

单词 Tippett
释义 Tippett ˈtɪpet 高Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
The Nikto were designed by Creature Supervisor Phil Tippett, first as a maquette, and then as a slip-on mask for a number of background alien extras in Return of the Jedi.
尼克托人由生物总监 Phil Tippett设计,先是小模型,然后是套头面具,供《武士归来》中的数个群众演员使用。 starwarsfans.cn

“ This is a poor town, and not computer literate,” says Anne Tippett of the Civic Hall, an arts centre.
一家艺术中心 Civic Hall的 Anne Tippett说道,这是个穷乡僻壤,电脑普及率很低。 ecocn

Creature Design Supervisor Phil Tippett and his crew developed a number of preliminary maquettes.
生物设计总监 Phil Tippett和手下完成了许多小模型。 starwarsfans.cn

This reminds me of something Shane Claiborne said in an interview with Krista Tippett on NPR’s “ Speaking of Faith” a few years ago.
这使我想起我的东西谢恩克莱伯恩在接受采访说:克丽斯塔蒂皮特 NPR的“信仰说起”几年前。 yeeyan




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