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词汇 beleaguered
释义 be·lea·guered 英bɪ'liːɡəd美bɪ'liːɡərd ★☆☆☆☆高COCA¹⁹⁶⁶⁸BNC¹⁶²⁸⁵iWeb²³¹⁷⁷Economist⁷⁸⁰⁵
动词 beleaguer:
annoy persistentlysurround so as to force to give up前缀be-, 强调。leag,躺,词源同lie, 躺。来自军事用语,指安营扎寨,长久包围。beleaguer围攻
as in.screened
同义词 abandoned,blockaded,cloistered,close,closet,deserted,hidden,isolate,quarantined,quiet,removed,reserved,retired,segregated,sequestered,shy,withdrawnalone,aloof,confidential,covert,cut off,hermetic,incommunicado,insular,lonely,lonesome,off the beaten track,out-of-the-way,personal,private,reclusive,remote,secluse,seclusive,secret,shut off,singular,solitary,tucked away,unapproachable,unfrequented,uninhabited,unsociable
反义词 extroverted,friendly,open,outgoing,seen,sociable,unreservedas in.secluded
同义词 cloistered,deserted,hidden,lonely,quiet,remote,uninhabitedabandoned,blockaded,close,closet,isolate,quarantined,removed,reserved,retired,screened,segregated,sequestered,shy,withdrawnalone,aloof,confidential,covert,cut off,hermetic,incommunicado,insular,lonesome,off the beaten track,out-of-the-way,personal,private,reclusive,secluse,seclusive,secret,shut off,singular,solitary,tucked away,unapproachable,unfrequented,unsociable
反义词 inhabited,open,populated,extroverted,friendly,outgoing,sociable,unreservedjoining,mingling,public,socializing
screenedadjective secluded
abandoned,alone,aloof,blockaded,cloistered,close,closet,confidential,covert,cut off,deserted,hermetic,hidden,incommunicado,insular,isolate,lonely,lonesome,off the beaten track,out-of-the-way,personal,private,quarantined,quiet,reclusive,remote,removed,reserved,retired,secluse,seclusive,secret,segregated,sequestered,shut off,shy,singular,solitary,tucked away,unapproachable,unfrequented,uninhabited,unsociable,withdrawn
secludedadjective isolated, sheltered
abandoned,alone,aloof,beleaguered,blockaded,cloistered,close,closet,confidential,covert,cut off,deserted,hermetic,hidden,incommunicado,insular,isolate,lonely,lonesome,off the beaten track,out-of-the-way,personal,private,quarantined,quiet,reclusive,remote,removed,reserved,retired,screened,secluse,seclusive,secret,segregated,sequestered,shut off,shy,singular,solitary,tucked away,unapproachable,unfrequented,uninhabited,unsociable,withdrawn A few beleaguered liberal economists had argued, with great force, that no planned economy could match the productive efficiency of a capitalist system.
一些饱受围攻的自由主义经济学家已经化了极大的力气,论证了没有任何一种规划经济能够媲美资本主义体系的生产效率。 yeeyan

And the head of the beleaguered Bank of America said the lender probably would not need more government money, but other banks might.
另外,饱受批评的美国银行的高层表示贷方/他们将不再需要更多的政府资金,但也许其他的银行会需要。 ecocn

It is dangerous to infer too much from martial bluster in British politics: at the first hint of trouble, channelling Churchill is a default tactic for beleaguered leaders of all sorts.
企图从风云变幻的英国政坛中,嗅出太多实为危险之举:对所有遭到围攻的领袖们而言,闻风不妙时,诉诸丘吉尔乃为既定策略。 ecocn

A GENERATION ago, gays felt the system was stacked against them. These days, at least on liberal university campuses, it is fundamentalist Christians who feel beleaguered.
一代人之前,同性恋者感到社会体系对己不利;而如今,至少在风气自由的大学校园中,自觉受到围攻的却是基要派教徒们。 ecocn

