 短语²⁷⁶⁷⁴

a page of a book displaying the title and author and publisherfrom title page to colophon从头至脚
用作名词All the contributors are credited on thetitle page.所有撰稿人的姓名均刊登在扉页上。
The compass card available here is the original of an identical card that graces thetitle pageof the book.在这里公开的指南针盘面和在书扉页上的盘面一样。 What do you see on the title page?
在扉页上你都看到了什么? blog.sina.com.cn

“ You remind me of an old, old friend, ” he told her, as he wrote swiftly and carefully on the title page.
“你的名字让我想起一个老朋友。”他边小心翼翼在封面上迅速地签名,边对她说。 yeeyan

But the moment he heard that Napoleon had declared himself Emperor, he tore off the dedication of the title page.
但是,当他听说拿破仑宣布当皇帝时,立刻撕去了写着献辞的封面。 http://dj.iciba.com

But the moment he heard that Napoleon had declared himself Emperor, he tore out the dedication on the title page.
但是,当他听说拿破仑宣布自己为皇帝时,立刻撕去了写着献辞的扉页。 chinaedu

On conception, the title page design shows originality and richly forms, some coming straight to the point, some significantly, some decorating beautify or the writing constitution.
在立意上,独具匠心、形式多样,有的开门见山,有的意味深长,有的装饰美化或文字构成。 fabiao

Open the book that will record your new life, and write down seriously from the title page your real success in life.
打开新生活的书,从扉页开始端端正正地谱写自己的成功人生。 http://dj.iciba.com

Step3: Make sure your screenplay includes a title page with the title, author and contact information.
第三步:务必检查确认你的剧本有一个含有标题、作者和联系方式的首页。 yeeyan

Title page: The page that carries the title, author, and name of the publisher of the book. It is always a recto.
扉页:有着书名,作者,出版者的资料的一页。它通常是奇数页。 dict.v.wenguo.com




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