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词汇 titan
释义 titan

a person of exceptional importance and reputationGreek mythology any of the primordial giant gods who ruled the Earth until overthrown by Zeus; the Titans were offspring of Uranus Heaven and Gaea Earththe largest of the satellites of Saturn; has a hazy nitrogen atmospheretitan bronze钛青铜titan acid钛酸titan yellow钛黄titan crane巨型起重机
近义词 giant巨人genius天才monster怪物superman超人behemoth巨兽superwoman女超人colossus庞然大物heavyweight超过平均重量的人或物…

用作名词I offer you the very blade I used to slay a titan.我赐予你我那我那真正的武器,那我曾经用来杀死过泰坦巨人的武器。
He was a surprisingly unassuming man for such a titan among statesmen.作为政治家中的巨人,邓小平是一个非常谦逊的人。用作名词Methane smog enshrouds Titan, Saturn's mysterious moon.甲烷所形成的烟雾遮蔽了泰坦,也就是土星的神秘卫星。
This was a great step needed more help yet from the Titan.虽然这已经是一个很大的进步,可人类还需要泰坦更多的帮助。 IT WAS only a matter of time before Google, the technology titan of the internet age, found itself in antitrust trouble.
作为网络时代的技术巨人,谷歌发现其深陷反垄断的漩涡是迟早的事情。 yeeyan

Their macro story is clear: China is now a rising consumer titan, and investors need to take note.

Another reason for the investigation of Mr Qu could involve distributing nominal state assets to private owners, an issue that has been a topic of conversation among many Titan Sports employees.
调查瞿先生的另一个原因可能涉及到把名义上的国有资产分配给私人所有者,这个问题已经成为许多《体坛周报》雇员们的话题之一。 yeeyan

At the time, Tokyo was an awe-inspiring economic titan, arguably the most important capital outside the United States.
当时的东京是令人惊叹的经济巨人,无疑也是除美国外最重要的资本市场。 yeeyan

But the entrepreneur did not need the Californian governor's tips on keeping lean and building muscle. In just over a decade, he has turned a tiny startup into an online titan.
不过,他可不需要这位加州州长来指导自己如何保持精瘦、锻炼肌肉——短短十几年,他就把一家小小的初创企业变成了网商巨人。 yeeyan

But at the low temperatures prevalent on Titan, these reactions would normally occur too slowly to account for the disappearing hydrogen.
但是正常情况下,在“提坦”上普遍的低温环境里,这些化学反应发生的很慢,因此不能解释氢的消失。 yeeyan

But he says it may not be possible to distinguish between biological and non- biological explanations without additional missions to Titan.
但他说:没有另外的对“提坦”的探索,区别生物和非生物解释是不太可能的。 yeeyan

Collection devices are connected directly to the air guard's workstations and transferred to the Titan storage solution for analysis, and then data is archived to tape.
搜集设备直接联接到空中防卫的工作站,并传送到 Titan存储方案以进行分析并在随后将数据存入磁带。

Despite its color, Titan actually seemed to look a lot like the early Earth.
除开颜色不同以外,“泰坦”实际上似乎很像早期的地球。 yeeyan

Given all of this, if life were to be found on Titan, it would blast away everything we understand about how life works.
考虑到所有这些情况,如果在泰坦上发现了生命,它将打破我们关于生命运转的一切认知。 yeeyan

IBM, the titan of the computing world at the time, quickly lost control of its own creation, allowing others to reap the benefits.
作为当时计算机领域的巨头, IBM很快就对自己的成果失去了控制,使得其它公司从中受益。 ecocn

In 2005, the Huygens probe landed on Titan and gave humanity its first view of its unusual surface.
2005年,惠更斯号探测器着陆土卫六,使人类第一次看到了其不寻常的表面。 yeeyan

On Titan, methane forms clouds and maybe even rain.
在土卫六上,甲烷可以形成云甚至降雨。 hjenglish

One puzzle scientists are trying to figure out is why Titan has so much methane in its atmosphere.
科学家们正试图解开的一个疑惑是为什么泰坦的大气中含有这么多甲烷。 yeeyan

Rather than being bolted to the floor like Titan, it can walk on two articulated legs.
不像泰坦那样被固定的地板上,机器人助手能用两条有关节的腿行走。 ecocn

Some researchers think that Titan, with its thick atmosphere and lakes of liquid methane, is the likeliest spot to find extraterrestrial life in our solar system.
一些研究人员认为,拥有厚厚大气层和液态甲烷湖的“泰坦”是太阳系内最有可能发现地外生命的天体。 yeeyan

Ten years ago Microsoft was a feared and fearful technology titan.
十年前,微软是一个令人害怕同时自己也在担惊受怕的科技巨人。 yeeyan

The balloons would be used to transport equipment on unmanned missions. First stop on the list of potential destinations for a balloon is Saturn's biggest moon Titan.
气球在无人的任务会被用来当作运输设备。列表上气球的第一个潜在的目的地是土星最大的卫星泰坦。 ed09

The approach is similar to that of a firm based in the Netherlands called Titan Wood.
该方法和另外一家位于荷兰称作 Titan木材的公司所采取的方法类似。 ecocn

The e- tail titan prospered by continuing to offer low prices and superb customer service in hard times.
这家网上零售巨人因在困难时期仍然奉行低价政策和提供优质客户服务而兴盛。 yeeyan

The oil titan will finally step down at the end of2005 in favour of Rex Tillerson, a company insider who is his hand- picked successor.
2005年底,这位石油巨人终于决定退休,同时扶持他精心挑选的内部继承人选――雷克斯-蒂勒森上台。 ecocn

The time consuming art that he represents must surely be a one of a kind endeavor since it must take the patience of a titan to finish each hair just the way it’s supposed to fall.
他所展示的这些耗时艺术作品,光是完成每根发丝,就需要一个巨人的毅力了,并且还要画出它自然垂落的样子,这可算得上是一项考验忍耐性的工程了。 yeeyan

This one concerned the possibility of life on Saturn's largest moon, Titan.
这次有关生命存在的发现地是土星最大的卫星—土卫六。 yeeyan

Titan was a major focus of the mission all along, since it's bigger than the planet Mercury and the only moon massive enough to have a significant atmosphere.
土卫六一直以来都是这项探测任务的主要聚焦点,因其体积比水星还要大,是唯一一颗拥有浓密大气层的卫星。 yeeyan




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