A beleaguered bank economist trudged to France to defend himself at a symposium chaired by the head of the country’s constitutional court.
为此焦头烂额的一位银行经济学家,专门跋涉至法国,以在由该国宪法法院院长主持的研讨会上为自己辩护。 ecocn

All the time I have continually beleaguered myself of fears that really don’t exist.
所有的时间我把自己不停的围困在事实上并不存在的担忧之中。 yeeyan

And if that helps boost Pakistan’s beleaguered moderates, then so much the better.
如果这能壮大巴基斯坦饱受争议的温和派,那就更好了。 ecocn

But the rebels who came pouring into Tripoli, and the beleaguered citizens who cheered them on, have won their day of victory by war.
但是在的黎波里,攻入市区的反对派和热烈欢迎他们的被困市民一起赢得了战争胜利。 ecocn

Enemy troops beleaguered the city.

In Egypt and Tunisia more professional armies refused to open fire to save their beleaguered presidents after the collapse of the police.
在埃及和突尼斯,当警察系统瘫痪后,更职业化的军队拒绝为被围困的总统开火。 ecocn

It takes a powerful magic to keep Brits quiet on a Saturday night— just ask the nation's beleaguered police.
只有巨大的魔力才能使英国人在周六晚上保持平静——去问问那些烦恼的国家警察吧。 yeeyan

It shows how a brave film company, embedding itself with a beleaguered family of white farmers off and on for a year, can bring to life the horrors that have befallen an entire country.
电影公司融入一户陷入困境的白人农民家庭断续长达一年之久。这一勇气之举使笼罩津巴布韦全国的恐怖氛围得以被公诸于世。 ecocn

Most conservatives, especially since the2001 attacks, see Israel as a beleaguered democracy that shares America’s Judeo- Christian values.
尤其2001年以来,众多保守人士视以色列为中东与美国有共同的犹太基督价值观的被围攻的民主国家。 ecocn

No country can long tolerate a besieged embassy or news of beleaguered nationals dying at the hands of a mob.
没有哪个国家会容忍大使馆受到围困,或者对国民受到围攻,面临死于暴民之手的危险置若罔闻。 yeeyan

Six security guards trapped in the beleaguered embassy building were at last rescued by Egyptian commandos who used live ammunition to scatter the protesters.
六名安保人员被困在遭围攻的大使馆内,最终埃及突击队使用实弹驱散抗议者才将他们救出。 ecocn

Supporters of Col Gaddafi reportedly occupied central Green Square in a public show of support for the beleaguered leader.
卡扎菲的支持者在绿色中央广场为正处于围攻中的领袖举行公开支持集会。 yeeyan

That is another reason for the beleaguered incumbents to seek solace in each other’s embrace.
这也是困境中的企业们从拥抱彼此中寻找安慰的另一个原因。 ecocn

The broadcasts not only rile dictators, but comfort their beleaguered opponents.
广播不仅激怒了独裁者,而且安慰了他们被围困的反对派。 ecocn

They say they are defending both God’s will and a vital child-centred institution that is already beleaguered enough.
他们说,他们正在捍卫上帝的意志和以孩子为中心的重要制度,这一制度已经受到足够多的围攻。 ecocn

This puzzled Egyptians, rousing fears that the army, which had previously maintained a studied neutrality, had opted to side with the beleaguered political leadership.
这让埃及很感到疑惑,他们开始担忧之前军队故意保持中立,已经选择与饱受围攻的政治领导为伍。 ecocn

Beleaguered Greece was hit by a48- hour general strike, as its parliament prepared to vote on a fresh round of spending cuts and tax rises.
在国会准备就削减开支和增加税收进行新一轮投票之际,麻烦缠身的希腊有遭受了一个持续48小时的大罢工。 ecocn

Beleaguered then by Islamists and a tide of public piety, the ostensibly secular government was prone to posing as a defender of orthodoxy.
那时,为伊斯兰教徒和民众普遍虔诚的潮流所困扰,表面世俗的政府倾向于摆出宗教正统性捍卫者的姿态。 topsage




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